Inside the venue.

Due to the early invasion of SSG, two red BUFFs were taken.

Overwhelming ‘SSG’ cheers rang out inside the venue.

Sit in the front row seat.

Wearing a cap, Rita listens to the shouts of the ‘SSG’ around her.

Very incomprehensible.

Many of these people are ordinary people.


What about so many people supporting Team ‘SSG’?

Although, Rita is clear.

Even in many teams in the LPL, there is H.


The LPL division is the Yanhuang division after all.

Unlike LCK!


“Doesn’t it mean that IG is strong in the LPL division? Just this level? Don’t even know about the invasion from the opposite side? ”

“It’s not that I don’t know about the SSG invasion, IG is obviously already at the entrance of the F6 river, and I also saw the invasion of SSG five, but I don’t dare to fight!”

“Hey, is that so?”

“The LPL division has always been so intimidating against the LCK division. If nothing else, if IG is brave enough to fight a wave head-on, there is every chance to catch SSG’s Ue-Nakano. ”

“Can’t catch it, right? SSG Upper Nakano’s three accessory eyes, insert a lot of essence, F6 grass, IG road triangle grass, and red buff on the other side of the grass is also inserted. These three eyes are there, and no matter which side IG comes from, they will be seen. ”

“It’s an SSG team! This level of regiment is so strong. ”

“This is the consistent detail of the SSG, not only IG’s upper field area, you look at the lower half of the field area of the SSG, the two defensive eyes inserted by the ruler emperor and corejj, is it the essence?”

“Are you finished? Can you shut up? ”

“Huh, IG fan?”

“Let’s talk, what’s the matter with you?”

“Your chat affected Lao Tzu to watch the game, you said it was not about Lao Tzu? In the special talk, Lao Tzu let you know, what is called flute powder attack, not an inch of grass. ”

“Oh, still flute powder? Delevinga Oloi? ”

“Look at your idol being hammered by the ruler emperor!”

As soon as several Treasure Island SSG fans said this.


A few people stood up suddenly.

“What are you talking about?”

“Bully the flute fan is gone?”

“I’ve put up with you for half a day! No matter how black flute God is, Lao Tzu doesn’t care about the friendship of compatriots~! ”

A few people who stood up.

They are all strong men with big waists and round waist.

This makes …

Several Treasure Island SSG fans who had just honed and chirped were directly wiped.


“I have long seen that they are not pleasing to the eye, and said that we can’t afford to eat tea eggs, I bah, don’t say anything else, as far as their standard of living is concerned, it is not better than us!”

“Are the buddies all flute fans?”

“I am, I am, specifically to support the god of the flute.”

“Five years of IG fans, in order to watch IG take off this time, I specially resigned to watch the game.”

“Awesome, buddy.”

“I tell you, don’t look at SSG to get some advantages in the wild area in the early stage, it’s really useless, just watch the performance of the flute god for a while.”

“Haha, to be honest, when I saw Delevingne, I thought of Vincent’s abuse of the spring, will this game of the flute god abuse the spring? Kill the sharpness of the LCK division? ”

“Brother, you think too much, play a professional game, and abuse the spring is going to be banned.”


These conversations.

It happened right next to Rita.

Hear these words.

Rita was in a much lighter mood.

She knows.

Although many IG fans, Wu Di’s fans, and fans of other IG team members could not come to the scene to support.

But there are still quite a few fans who don’t come.

Just to support IG.

Support Wu Di.

Support all players in the LPL, all teams.

Look at the big screen.

The SSG Down Road duo has finished playing the red buff.

Go online.

Rita thought silently: “Wu Di, you need to come on!” ”

“As long as you win.”

“I’ll confess to you.”

“Be sure to come on!”

Come to think of it.

Rita felt that the idea just now was wrong.

“Win, I’ll confess to you.”

“If you lose, I will also confess to you.”

“As long as you do your best, I don’t care if you win or lose.”

Rita thought seriously, seriously.


Commentary seats.

“SSG got its way!”

“Three BUFFs are on.”

“Supposedly I think IG can think of it? After all, the first-level intrusion method of SSG is very similar to the first-level intrusion method of IG hitting JDG. ”

“It’s a pity.” Miller sighed.

“It can only be said that the SSG details are in place, and the lineup is strong, IG does not dare to take risks.” Guan Zeyuan said with a smile: “The ruler emperor took the red BUFF, and he will definitely fight in the early stage.” ”

“Let’s take a look.”

“What kind of spark will LCK’s top down-road duo and LPL’s top-of-the-line duo erase?”

The meaning of these words is obvious.

Isn’t IG very strong?

Did you start the summer season and not lose a single game in the LPL?

Especially IG’s down-road duo, recently many people have been blowing ‘LPL’s strongest down-road combination’?

Met SSG’s down-and-road duo.

This pair, ‘LPL’s strongest down-road combination, is about to collapse!

Guan Zeyuan is very confident in this.

In his opinion.

Even though Delevingne is very strong, Lucian of the ruler emperor won the first level red.

With the assistance of Bloom.

Absolute hammer IG down road duo.

When the time comes.

Everyone will know that Team IG, known as the first team in the LPL Summer Tournament, is still vulnerable to Team SSG.

LCK is always the strongest division.

Guan Zeyuan is looking forward to it.


Miller understood the meaning of Guan Zeyuan’s words.

LCK Top Down Combo?

LPL top down-road combination?

Is this going from team to division?


Miller found these words very unpleasant.

In his opinion.

If the ruler emperor does not take the red BUFF, he will be fair to Wu Di and Baolan .

Who wins and who loses is not certain?

Miller felt that Wu Di and Baolan would not be inferior.

But the current situation.

Miller felt that Wu Di and Baolan were in a worrying situation.

Therefore, he spoke up: “The pair of Wu Di and Baolan is indeed very strong, and I have never seen them disadvantaged.” ”

“However, the ruler emperor has one more red BUFF, and Wu Di and Baolan are on the line is a disadvantage.”

“It’s really not easy to fight.”

This is explained in advance for Wu Di and Baolan .

The next moment.

Miller watched the guide as the duo walked down the road and began to enter the line.


Miller’s gaze is locked on the royal blue Oloi (Wang Li Zhao).

“What does that mean?” Miller exclaimed: “Baolan took the blue buff? ”

“Wow, King Ning can’t blow up this time?” Guan Zeyuan was also dumbfounded.

In professional competition.

Can there still be an auxiliary snatching wild BUFF?

But soon.

Guan Zeyuan is more comfortable.

I think that if this SSG can lose, he will dare to eat.



Rita looked at the blue BUFF on Baby Blue’s body on the big screen.

It’s heart-wrenching.

Although she is not high-ranked.

But at the very least, one thing is known.

The red and blue BUFF in the early stage is to fight wild.

Bolan take a BUFF?


Rita raised her head slightly and looked nervously at the big screen.

I hope that the problem of blue BUFF will not affect the mentality of the IG players.


As both sides get off the road, duos go online.

Rita is relieved of many bodies.

Just because next… Wu Di and Baolan performance!


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