For Guan Zeyuan’s performance.

Wu Di smiled.

He crossed over.

Get the system.

A lot of things have changed.

Like what.

Let Team IG start its rise in the S7 Summer Game.

Let the incense burner system and the wild core system appear in advance.

Let Riot Company go unchecked, directly change the version of the game.

But people’s hearts are still hard to change.

It’s like a dog this H!

It’s still H.

Speaking of which, too.

Even if RNG won the championship at MSI in the previous life, IG won the World Finals.

Have you ever been happy with a dog?


As long as SSG Team Advantage, or H Team Advantage.

The dog laughs more exaggerated than anyone else.


Since it can’t be changed.

Wu Di decided to make Guan Zeyuan cry for SSG for a while!


18 minutes.

JT Team’s base crystal explodes.

LPL commentator.

“It’s too strong, it’s terrifying.”

“SSG didn’t operate at all in this game and beat Team JT with hard power.”

“Congratulations to Team SSG for their first win in the LCK Division.”

“Let’s look forward to what SSG will do next.” Guan Zeyuan roared excitedly.

Miller didn’t answer.

He felt that there was something wrong with Guan Zeyuan’s words!

Looking forward to SSG’s next performance?

SSG faces Team IG next.

Only fools are looking forward to the performance of SSG!

To look forward to.

I’m also looking forward to IG’s performance.

Miller skimmed the eye tube Zeyuan.

For Guan Zeyuan, a newcomer to LPL, explained.

Miller is also new to acquaintance and does not know much.


Miller felt that Guan Zeyuan was either a little crooked in the ass.

Or just talk without going through the brain!

Miller began: “Next is the match between the LCK MVP team and the LPL OMG team. ”

“Speaking of MVP teams, this is a new team.”

“In the S7 season LCK Spring Race, the performance was mediocre.”

“But with the start of the LCK Summer Season, the MVP team has been gaining momentum recently.”


Miller changed his tone: “Compared to Team OMG, Team MVP may have a lot less experience in the competition. ”

“After all, OMG has a good tradition.”

“From the beginning of the S3 season to the present, OMG has a lot of experience in competition.”

“Okay, take a break, let’s look forward to the next performance of Team OMG Player.”


LPL Division.

The first race of the continental competition.

Team OMG vs. Team MVP.

2:40 p.m.

Inside the LPL lounge.

On screen.

The BP interface between OMG and MVP appeared.

Kim Myung-so, Red Rice and Brother Wind.

Three coaches.

With the BP of both sides, they communicate with each other from time to time.


For this battle.

They value it.

After all.

This is the first battle of the LPL.

It is also a battle to understand the strength of the LCK division.

The three are clear.

The MVP team is at the bottom of the four LCK teams.

OMG is among the four teams in the LPL.

Hard power is also the existence of the bottom.


The three wanted to see.

The bottom team of the four teams in LPL and the bottom team among the four teams of LCK.

Who will win?


The attention of the three.

Made it quiet inside the LPL lounge.

The players were watching BP on the screen.

Even the most idle children on weekdays rarely sit very honestly.

For this case.

Wu Di said it was very relaxed.

According to his impression of the S7 Intercontinental Race.

Team OMG vs. Team MVP.

Tiger heads and tails.

In the early stage, the two sides fought fiercely.

After 20 minutes in the middle of the term.

MVPs make mistakes one after another.

Make OMG win easily.

Wu Di said.

This game he is not worried… Because he saw it!

But as the game progressed, looking at the situation between the two sides on the screen, Wu Di noticed something.


The version has been changed.

Changed the direction of the LOL game.

Today’s Continental version.

It’s not the 7.11 version of a previous life.

It’s 7.13.

The version is different.

The outcome of the game also had an impact.

Watch the MVP team’s crocodile, spider queen, clockwork demon Ue-Nakano combo, constantly impacting OMG’s defense.

Wu Di felt.

This round OMG is not easy to play.


As he expected.

OMG Kaminakano Setsuki routed.

The Verus plus Toad on the way down the road could not play the advantage.

The situation tilted in favor of the MVP team.


“Zach can’t use this version!”

“The version of the output-type Tano? Spiders are so useful in the early stage? ”

“The lineup of MVPs is very similar to that of SSG, they are all middle and late heroes in the middle, and early heroes in the middle and field.”

“Yes, the early stage is very fierce, and there is also a later guarantee.”

This situation.

Get the three coaches talking.

Inside the LPL lounge.

The team members also whispered.


The lineup system of the MVP team on the screen.

Indeed with these two days.

The lineup system they have explored is different.


On the commentary table.

The two LPL commentators are explaining the game between OMG and MVP.


Although the two commented on the same stage.


It’s very different.

When Miller explains.

Whenever the MVP team went on the offensive, Miller would nervously say that OMG had to be careful.

Don’t fight anymore.

At the same time, Miller also said that OMG this lineup was dragged to the later stage.

On the other hand, Guan Zeyuan!

MVP advantage.

He shouted loudly, excited.

OMG members were arrested.

He roared excitedly, eager to tell every operation of the MVP team members in detail.

And if OMG fights back.

Guan Zeyuan will say that the current OMG five-person equipment is too poor, and going to find MVP trouble is purely an act of sending death.

This is an extremely clear distinction.

Much to Miller’s displeasure.

Almost with Guan Zeyuan each commentary.


Due to the opening of the continental competition.

Major live streaming platforms.

It’s all being broadcast simultaneously.

For Guan Zeyuan such a performance.

Most of the barrage was sprayed with ‘Guan Zeyuan’.

And a small part …

“LCK is strong? Can’t you admit it? Why spray people’s explanations? Narration to tell the truth? ”

“In my opinion, this year’s LPL is going to be finished again, and the LCK division is indeed too strong.”

“To tell a joke, this year LPL is the most promising year.”

“Looking forward to Brother Li’s appearance, today SKT plays WE, let Brother Li teach 60E to be a person.”

“Come on SSG, recreate the SS blue and white era.”

“This Guan Zeyuan’s explanation skills are good, and he can call the names of all heroic skills, and he is decisively fanned. Don’t say I’m H, people LCK is strong, I like it is a traitor? ”

This small part of the barrage is not numerous.

But it still attracted the attention of many people.


There have been a lot of scolding battles on the Internet.

There is a spray LPL competition area.

There is a spray LCK competition area.

(Got it) There is a spray of a certain player!

More is spray ‘Guan Zeyuan’, the LPL newcomer.


Of course.

For what happens on the network.

Guan Zeyuan does not understand.

At this time.

He was shouting excitedly: “OMG died three people, MVP is going to be a wave, right?” Sure enough, the MVP directly stopped playing the big dragon, and had to drop the OMG from the middle of the road. ”

“There is exactly enough time.”

“It seems that the MVP team can be congratulated in advance for winning the game.”

“It was also the second win in the LCK division.”

Guan Zeyuan raised his hands and shouted.

He is a big fan of Team SSG and Team SKT.

He hopes that the two teams can win the continental championship.


MVP triumph.

In his opinion, it was a victory for SSG and SKT.

LCK wins two in a row.

He was excited!

LCK won the championship!


LPL lounge.

With the game over.

Listen to Guan Zeyuan’s voice on the commentary stage.

Wu Di couldn’t wait to play.


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