The Strongest Deduction In Comprehensive Comics

Chapter 216 Webber Shouting Fff (1/3)

There is a national road leading to the village next to the virgin forest in Einzbern, and at this moment on the national road, a jeep is parked beside the national road.

Emiya Kiritsugu sat in the driver's seat, lit a cigarette, and looked indifferently at the pictures and sounds broadcast live on the laptop in front of him.

"Is it going according to the original plan?" Maiya Kuto, who was sitting in the back seat, said coldly. And beside her, was Kenneth, who was bound with explosives, and his eyes were a little empty.

"No, this situation will push the King of Conquerors to Einzbern's side, which is very unfavorable to us. It seems that the King of Conquerors has calculated it. That's right! No matter what, he is a famous king through the ages, because yesterday's funny His behavior made me look down on him. 35

Emiya Kiritsugu said indifferently.

"So, do you want to let them have a banquet?" Kuto Maiya said softly.

"Stay still, the uncontrollable and arrogant queen of the Tohsaka family will definitely attend. When the banquet is halfway through and the atmosphere is warm, we don't need to do anything, Tokiomi Tohsaka will definitely be unable to hold back. At that time, we just need to pick up Cheap will do.

Emiya Kiritsugu curled his lips in disdain. Although he only communicated with Tohsaka Tokiomi, he still smelled the rotten smell of the other party's orthodox magician.

If there is a chance to win by sneak attack, Yuan 330 Saka Tokiomi will definitely be unable to hold back. As for the other party's noble glory and elegance? Like shit, he is afraid that he will abandon everything for the root cause.

"By the way, inform Tohsaka Tokiomi and have him order Kotomine Kirei to relay information about the banquet through Hassan at all times, and at the same time report his location. We must use familiar demons to monitor him at all times."

Although Tohsaka Tokiomi repeatedly assured Kotomine Kirei’s loyalty, Emiya Kiritsugu didn’t believe a word of it. He was always wary of Kotomine Kirei’s unpredictable behavior. He had a hunch that this dangerous man was already eyeing him. .

"Yes!" Kuto Maiya immediately connected the two Heroic Spirits and Tosaka Tokiomi through electronic devices.

The venue for the banquet was chosen by the flower bed in the castle atrium.

There was a 10-meter long table next to the originally empty flower bed, and fourteen wooden chairs were placed beside the long table, which were reserved for Heroic Spirits and Masters.

Everyone is sitting around the long table at the moment, staring at the long table in front of them with a dazzling array of Japanese dishes, sashimi made of sea bream, Japanese fried tofu, charcoal-grilled saury and other Japanese izakaya snacks. .

Weber wiped his eyes, carefully looked at the hand (adcb) watch on his wrist, and said in shock. "It only took 15 minutes to complete the arrangement, what kind of speed is this.

"Oh!!! This is the appetizer of this country, isn't the logistics ability really bad, Miss Yingling! Are you interested in coming to my army!" The King of Conqueror sitting at the table looked at the dishes in front of him, showing joy With an expression on his face, he turned his head and praised Qing Ji.

"The King of Conqueror has won the prize. Please forgive me for rejecting the invitation. My concubine is already a married woman." Qingji nodded slightly, put a plate of edamame in front of Yu, and said indifferently.

"That's really a pity." The King of Conqueror touched his chin with a look of regret.

You, who was sitting opposite the King of Conqueror, frowned slightly and said to Webber. "Hey, Mr. Weber Velvet, are you interested in working in my magic workshop after the clock tower studies?

"Hey!!!" Hearing the words, Weber was stunned, and then showed a ecstatic look. He, a magic apprentice at the bottom of magic, was actually invited by the magician, just like the emperor invited a beggar to help with government affairs, directly One step to the sky.

Just when Weber was ecstatic and was about to say yes, he suddenly shivered and turned his head. He saw the expressionless King of Conqueror beside him, swallowed his saliva, and sat down on the seat honestly. superior.

The King of Conqueror turned his head, touched the back of his head, and said distressedly. "Vengeful revenge, Your Majesty. 35

"If you want to blame it, you'll blame your princess Webber. You're not as determined as my family's Qingji." The gentle and obedient Qingji curled her arms around and pouted in disdain.

Webber's expression is desperate, why should he compare his strength with the heroic spirit, and he is not a princess!!!

"Hey, you are husband and wife, what about this one?" Suddenly, Webber was stunned for a moment, looking at Yuu who was hugging Kiyohime diagonally across from him, and turned his eyes to Irisviel who was sitting on the other side of Yu.

"That's right." Yu held a big hand, pulled Irisviel into his arms, and said flatly.

Webber looked at the King of Conqueror beside him, and before he looked at Yu, who hugged from left to right, hugging two stunning beauties, flaming flames appeared in his eyes.

It was someone like Yu who occupied a lot of resources that Weber was forced into the path of aggression. At this moment, a flaming torch appeared in Weber's hand, and he was about to shout the slogan of FFF.


The King of Conqueror grabbed the oak barrel beside him, smashed the lid with a punch, and the fragrance of red wine filled the air.

"Although the shape is strange, it is indeed a wine vessel." The King of Conqueror took out fourteen bronze wine bottles, which were the wine glasses used for drinking during the Huaxia and Han Dynasties.

The King of Conqueror scooped the red wine from the oak barrels into fourteen wine bottles with the scoop of wine, then looked around, and said in a bold tone. "The wine has been scooped, the dishes are ready, it's time to enter, heroes. 99

"To hold a banquet in such a crappy place." Accompanied by a proud voice, a dazzling golden light flashed, and Gilgamesh, dressed in a hot outfit, appeared on the vacant seat on the long table.

Seeing Gilgamesh appear, Saber and Kiyohime were all tense and looked at her with a wary expression. After all, yesterday, this was the master who went berserk after seeing Yuu.

However, after seeing the image of Gilgamesh's shirt and hot pants again, Yu still showed her color embryo.

But judging from Yuu's tense body and clenched fists, if Gilgamesh tried to summon the EA sword, what awaited her might be the bombardment of a planet-quality iron fist.

Gilgamesh stood up with goosebumps all over, helplessly looking at Yuu who was constantly looking at her in front of him, and sighed softly.

"How much respect for the elders, what is not good, but this one looks the most like Inanna, how much do you learn from your other mother, how did Enkidu teach the children?

Hearing this, Yu's face suddenly became strange. Looking at this, Gilgamesh healed himself and put on a cap of forgiveness? But no matter what, it seems that there is no possibility of doing anything.

"Hey, another mother, both of your parents are girls?" Weber looked at Yu with a bewildered expression.


The King of Conqueror slapped Webber on the head and said with a look of contempt. "In the age of gods, isn't it normal for goddesses and goddesses to create children together, but you are still a magician who claims to master the mysteries of knowledge."5

Webber immediately covered his aching head with aggrieved expression, and he estimated that there was no Master with a lower status than him in this Holy Grail War.

The King of Conqueror ignored Weber's grievances, looked around and found that there was no movement, and said helplessly.

"Looks like all the heroes are here."

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