The Strongest Deduction In Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 215 Isn't a Wedding Banquet? (3/3)

The roar came from the thunder at close range and was mixed with the sound of shattering glass, which also represented the information that the enchantment around Einzbern had been broken.

"What's the matter... Is someone breaking through?" Saber turned his head quickly and asked Irisviel beside him.

"Yes, all the barriers that were set up so hard have been broken." Irisviel said with a bit of regret as she looked at Yuu and Kiyohime who froze in front of her.

It makes people wonder whether she is regretting the breaking of the barrier or the destruction of the previous good atmosphere.

"Then, order to attack, Yu!" Seeing Irisviel's expression, Saber's mouth twitched slightly, took a deep breath, and said to Yu with a serious face.

Although it was said that her master was Irisviel, it was Yuu who actually made the decision, so she immediately sent a request to Yuu to fight.

Yun gently patted Qing Ji's body, the girl snorted dissatisfiedly towards the door, and then slowly returned to her usual dignified and beautiful appearance, but from her reddish face, it could be seen that her heart was not As calm as it looks.

"Come here, Kiyohime Sanweihuo prepare, Saber prepares to liberate the oath sword, listen to my slogan later, and teach him how to be a 'good' heroic spirit." Yu, who was disturbed by good things, had a gloomy face and strode towards Lei Ming. The direction from which the sound came.

The King of Conqueror took Weber, stood at the gate of the castle, his hands were trumpeted, and shouted, "Hey, is anyone there!!! I'm going to requisition a venue for a banquet, come out quickly, ah?"


The gate of the castle slowly opened.

"Come out, good evening everyone!" Conquer Wang's face slid cold sweat, touched the back of his head, and said with a big laugh.

"The atmosphere is not right, should we retreat." Looking at Yu and Kiyohime with gloomy faces in front of him, Weber pulled the corner of the King of Conqueror's clothes and said timidly.

The King of Conqueror still had a careless look on his face, but through the connection of the Command Spell, the King of Conqueror sent his voice into Weber's mind. "I also felt it. The opposite side seems to be about to kill people at any time. I will see my face and act later."

"Iskandar? What are you doing here?" Yu moved towards the Conqueror King, calling him by his name, his tone full of impatience.

Saber, who was standing directly in front of the King of Conqueror, looked at him with pity, slowly dispersing the Wind King's barrier covering the vowed sword, and the faint golden fluorescent light converged on the sword, which was obviously gathering strength.

Kiyohime, who was standing beside her, spread out her folding fan, revealing a creepy smile, and blue dragon flames appeared around her.

"I want to borrow the venue to start the gathering of Heroic Spirits." The King of Conqueror patted the oak barrel beside him and said carelessly. It can be seen from the fact that he changed his name to borrowing the former requisition site, and he was somewhat frightened by the brutal scene in front of him.

"Oh?" Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, the golden brewing visible to the naked eye emerged from Yu's body, the huge materialized magic power continued to pour out, and the surrounding space let out a faint scream, slowly twisting away.

46..." The scene was suddenly silent.

The Conqueror King and Weber looked stunned, and they used the requisition to make excuses.

'It's not the same as you said if you didn't take a shot, the other party made it clear that they wanted to kill us. ' Weber's somewhat broken voice was transmitted to the King of Conqueror's mind through the Command Spell.

‘Decision-making mistakes are also common on the battlefield, so be prepared to work hard, kid. ' The King of Conqueror's solemn voice came, and at the same time he began to condense a lot of magic power. It was obvious that he also planned to increase his power.

Looking at the two people on the opposite side, Weber swallowed, but in such a silent situation, the swallowing sound was incomparably obvious.

Everyone's attention was focused on Weber.

"Your magic power?" You looked suspiciously at the two in front of him. When he saw the Conqueror King yesterday, his magic power was not so abundant.

"Oh, I asked the little master to replenish the demons for me." The conqueror scratched his head and said carelessly, the so-called replenishment of demons, for him and Weber, was a medical eye transaction. In his view, this is not a secret that cannot be told. After all, this great king was a great gay man who went down in history and conquered a lot of male favorites.

The eyes of everyone gathered on Webber's body became extremely strange, and it was the eyes that were looking at the princess.

Weber turned gray, can he say that it was because Einzbern was too powerful, and he died in order to enhance his own strength? Obviously, the other side would not believe it.

"Borrowing the venue for a banquet, let's say it earlier, there is a proverb in my hometown that I would rather demolish ten temples than a single marriage. It's easy to say, this is easy to say." .

Webb, completely grayed out, murmured in a low voice. "My life is innocent, mother, I'm sorry for you, the Velvet family is estimated to stop with me.

66 In any case, congratulations on the new year. "The Wind King's Barrier was once again shrouded in the Sword of Oath, and Saber said to the King of Conquerors with a strange expression.

. .

"Hey, he's a good masculine king again." Qing Ji stuck out her tongue and head, and leaned Jiao Ke on Yuu with a look of disgust.

When she was alive, she often heard rumors about the royal family. Although she was prepared, she felt a little unacceptable after seeing it for real.

Irisviel's little head kept swaying from side to side, looking at the King of Conqueror, and at Webber, who had a very aggrieved expression on his face, and finally showed an expression of enlightenment.

Irisviel quietly leaned on Yu's shoulder and whispered. "`々 I guess Iskandar is attacking."

Then, her self-confessed low voice was actually the same as a roar to the Superman present, and her eyes became more and more strange, focusing on the King of Conqueror and Weber.

The King of Conqueror ignored the strange eyes in front of him, scratched his head, patted the oak barrel, and said cheerfully. "Haha, are you willing to lend me the venue for a banquet? That's great! However, there is another unkind request, that, you see, I only brought wine! 99

"Qingji, I'll ask you to prepare the appetizers or something." Yu patted Qingji's buttocks and said with a light smile.

"Since the husband has asked me, I will make it difficult for the two of them to have a meal." Qing (good) Ji Qiao, whose vital point was suddenly attacked, blushed slightly, and said shyly.

"Haha, I'll leave it to you, Miss Yingling. Then, everything is ready, I should also invite the guests." The King of Conqueror said with a big laugh, his expression casually serious.

He looked around with a solemn expression and said boldly.

"I am the King of Conquerors, Iskandar. Look here, the Heroic Spirits participating in the Holy Grail War!!!

I've heard that only those who are considered qualified can get the Holy Grail. So I am here to invite you all!

Here, we will hold the Holy Grail quiz banquet, and discuss which hero is more suitable for possessing the Holy Grail. "

Hearing this, Qing Ji who went to the kitchen staggered, turned her head and looked suspiciously at the solemn Conqueror King, wondering. "Isn't it a wedding party?

"..." Weber's heart almost collapsed, we didn't come to borrow the venue to get married.

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