On the field, the power of the referee is very large.

Several referees have just discussed.

The rematch was unanimously decided.

Also re-BP.

“What for?”

Several LPL coaches are also standing here.

They felt a little suffocated.

These judges are clearly facing the LCK division.

After all, LCK is the first division.

Sure enough, there are no human rights in weak areas.

The, Shy’s mentality is a little fried.

The first game of the starter was actually asked to replay because of the use of a bug.

This is unlucky.

King Ning and the broiler dared to be angry and did not dare to speak.

After all, the coaching staff did not dare to oppose the referee, and these players, where did they dare to speak.

“No rematches.”

Wu Di spoke.

The tone is resolute.

Kim Myung-so signaled Wu Di with his eyes not to fight.

Otherwise, it will anger the referee and directly lose.

That’s not worth the loss.

“Why do you say this is a bug?”

“It is not necessarily a bug that affects the balance, but a bug that goes against the designer’s original intention is a bug.”

“S4’s bullhead, S5’s iron man, S6’s leopard woman, are these 100% S race heroes considered to affect the balance?”

“Are they bugs? Well? ”

Wu Di left the referee speechless with a word.

The reason why Wu Di is so tough.

It is because he remembered that when he remembered s9, the officer 07 party personnel of Fist clarified that this was not a bug.

It’s just that the impact is balanced.

The next version weakens it.

Several referees couldn’t make up their minds, so they went down to ask the official personnel of the fist.

Kim Myung-so glanced at Wu Di approvingly.


Kim Myung-so apparently doesn’t want to give up on this must-win match either.

SSG coach Edar on the opposite side apparently had no idea what was going on.


“How long does it take to announce the rematch?”

After more than ten minutes, the referee team had already asked the official for verification.

When the referee team designed the hero of Oloi, they were aware of this mechanism.

Wu Di this game.

Five minutes can have such an exaggerated economy as 2,000 eight.

The main thing is that SSG’s down-road combination is too light on the enemy.

Hit too many E-skills of Oloi.

So the referee team finally decided that the game would continue.

When Eder heard this decision, he looked confused.

This game has shady scenes.

Several H players were equally confused.

In particular, both the ruler emperor and the coerjj had dark faces.

Because they were going to face Delevingne, who had a blood-drinking sword for five minutes.

How to fight this Nima.

“Stabilize the road, wait a minute, leave the blind monk alone, and directly catch the road.”

“On the other side, you can only steal money, and you have no protection at all.”

An Zhangmen grasped it.

Lexey works well with Bronn.

As long as he flashes to top Delevingne, Bloom and a Q can instantly play Bloom passive.

Even if Delevingne has a blood-drinking sword.

You can’t just be killed on the spot.

The game resumed.

There was an exclamation from the ring.

Although there is no official explanation.

But as long as the game continues, then IG did not take advantage of the bug.

Some H powder can’t.

“Shady! Wang tears green onions to beat the referee”

“It’s nice to have money.”

“Conspiracy theories get out of the live broadcast room.”

“Di Shen is awesome.”

“Official plug-ins, the deadliest.”

“The opposite Samsung is dead, I’m afraid they don’t want to win at this time, they just want to lose better.”

“The previous one said that Di Shen is going to abuse the spring?”

Rita’s hanging heart finally let go.

She definitely didn’t believe that Wu Di used the plug-in.

She was worried that the referees were forcing a rematch towards Team H.

After all, LCK is the first division, and the right to speak is very heavy.

“Well, the game has officially begun, it seems that there is no problem with this special routine, I have to say that IG’s understanding of the version is already not an order of magnitude with many teams.”

When Miller explained, he also blew a wave of IG.

Some of the teams he spoke of.

Naturally refers to Samsung.

I have a poor understanding of the version.

Let’s just say that the opponent took advantage of the bug.

It’s so real!

Guan Zeyuan’s face was a little ugly.

This was the unanimous decision of the referee panel.

He is the official commentator.

If you question this decision.

You don’t have to be prepared to do it in this business.


“Let’s look back at the game…”

“IG come on!”

IG fans at the scene exclaimed.

They seem to foresee what is going to happen next.

“Don’t look, don’t look.”

Samsung fans at the scene, several people have already got up and left the venue.

Wu Di’s attention returned to the game.

Because he felt that he would be targeted next.

If you let Delevingne steal money to develop, wouldn’t twenty minutes be a six-god costume?

That’s still a fart.

After the game resumes.

An Zhangmen no longer cares about King Ning’s blindness.

He realized that even if he beat King Ning to hang up.

Delevingne, who was a six-piece suit in those twenty minutes, was also able to win the game with a dozen and three.

An Zhangmen came to the river for the first time.

The river on the lower road has a false eye that Baolan only put out.

After An Zhangmen swept away, he did not go to brush the wild monsters, but waited directly in the river.

“An Zhangmen is also on hunger strike.”

“SSG Taino lives on the road.”

“Isn’t this giving King Ning time to develop?”

Stayed in the lower river for more than a minute.

Lexy, who was in charge, finally found an opportunity to get out of the river grass.

“Delevingne is cold, Lexey flashes and flies, Bloom catches Q passively, and you can stun Delevingne almost instantly.”

“If there is a flash, everyone will die.”

Guan Zeyuan found a wave of opportunity output.

Milk three stars.

However, at the moment when Lexey used the E skill to displace out of the grass.

Wu Di’s Delevingne has an E skill “Open Road Sharp Axe”, which directly interrupts Lexel’s advance.

God reacts!

The response was also amazing.

The moment Lexey showed his head, Wu Di reacted.

There is only one possibility.

When Wu Di was on the opposite side of the road.

Also keep an eye on where Lexel can come out of the 817.

Rexey didn’t break into Delevingne’s side.

The distance to flash is not enough.

An Zhangmen can only go back to brush the wild, and come back when Wu Di relaxes his vigilance.

Or wait for Bloom to six.

You can flash Bloom and open up, and then Lexel will follow.

Wu Di realized that Lexey was gone.

The oppressive power of the line is fully revealed.

A knife slashed at the body of the ruler emperor, and one-third of the ruler emperor’s blood volume disappeared directly.

The ruler emperor did not even dare to go up to make up for it.

Because he knew Delevingne’s set of AEA tricks.

Even if you can’t kill him, at least you can hit a flash.

After the rematch.

Ru Emperor and Coerjj pay more attention to Baolan’s E skills.

Just don’t be pulled out of your soul.

Then Delevingne can’t steal money.

The moves of the pros are all top-notch.

So the skills behind the royal blue.

It’s quite a bit empty.

Ru Emperor implements a philosophy.

Just hold still.

The opposite auxiliary protection capacity is almost non-existent.

Just wait for Lexel.

It’s only a matter of time before you get off the road.

Something that came to mind for several members of the Samsung team.

Wu Di had thought of it a long time ago.

Looking for a wild catch?

I’m afraid I don’t know how terrifying the sixth-level Oloy is.

The heroic character of Oloi.

That is, the more opponents.

The higher the output.

The tentacles that fill the ground.

Hitting the body is an incomprehensible injury.

“Wait for the sixth level?”

Wu Di chuckled.

“We’re also waiting for level six.”


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