As everyone knows.

Delevingne is one of the early strong AD.

Compare that.

There are not many AD that can fight hard with Delevingne during the alignment period.

When both parties use the same technique.

Lucian is kind of one.

After all.

Lucian’s instant outbreak after level three was stronger than Delevingne’s output with an axe and an axe.

And Blom this auxiliary.

Passivity fits Lucian perfectly.

It can be said.

This pair is selected, unless the disparity in strength is too large, it is difficult to collapse ~ online.


See this pair combined.

Wu Di smiled instead.

SSG go down the road just now!

He welcomes.

“Choose Oloi.” Wu Di felt that there was no need to wait for the 5th floor to take out this hero again, and now it would be enough to light it up directly.

Listening to Wu Di’s words.

The broiler was stunned.

He is the middle unit, and it is his turn to choose people.

But what the hell is Oloi?

“I don’t know much.” The, Shy on the side hurriedly spoke up.

He felt that Wu Di was just playing around.

Oloi, the hero, he just knows how to play, not very good at it.

To this hero, The, Shiy understands.

Short legs, easy to be kited, more afraid of GANK in the early stage.

When Oloi first appeared, this hero was hot for a while.

But weakened with several versions.

In the current version, Oloi has always been a sewer hero.

None of them are common in Rank.

Not to mention the competition.

Why was it chosen?


It was his first time on the field.

He didn’t want to make his debut a failure because of Wu Di’s random selection of heroes.

The, shy shouted nervously: “Broiler senior, don’t choose.” ”


Wu Di’s words made him stunned.

“Choosing Oloy is to play for Baolan, what are you anxious about?” Wu Di said with a smile.


This is the case.

Not only The, Schy was stunned.

Kim Myung-so, broiler, and King Ning were all confused.

Delevingne’s AD option.

They can understand.

After all, Delevingne is notoriously strong online.

They believe that Wu Di’s operation uses Delevingne, and IG will definitely not collapse under the road.

It can even play to the advantage.


What the hell is Oloi?

Can this hero play auxiliary?

Don’t say anything else!

To control is not to control.

To protect the ability is not to protect.

This hero goes to assist, isn’t he waiting for the next road to collapse?

After all.

Delevingne is very helpful.

If the assist is not strong, the combination of Deleven, Lucian and Blom will be very difficult to play.

There is a risk of crashing.

“Choose, it’s right to listen to Brother Wu Di. Royale spoke up.

He was full of confidence.


When Wu Di asked him if he would be this hero, he had already explained to him the strength of Delevingaoloi.

Therefore, Baolan is not worried at all that the election of Oloy will collapse.

Pity the SSG team’s down-and-road combination.

It feels like the ruler and Corejj are about to explode.

“Can Oloi play auxiliary?” Kim Myung-so stretched out his hand to stop the broiler from choosing a hero, glanced at the BP countdown, and asked seriously: “Wu Di, are you sure?” ”

“In any version, there is no more suitable for Delevingne than Oeloi.”

“Of course, Oloy is only suitable for Delevingne as an assistant.” Wu Di explained.

He told the truth.

Oloi this hero.

If you give other AD to play auxiliary.

Unless the level gap between the two sides is too large, … If Oloy does not collapse, there will be no heavenly reason.

After all, Oloy is not a support hero.


With Delevingne, the hero of Oloy becomes different.

Two seemingly unrelated heroes are elected at the same time as a system.

A two-person system!

There is no need for the players to grind each other, as long as Baolan can operate Oloi.


For Wu Di’s answer.

Kim Myung-so didn’t say more, letting the broiler choose the hero of Oloy.


Wu Di first chose Delevingne to play AD.

And let Baolan use Oloi to play assist?

Let The, shy get their own debut, basically finished!

This is the new system?

What the?

IG: The gang are crazy, right?

What kind of new system is this?

The, shy is uncomfortable.


SSG Team.

Competition Stand.

Edar looked at the players’ BP interface.

When IG confirmed the third-hand choice.

Edar wondered.

Oloi hit the single?


As an SSG coach, Edar was also a former professional.

Although Edar is now LOL strong, it is not as good as before.

But there are also H diamond levels.

Edar has some insight into the strengths and weaknesses of the hero Oloi.

For now, Team IG has chosen this hero.

Edar said he couldn’t read it.

Edar asked Cuvee: “Is this hero useful for Oloi?” ”

“This hero is okay with the line, but it’s very bulky to fight in groups. If we have a lot of squad, it may be of some use. Cuvee answered truthfully: “If there is a sword or crocodile, I can burst Oloi.” ”

········ Ask for flowers…

Edar was relieved to hear this.

In Edar’s eyes.

Cuvee is the world’s number one list.

Cuvee’s words are still very credible.

“No matter what lineup IG chooses, I just have to be the same and adapt.”

“Delevingne? Oloi? ”

“Hehe, this is not performing acrobatics.”

Edar laughed.

Just at this time.

The camera was pointed at him.

His bright smile appeared on the big screen in the venue.

It also appeared in the live broadcast room of many live continental races.


Panda TV

Intercontinental broadcast live broadcast room.

Because the continental competition represents another big battle between the LPL and LCK divisions.

The number of viewers was huge.

………… 0

There are more than 15 million people in the live broadcast room.

Due to live streaming latency issues.


The barrage was full of doubts.

“Can Oloi be chosen? IG: What the hell is this lineup? Delevingne, Oloi??? ”

“Congratulations IG on your hand.”

“Although I said that I couldn’t understand why I chose these two heroes, I chose to believe in the god of the flute.”

“To be honest, I feel that SSG’s lineup is better than IG’s.”

“Is IG inflated?”

“I feel that it is also a little wrong to have such an important game on a new single, and to give this new singles to choose Oloi?”

“This is certainly not the BP of the Flute God.”

“Not necessarily, maybe it’s a newly developed lineup system by the great inventor of e-sports?”


As the camera in the center of the BP interface turns, we come to the SSG competition table.

The audience in the live broadcast room saw a smiling face.

SSG coach Edar’s bright smile.

This blew up the barrage.

“Coach Stick laughed in advance? Beg Team IG to hit the stick in the face! ”

“Brothers, take out my forty-meter-long big knife, today I will chop a stick and sacrifice to the heavens.”

“Look down on Oloi and Delevingne? These two heroes are not weak. ”

“Di Shen is a great inventor of esports, there must be a routine.”

“Give you 30 seconds, I want all the information about this SSG coach.”

“Edar is a former interstellar player who later played in the LOL pro, and in the S4 season, he was in charge of the SSW team with Redmi, Redam was in charge of BP, Edar was responsible for data analysis, and he was also a champion coach!”

“Hey, is the champion coach hanging? Some time ago, wasn’t Red Rice also confused by the BP of the Flute God? Expressed anticipation of IG’s BP next. ”


… Child…_

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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