“Baolan, go to the river and take a look, I want to make the experience on the other side unate.”

Baolan opened her eyes wide.

See that Delevingne’s flashing skill is still gray.

Didn’t flash and push others out of the experience zone?

That’s too unhuman!

But Baolan was only surprised for a moment.

I honestly went to the river and looked at it.

After all, Wu Di has also played several games.

Don’t take it seriously.

Baolan went down the road in front of the opposite side.

I went to the river and plugged my eyes in.

The purpose is to tell the opposite side to fight wild.

Don’t come.

There are eyes on the way down.

Within ninety seconds of the eye disappearing.

Ru Di and Coerjj endured the darkest minute of their professional careers.

Delevingne stood in front of the line.

Unexpectedly, the line of troops was controlled in the rear.

The advantage is also the control line!

There was an exclamation from the audience.

Even Miller opened his mouth to explain.

“Delevingne was able to be so calm when he had achieved such a big advantage, controlling the line of troops, so that the opposite combination of the lower road could not develop at all.”

“I have to say that Wu Di, as an ADC, has done all the details to the extreme.”

Although Guan Zeyuan is a little worried about Samsung’s situation.

But it always feels like Samsung can still win.

“Miller, you found no, all the economy is on Delevingne.”

“And Delevingne is the easiest point to be killed.”

“Samsung’s small control in this game is not usually much.”

“As long as Samsung is stable, the chance of winning in the later stage is much greater than that of IG.”

Inside the live broadcast room.

Wu Di’s fans heard Guan Zeyuan say this and scolded one after another.

“Dog, your ADC can only shrink under the tower and blow hemp.”

“Still small control? If I can touch Delevingne, count me losing. ”

“Wu Di’s fans are too much, people Guan Zeyuan is right, Delevingne’s error tolerance rate is too low, as long as he misses once, he is SSG seconds, then IG’s other four undeveloped teammates will not survive.”

“IG: This fault tolerance is already low.”


“Brother Wu Di, be careful, and help you squat when I get up to the level.”

The opposite side is aimed at the next road.

King Ning breathed a sigh of relief and caught up with development.

“Don’t come, you brush the field directly, and push directly in ten minutes.”


Thy.shy heard the words in the team’s voice.

Turned his head sideways to look at Wu Di.

I don’t understand something.

Even if it’s a money-grabbing routine.

That’s also the advantage of a person on the road.

The other four did not develop well.

Words for direct huddles.

It’s not necessarily a win.

On the opposite side of the single crocodile, playing wild Lexey, assisting Bronn, ADC is Lucian.

Know these four heroes.

They are all early heroes with a very high fault tolerance.

More than just powerful control.

The damage ability is also one of the best in each position.

As long as SSG seizes the opportunity.

Take control of Delevingne.

That Wu Di was directly killed.

Don’t even look at Delevingne’s equipment.

Unless Delevingne comes out of the meat suit.

It is possible to survive.

In fact, say a thousand ways and ten thousand.

This is the debut of THE, SHY, and THY are in the limelight.

Wu Di and Baolan were the first to reach the sixth level.

Ru Di and Coerjj were pressed out of the experience zone, missing one level of experience.

However, Lexey has reached level six.

“There was a flash of Delevingne on the other side

Coerjj is somewhat pessimistic.

In the case of Delevingne’s flash, he was not sure that the flash would make Delevingne.

“After you get to six, I’ll come over and help you with a wave.”

Cuvee couldn’t even eat the experience when he saw the next road.

Having to choose to sacrifice their own development.

Go down the road to help a wave.

Delevingne of Wudi pushed the line under the tower.

Not only did he reach level six, but there were also flashes.

Delevingne stood directly in front of a tower.

I can’t wait to write a pleading on my face.

The ruler emperor cleared the lower road line, and finally reached six.

“The ruler emperor has reached six!”

Guan Zeyuan shouted.

Because he had a hunch that the three stars would go down the road to level six.

There must be a wave of encirclement and suppression of the next road.

In the audience.

A lot of people got nervous.

Because it’s on the big screen.

Lexel can be clearly seen coming down.

He also has two real eyes on his body.

And Victor, who just came out of the spring.

Also go down.

The feeling of suffocation.

For SSG insurance, choose a four-person package.


What’s even more terrifying is that all the members of IG seem to have not reacted yet.

At the moment, the field is still in the upper half of the field.

The broiler chicken returns to the city in the middle.

Thy.shy felt like he had singled home on the opposite side.

So there is also no mark that the crocodile disappeared online.

“IG what consciousness ah, even the commentary knows that the three-star sixth-level capture, this King Ning still does not go to squat.”

“Self-closing type fighting, King Ning simply go to hang up.”

At the time when Lexel had not yet reached the next road.

The lower road lit up in the grass and teleported!

Crocodile TP is off the road.

Samsung five-person bag!


It’s all over!

The position of the TP eye was behind Delevingne, and Delevingne could not run away.

The crocodile TP came down too close to Wu Di.

Even if Wu Di flashes to open the distance, the crocodile can flash to keep up with the control.

There is no room for manoeuvre!

“I’m sorry.”

Thy.shy sees the crocodile tp.

I felt cold in my heart.

He just felt that the road line had entered the tower.

The crocodile should tp back on the road to close the line.

I never expected it.

The crocodile didn’t even want a big wave of troops.

Choose TP to catch Wu Di.

“Baolan, make a big move.”

Wu Di is calm.

The opposite side will not count the damage of Oloi at all.

Oloi made a big move.

At this time, the crocodile has just landed.

Flash w live Delevingne.

Since the crocodile comes out of the spring water TP.

There was no anger.

So the control time is not very long.

Next is the expected Lexey and Bloom entry to take control.

Then Lucian hit and hurt.

But that’s not the case with the script.

Oloi generates four tentacles based on the number of opposing heroes.

To know.

Oloi’s damage output basically relies on tentacle passivity.

A tentacle has a high physics bonus.

The remaining tentacles deal only fifty percent of the damage.

But as long as there are enough tentacles.

The damage is completely incomprehensible.

And now on the lower road, there are six tentacles.


Tentacles work with WQ damage skills.

A large tube of blood of the ruler emperor disappeared directly.

The ruler emperor was stunned for a moment.

Frightened by the injury.


Passively triggered again, and the ruler emperor was directly killed.

Guan Zeyuan just roared.

“The crocodile TP, Lexey is also coming, Blomsan (Qian De Zhao) is now following, SSG has played a wave of perfect control, the ruler emperor has entered, the ruler emperor is going to harvest, the ruler emperor…”

The ruler emperor was violently killed.

Miller saw that Guan Zeyuan couldn’t say anything halfway.

I can only continue Guan Zeyuan’s words.

“I didn’t expect that the ruler emperor was violently killed before Delevingne.”

Can Oloi of the auxiliary bit also kill ADC alone?

That’s outrageous.

“Wait! Wu Di’s unhurried action could have long considered this situation. ”

Miller exclaimed.

“Oloi was born to be a hero of anti-gank, but this game went to the auxiliary position, so Samsung ignored this.”

“It seems that Wu Di’s BP is not only an unpopular routine, but also from the perspective of the coach, it has made multi-directional considerations.”

Miller thought it must be.

Guan Zeyuan was a little uncomfortable.

“Could it be that this routine IG has long been clear? Even took it out for actual combat detention? ”

“Then this IG is really hidden deep enough, and no news has been revealed at all.”


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