Ru Diben is ready, waiting for Coerjjj’s Bloom to level three.

He used the E skill to glide close to Wu Di.

Use Coerjj’s Bloon as a springboard.

Let Coerjj get close to Wu Di.

The ruler emperor thought.

Wu Di did not flash, and Baolan did not control.

As long as Coerjj approaches Wu Di and hangs up the Q skill passive for Wu Di, then this wave of Wu Di will definitely die.

The ruler emperor was very thoughtful.

Think very carefully.


With the arrival of the sixth wave of troops.

The ruler emperor discovered one thing.

Wu Di and Baolan missed.


If you replace Oloi with Old Cow, Leona, Hammerstone.

The ruler emperor probably felt that Wu Di and Baolan had gone to catch it.

Looking at the small map, An Zhangmen is playing in the upper half of the field.

It’s not to support!

Do you have to change the line?

The ruler emperor looked up the road.

Cuvee’s crocodile has been pushing the line, and IG’s upper single The, shy’s defense tower around the “four one zero” clearance troops.

Very peaceful.

Is it necessary to change the line?

Ru Di didn’t think that he and Coerjj had switched lines for the IG off-road duo.

Where did the IG Down Road duo go?

The ruler emperor couldn’t figure it out.

In his opinion, during this time period, the economy is about a thousand.

There is simply not enough equipment, and it is impossible to return to the city.

Emperor Ru felt.

It is necessary to talk to your teammates about this.

The ruler emperor spoke: “The opposite side is missed.” ”

“miss? Is it coming? Brother Crown manipulated Viktor to take a few steps back, but immediately reacted: “Welcome to them.” ”

“Haha, Delevingne and Oloi can swim!”

“Is it possible to change the line?”

“Line change at this time?”

Several members of the SSG team.

Doubts were expressed about this situation.

But one by one, it is still necessary to push the line and invade the invasion.

He did not become vigilant at all because of Wu Di and Baolan’s miss.

That’s right, too!

They are both top pros and know both Delevingne and Oloy.

Very clear.

These two heroes really can’t do anything.

But soon.

Wu Di and Baolan are online.

The ruler told his teammates about the SSG.

And then.

Open the TAB key.

I want to see what equipment the IG Duo has come out of.

This look.

The ruler rubbed his eyes with his left hand.

Suspicion is wrong.

He saw Wu Di’s Delevingne equipment bar.

Inside six grids.

There are six pieces of equipment.

Storm Great Sword.

Vampire scepter.



Dolan Sword.

Red potion.


What does this mean?

In less than 5 minutes, the Blood Drinking Sword is coming out soon?

“Look at Delevingne’s equipment.” The ruler emperor felt a trace of fear.

He doubted himself… Vision!


The sound of ‘Arcy bar’ in the team’s voice.

Let the ruler emperor put his heart down.

He is not a vision.

He wasn’t the only one wrong, everyone else was wrong.

Wait a minute?

Saw it all?

“In addition to the Doran Sword and Red Medicine, do these pieces of equipment cost two thousand eight hundred and fifty pieces, five minutes to drink the blood sword?”

“How can it be so fat?”

“Delevingne didn’t get the head either?”

“Is it a bug?”

Just as everyone at SSG was talking.

The game is suddenly paused.

Soon a referee came over and said, “There seems to be a bug, you guys wait a minute.” ”

Listen to this.

The SSG players breathed a sigh of relief.

It’s a bug.

If it weren’t for bugs, this game wouldn’t be playable!

The SSG players didn’t know.

At this time.

The stadium was already in chaos.


A minute ago.

When Wu Di had not returned to the city.

Inside the venue.

Commentary seats.

Miller and Guan Zeyuan.

Commenting on the situation in the game.

As a matter of fact.

The game lasts more than four minutes.

Not a single blood broke out.

The two can only analyze the situation, follow the director’s camera, and watch the situation of various ways.

Compared with the stable development of the upper and middle two paths.

The director gave more shots to both sides to play with both sides on the road.

“I found it interesting.”

“Wu Di players especially like to fight souls, every time after Baolan E arrives, even if Wu Di can consume the ruler emperor, he will not consume it, and will come back directly to fight the soul!”

“Is this Wu Di’s hobby?”

Miller said with a smile.

Of course.

He didn’t say this to Guan Zeyuan.

Miller is clear.

With Wu Di and Baolan on the lower road to stabilize the situation, there is a faint advantage.

Guan Zeyuan didn’t have the heart to talk to him about this at all.

He said this to the LPL audience.

The voice just fell.

Miller heard Guan Zeyuan’s excited voice.

“Back to the city?”

“Is the IG going back to the city?”

Miller took a look.

Sure enough, it was the same as Guan Zeyuan said.

More than four minutes to return to the city?

What kind of equipment is enough?

Is IG going to change the line? No, Wu Di and Baolan have no disadvantage on the next road.

A few seconds later.

Miller heard Guan Zeyuan’s angry voice.

“This is a bug.”

“How is it possible to have so much money?”

“In less than five minutes, the Blood Drinking Sword is coming out soon! This is definitely BUG0..”

Miller didn’t have time to take care of Zeyuan.

Looking at the spring water, Wu Di purchased several pieces of equipment.

Miller was confused.


Xionggao Esports Stadium.

Surprises abounded.

But right away.

There was a cheer.

“IG come on.”

“The flute god is awesome.”

These cries are somewhat disorganized.

But the sound is huge.

This happens.

Cause… Soon, the call of ‘SSG’ sounded in the venue.

At the same time, the word ‘cheating’ gradually sounded.

The cries for ‘cheating’ are getting louder and louder, suppressing the cries of IG, the cries of SSG.

Front row auditorium.

Rita was unhappy with the word ‘cheating.’


She also felt that something was wrong.

After all, in less than 5 minutes, Wu Di’s blood drinking sword was about to come out, which was simply impossible.

But kill Rita.

She wouldn’t think Wu Di was cheating.

At most, it’s a bug.

Rita held her chin with her hand, hoping that if it was really a BUG, it would not affect Wu Di’s mentality!


Inside the LPL lounge.

Many LPL professional players saw Wu Di’s outfit.

It’s all the same.

Look at the child and Duke.

Even the coaches of the three teams are not exempt from vulgarity.

The meaning is obvious.

This is IG’s system?

Is this a system?

Is it clearly a bug?

IG Team Fight BUG as a system? 0.8

The child and Duke looked confused.

They don’t know, how can this happen?

Perhaps the child’s and Duke’s state of confusion is very real.

The crowd stopped looking at them.

On the contrary, it is discussed whether this is a BUG.

But everyone had already thought that Wu Di would be so fat.

Oloi’s E skills!

“Oloi’s E skill extracts souls, and as long as Delevingne A souls, you can trigger the killing effect and get the bounty.”

“Is this a bug?”

Recalling the performance of Wu Di keen on killing souls during the game, Uzi was puzzled and asked Brother Feng.

“This is a bug.”

Brother Feng affirmed: “What affects the balance of the game is a bug!” ”


“That’s a bug.”

“It’s bugs that affect the balance of the game.”

Same words.

It sounded on the IG stage.

The referee was dancing to the five IG players.


Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect, push

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