Xionggao Esports Stadium.

Inside the venue.

On the big screen.

At this time, there is also a picture of Edar smiling brightly.

Inside the venue.

The voice of the SSG resounded through the venue.

If only I took a closer look.

will find out.

Most of the spectators who shouted the name of the ‘SSG’ team were not from Country H.

There are quite a few Takarajima accents.

This situation.

Many viewers who came across the sea to support the LPL team were puzzled.

On the hot yellow land.

How can there be so many people who support the H stick?


With a ‘IG’ sound.

Inside the venue.

The cries of IG and SSG are like each other, and you sing and I appear.


Commentary seats.

“You can see that Coach Edar is very confident.” Guan Zeyuan looked at the picture on the screen with a smile on his face, and said seriously: “But IG’s lineup is indeed very strange.” ”

“In my opinion.”

“IG’s Delevingne, Blind Monk, and Oloi are three-handed choices, and they can’t see that they are playing a game!”

“It’s like playing “190” Rank. ”

“BP is not over yet, let’s take a look at the BP of the next two sides.” Miller diverted the topic: “I hope IG’s last two choices can surprise us.” ”

With Miller’s words.

On the BP interface, IG’s fourth figure chose to kill Kennan, the hero of the list.

For this person.

Miller said seriously: “It is indeed a good choice to get rid of Kennan, the hero of the list. ”

“After all, Oloi is not very good at hitting Kennan.”

Miller’s voice just fell.

The fourth and fifth hands of the SSG took down the hammerstone and the old cow.

Two support heroes.

Guan Zeyuan spoke up: “SSG has done away the two strong opening assists of hammerstone and old cow, so there are not many assists that can be selected for IG.” ”

“SSG’s Edar coach is still very old!”

“After all, Delevingne can easily play with a strong open hard control assist.”

Guan Zeyuan looked amazed.

With his words, the IG Fifth Man confirmed.

Got rid of Kree.

Miller exclaimed: “IG is also very good. ”

“Kerry, this hero, not only has a good ability to match, but also has an excellent ability to open a group.”

“Everyone should not have forgotten, IG’s Sword Saint Gem System, right?”

“Kerry does it, the back row of IG will be safer.”

Two commentators.

Two interpretive styles.

A kind of commentary called tube dog, licking the LCK team is right.

One is called Miller-style commentary, no matter what the IG lineup is, it is right to support IG first.

The words of the two.

The shouts of IG and SSG in the venue became more and more confrontational.

In the midst of a long shout.

IG quickly settled on the fourth hand lineup.

Tricky Demon Ji.

This relatively strong single hero.

SSG was also quick to select fourth- and fifth-hand heroes.



“Wow, Brother Crown is really moving.”

“Cuvee also chose the signature crocodile to fight Oloi.”

“At present, the SSG lineup has been confirmed, the upper single crocodile, the wild Lexie, the middle single Victor, the lower combination Lucian and Bloom.”

“This lineup is very strong in the first and middle periods! Even if it is dragged into the later stage, the lineup is very good. ”

Guan Zeyuan cheered: “It seems that there is a good show to watch this game.” ”

“Let’s take a look at IG’s fifth-hand assist bit selection.” Miller spoke up.

The words did not fall.

Miller was stunned.

Guan Zeyuan was also stunned.

The shouting in the stadium also stopped briefly.

Because IG’s fifth hand directly locked the hero ‘Jace’.

“Jace assist?” Miller scouted.

“Ha, what is this lineup?” Guan Zeyuan almost laughed.

He was thinking of a terrier.

Jace one-handed assistance!


With the exchange of heroes.

The two understood that Jace was not an auxiliary.

The real auxiliary is Oloi.


The two looked confused.


SSG Competition Stand.

Edar looked incredulously at the BP interface that began the countdown.

If it wasn’t for the referee calling out to him.

He forgot to shake hands.

“Let’s get serious.” Edar shouted to the five SSG team members.

There was nothing else to say.

Walked off the stage.

In his opinion.

IG has chosen such a lineup.

It would be ridiculous for him to worry that the SSG players would fail.

Step off the stage.

Looking at the oncoming Kim Myung-so.

Edar gave an odd smile.

Speaking up.

He met Kim Myung-so twice.

In the past, for Kim Myung-so, Edar felt that Kim Myung-so still had some strength.

But today.

BP performance of IG.

Let Edar have an idea.

Kim Myung-so has been in LPL for so long and has been scrapped.

Or the LCK division has always remained alive.

It allows coaches to keep improving.

With this idea.

Edar straightened his waist, looked condescending, and shook hands with Kim Myung-so.

There was also a word during the handshake.

A look of shame on Kim Myung-so’s company.

For such cases.

Kim Myung-so’s performance was flat.

Instead, I wanted to laugh.

Just because…

As he left the stage, Wu Di said something to him.


A paragraph about the system of Delevingne and Oloy!

Wait for IG to win this game, see if you are still arrogant?

Champion coach, what a big card.

Bah me.


On the commentary table.

As the game enters the second reading interface.

Miller calmed down………

It has been accepted that IG did choose such a line-up.


He spoke up: “The game has entered the second reading interface and will start soon.” ”

“Special mention here.”

“The hero of Oloi, since his appearance, has appeared twice in the LCS division, but both appearances are failures.”

“But that’s hitting the unit with Oloi.”

“This is the first time that Oloi has appeared in the auxiliary position.”

“At the same time.”

“This match is also IG’s new singles and shy debut.”

“Directly choose Jess to line cuvee’s crocodile, let’s look forward to the performance of this IG’s new single.”


IG Competition Stand.

In voice communication.

A bit of a mess.

King Ning had a heated discussion with the broiler.

Baolan interjected two sentences from time to time.

And The, shy…

He was thinking about what Wu Di said just now.

He was a little lost.

This is his debut!

For this.

He didn’t rest well yesterday.

It’s about being ready to play at Carry’s level in today’s game.

Even if you don’t take the MVP.

Also catch the audience’s eye.


The, Shy’s gaze couldn’t help but turn to ‘Delevingne’ and ‘Oloi’.

As soon as this lineup system came out, did anything happen to him?

I’m afraid after the game is over.

No one cares how he performs and how he performs, right?

But can this lineup system work?

After thinking about The, shy: “Senior Wu Di, is there no problem with such a lineup?” Could the game be terminated because it was a bug? ”

“According to the skill introduction, this is not a bug.”

Wu Di replied: “Only 2.4 normal routines.” ”


He chose the Delevinga Oloy system.

It’s really a bug.

But actually.

Wu Di remembers in the last life, after the spring of the S9 season.

This system was only developed by players.

For this system.

The attitude of Riot is obvious and does not belong to BUG.

Because according to Oloi’s skill introduction, this is indeed normal.

But Riot soon changed Oeloy’s skills profile, making the system short-lived.

This is…

Delevingne unlimited passive bounty system.

It is worth mentioning.

The S7 version of Delevingne has a passive effect that has not been weakened.

Every time you receive an axe or kill a soldier or wild monster, you will receive a layer of worship points, and after each kill of an enemy, you will receive at least 50+ worship value*2 gold coins.

That’s a lot more than the amount of 25+ cult value*2 coins in the future S8 and S9 seasons.


Wu Di thinks you can try it in this game… Can you do a 10-minute two-piece set!


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