The game begins.

Spring water.

Wu Di quickly purchased the Doran sword and a bottle of red medicine and pressed the Tab key.

I looked at everyone’s outfit.

Speak out: “The, shy on the road red BUFF river entrance to make an eye.” ”

“There is a risk that the SSG will invade the upper half of the field.”

In Wu Di’s opinion.

The SSG team lineup, because of the support of Bloon, the first-level regiment is still quite strong.

Take IG’s lineup.

It is easy to lose money if you play a group at the first level.


Wu Di chose to play a reverse thinking.

Let King Ning’s blind monk play blue BUFF to start.

After all, in the current version, the blind monk’s strong wilderness, most of them are red BUFF starts.

It was similar to what Wu Di expected.

The, Shy just finished his eyes at the entrance of the Red Buff River.

A few seconds later.

The SSG Five walked from the river into the upper half of the Red Square IG.


For such cases.

On the commentary table.

Miller praised: “IG has responded well in the early stages. ”

“Knowing that the first-level regiment is not easy to fight, I directly chose to let King Ning open the blue BUFF.”

“Evaded the invasion of the SSG.”


“SSG’s Lower Road Combo and Crown Brother’s Victor, back to town in the grass?”

“What does that mean?”

Miller glanced at the movement of the IG five on the minimap.

One possibility comes to mind.

“SSG duo 25 to play red BUFF?” ”

“This level regiment is designed!” Guan Zeyuan took the words, his face full of joy: “If the ruler emperor and An Zhangmen each have a red buff.” ”

“SSG is the start of the three BUFFs.”

“King Ning collapsed in the early stage!”

Miller listened to Guan Zeyuan’s words and frowned.

Although I don’t like Guan Zeyuan’s happy look.

But Miller had to admit.

If the SSG team is established.

The ‘blind monk’, who originally needed an early advantage, did collapse a little.

After all.

The blind monk without a red BUFF and the blind monk with a red BUFF are two heroes.

“Let’s see if the IG players have noticed any movement of the SSG downward combination?” Miller spoke up nervously.

Let the smile on Guan Zeyuan’s face on the side be even bigger.


“Senior Wu Di, didn’t we go out of our wild area on the other side?” The, shy said in a broken Yanhuang voice.

“The other side wants to take red!”

Wu Di said resolutely.

The game time has been more than 50 seconds.

The SSG five have been in the upper half of the IG field for more than ten seconds.


Inserted in the eye position of the entrance to the F6 channel in the upper half of the IG field, I did not see the SSG team evacuate.

SSG’s intentions are clear.


Look at the grassy eye at the entrance to the river channel F6.

Wu Di doesn’t think.

The SSG five launched a first-level invasion just to get a red buff.

60 seconds faster.

SSG’s down-road duo still not going back?


There is only one possibility.

“Lucian and Blom should go back to the city, and the opposite side wants to take two red buffs.” Wu Di laughed out loud.

“Wow, is it so yin?” King Ning exclaimed strangely and said seriously: “Isn’t this the way we play when we play JDG?” ”

“It’s really similar.” The broiler nodded.

When I first played Team JDG.

The first-level team play style designed by Wu Di impressed him deeply.

After all…

Obviously, IG can start the game with heavenly nonsense.

But because of the child’s disciplinary mistake, he almost went wild

“It’s different, if the child god doesn’t make a mistake in that round, we will be the four BUFF starters.” This SSG has at most three BUFFs to start. Baolan spoke up: “Brother Wu Di, do you want to catch it?” ”

“I can hit!” The, shyde, if it is really the same as Wu Di said.

SSG got off the road and the duo returned to the city.

IG can fight SSG in the Red Buff field.

“How about going to the other red buff and grabbing a wave?” King Ning spoke up.

He played with blind monks.

Red BUFF is needed in the early stages.


Otherwise, he would have wasted half of it in the early stage.

For the crowd’s statement.

Wu Di glanced at the time that had been 1 minute and 10 seconds, shook his head, and vetoed: “No need to go, waste time.” ”

Already this time period, the wild monster will refresh immediately.

Wu Di knows very well that whether it is going to fight in the upper field area or invading the SSG’s red buff wild area, it will delay his development.

Be reasonable.

He chose this down-and-go combination.

Hundreds of dollars a minute, how can you have time to fight a first-level regiment with SSG?

Let alone.

It’s just a red buff.

What’s the use?

After thinking about it, Wu Di said again: “King Ning, this is going you on a hunger strike.” ”

“I’ll give the blue BUFF to Royal.”

“This gives you a zero-BUFF start.”

Wu Di’s thinking is clear.

The key point of IG’s game is not in the field.

On the way down!


King Ning still wants to engage in a wave of things and take a red buff!

But Wu Di’s words… Let King Ning be a little confused.

What does it mean?

Why did you go on a hunger strike?

Still zero BUFF start?

Is there such a game?

But King Ning thought about the routine of the duo of Delevingne and Oloi.

Decided not to play that way.

Ning Wang Yizheng spoke: “Brother Wu Di, do you want a toad?” ”

“Don’t toad.” Wu Di saw that King Ning was so good, and said with a smile: “Blue BUFF is enough.” ”

“Obey!” King Ning said with a playful smile.


Because the SSG invaded the upper half of IG.

The, Shy are standing in the second tower of Shanglu.

At this time.

Hear the conversation between the two.

The, shy confused.

Although Wu Di had explained Delevingne’s system with Oloi before the start of the game.

The, SHY are also full of confidence in this system.

Think IG wins.


Wu Di let King Ning’s blind monk Zero BUFF start.

Let The, shy.

That’s a bit excessive.

What can a blind monk on hunger strike do?

Can’t do anything!

On the road, he came across a field that could not do anything.

How does he fight?

Doesn’t this put him on the road to resist pressure?


His debut, really want to end with lying win?

The, shy listened to the team voice.

Broiler and Baolan praised the words of ‘Prince Ning’s selflessness’.

Opened his mouth.

After all, he didn’t speak.

He can’t always say… Come to the red BUFF to play a wave, let Ning Wang fatten, come to the road GANK more, right?


Obscene 763 points.

The, Shy made the decision.


SSG voice communication.

The atmosphere is warm.

With the refresh of wild monsters.

In the case of Corejj carrying the red BUFF.

The ruler emperor output to his heart’s content.


The red buff was taken away by the ruler emperor.


The ruler emperor is a little incredible, this is also too smooth, right?

This set of first-level regimental plays.

It was developed by SSG players after watching the game between IG and JDG.

Look at the ruler emperor.

SSG’s first-level regimental play.

There are still some shortcomings.

Although he and Corejj chose to return to the city in the grass of F6 in the upper half of the IG, there is almost no possibility of intervening in this grass.

But in case IG sees his movements with Corejj.

Forcibly go to catch SSG Ue-Nakano.

Or forcibly invade SSG’s Red Buff Wild Zone.

SSG will not earn.

Starting from a double red BUFF, it became a change of BUFF.

Of course.

The ruler emperor is very confident.

SSG is a first-level intrusion method.

Even if it is seen by IG.

Nor can anyone from the SSG be left in the wilderness.

After all, SSG’s five-person ornament eyes are all inserted in the wild areas on both sides.

Security is still guaranteed.

“It’s a little stubborn on the other side.” The ruler sighed in the team voice.

These are the words of his heart.

He really felt that Team IG was a bit intimidating.

Don’t even dare to invade the wild area!


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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