Above Mount Vesuvius in the distance, a miniature sun towers high above the sky, and its surroundings are lit up from time to time with golden torrents caused by the thrusts of rapiers, and sword energy like a silver crescent torn through everything. The volcano below the battlefield was affected by the battle, and a large amount of magma was erupting more and more frantically. The fiery red magma and the volcanic ash it carried, dyed the distant sky black and red.

When Yuu and Athena walked out of the underground temple, what they saw was such a miserable scene.

"I can't feel the fluctuations in the battle at all in the underground. What kind of means are you using, Athena, to actually be able to blind my perception?" Yu turned her head slightly and asked Athena's bright eyes.

"When you entered the Netherworld, all the underground temples were transformed into a Netherworld by the way, so you couldn't feel any movement from the outside world, but because the Netherworld Transformation was initiated through the Hera Stone Pillar, the concubine and other grounds could rely on this God. Gu is aware of the movement outside." Athena looked at Yu's face and answered Yu's question with a soft smile on her face.

"That's right, no wonder." The corners of You's mouth twitched slightly, looking a little spring breeze on her face. Of course, Yu, who had just obtained the complete rules of the earth and took advantage of it by the way, was really in a very happy mood at the moment, even if he ate a mouthful of volcanic ash as soon as he came up, it didn't affect his good mood.

"Wow, there are three auras over there, a sun god, a beautiful earth goddess, and that idiot Tony 237! 35

However, after eating a mouthful of dust, he was definitely unhappy. He turned his head and looked maliciously at the melee battlefield. He gently raised his right hand, and the holy sword of Tu Long, Gram suddenly appeared. He slammed into the body of the sword, and immediately prepared to target the sun god to launch a long-range artillery attack.

The power of heaven and earth quietly extended to the battlefield, shrouded the sun god, ready to guide him to the future that is regarded as a skewer. Tony is Yu's bad friend anyway, and Athena is watching the words of the mother goddess, so the only sun god who doesn't know is about to become Yu's punching bag.

"Is it just Mithra's arrival? Fortunately, Gang's reaction is still under control." Athena tilted her head, her eyes like the night staring at the three fighting in the distance, the corners of her mouth slightly raised , showing a bright ~ charming smile, said softly.

Yu Zheng's figure, who was about to launch a bombardment, slammed, and turned to look at Athena, who was standing beside him as cold as the moon. "That sun god is Mithra?"

There are many doubts in Yu's heart? Although according to the original trajectory, the slaughtering hero who descended in Naples should be in the name of Perseus, but the magic power of the stone pillar of Hera was used to summon the goddess of the earth. Moreover, it was exhausted during the deduction, and the long snake did not appear. It is reasonable to say that it is right that no gods come.

"The concubine has three purposes for you to come here, one is to obtain the divine power of many goddesses of the earth, the other is to be the finale of Perseus and avoid being killed, and the third is to resolve the suffering suffered by Perseus after his arrival. Contaminated by madness, let her become the first slave god of our pantheon." Athena whispered her purpose.

Yu touched his forehead, showing an embarrassed look. "The first two are okay to say, and the third one to relieve the madness, we don't seem to be able to do anything, right?"

"Yes, isn't Yu capable of simulating and destroying the divine power of the Earth Goddess, destroying the divine power of Perseus, and pouring it into the divine power you have simulated, in this way, there are dual insurances of divine power control and mythological control, It is enough to firmly control her." There was a dim light in Athena's eyes, and the divine right of wisdom kept guessing the success rate, and finally showed a happy expression on her face.

"Wait, what did you just say? Perseus? That earth goddess is Perseus? And she's fighting Mithra?" Yu looked at the fighting sky with a black line on his head. This is Athena's way of revenge? It's really touching to change the enemy from the hero of steel to the ancient goddess of her mortal enemy.

Wait, this way! Yuu's face suddenly turned black. "Athena, my indoctrination god needs to be silent, right? You let me talk to Perseus!!! Let me talk to a transgender god?

"Don't worry, the myth that the concubine will tamper with has set the time before the myth of the slaughtering hero Perseus, so once recognized by humans, the goddess Perseus will become the later generation of Perseus's myth. The prototype, that is to say, the concept that she was originally a goddess was engraved into the mythology, and Patheus, who descended after that, was naturally the pure goddess of the earth... Sure enough, Yuu has superfluous cleanliness."

Athena showed a distressed look. In order to satisfy Yu's cleanliness, she needed to spend a lot of divine power, forging ancient ruins, and spreading it out, either overtly or covertly for mortals to recognize, so she was often in a state of lack of divine power recently, unable to protect Papa. As Hughes grew up, it was necessary for You to come to Naples to protect the new earth goddess Perseus.

That's good, it's good to be a real woman. "Yu patted his frightened heart, sighed, and shamelessly admitted his cleanliness.

"Yu, try to let Perseus kill Mithra as much as possible. In this case, she should be able to usurp the power of the Sun God together. It's really stupid, Mithra, killing her own followers for a short time to resist the madness, but leaving it behind. Once you are defeated, the flaw will disappear completely, and sure enough, Gang is a brainless person..."

You looked at Athena, who turned into a troll, with a wry smile. Although the young goddess was very moving when she scolded the street, she ruined her image and was my cute little girl...

"If Perseus kills Mithra, it's easy for me." Hehe smiled, and with a wave of his right hand, Gram dispersed, replaced by a sharp sword made of gold, shouting speak out.

"I know you, Mithra, your hometown is Persia, right? You belong to a sect called Zoroastrianism. As the good and evil side of the dualism, you are in charge of the contract and the light.

"Language is light, language is sword, fear me Mithra, fear me with the sword of wisdom."

Yuu's steel avatar has the ability to simulate the heroic symbol of the steel hero, provided that he has been in contact with the divine power of the steel god, unfortunately, 4 days ago, Mithra's subordinate Veleslana's heroic symbol ——The Sword of Wisdom is in Yuu’s hands.

The Sword of Word Spirit in Yuu's hand disappeared.

In the battlefield, Perseus sideways dodged the attack of the corona, and once again used a speedy thrust at Mithra.

When Mithra was preparing to act, the power of heaven and earth came, and the body of the god was firmly fixed in the sky. After that, the sword of the word spirit hit Mithra's body.

"Welleslana's Sword of Word Spirit? No!!!" Godhead was hit by the Sword of Word Spirit, the divine power was instantly blocked, and he couldn't move.

The figure of Perseus was reflected in Mithra's pupils, and his face showed a look of extreme despair.

He was then overwhelmed by the torrent of Perseus' speed-level thrusting.

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