At the moment when Perseus killed Mithra, a strong golden radiance appeared on Perseus' body, and a graceful and spiritual horse carrying the sun suddenly appeared beside her, and the horse was kind to Perseus. The ground snorted, and then turned into a little light, which merged into Perseus's body.

Feeling the changes in the godhead in the body and the information from the godhead, Perseus was surprised to find that the foreign god who had attacked him earlier was actually based on her, combining the gods born of the Persian and Roman sun gods. After Mithra, the godhead in her body was exposed, and the godhead felt her existence as a prototype, and naturally returned to her body.

Seeing that Mithra was beheaded by Perseus, Tony, who had planned to wield a slash that would tear everything apart, quickly stopped his attack, and had a complete view of the goddess absorbing Mithra's power.

"Oh? This is the first time I have seen a god of disobedience kill another god of disobedience, but I never imagined that gods can usurp power from each other?" The silver-armed king of swords clenched tightly. Looking at the hilt of the Western sword in his hand, looking at the horse representing the sun that gradually merged into the body of the goddess, he asked with a doubtful tone.

"Oh, is that right? It's true that God and the power of God cannot usurp each other, but this time it seems that the sun came to my arms because the sun god was born with me as the prototype." Blonde The goddess spoke for the first time, her voice was full of nobility and elegance, but there was a hint of girlish savagery in it.

In the previous confrontation, the Valkyrie kept silent, not because she hated talking. Instead of wasting her energy talking, she hoped that the sword would collide with the sword, looking forward to a battle that matched her identity as a Valkyrie. Therefore, when the fight with Tony was disturbed, he would attack Mithra, who was a spoiler, for the first time.

When two gods who do not know each other appear at the same time, they often do not interfere with each other, but once a god-killer appears, they basically join forces to kill it.

"Is that so, I feel like you've become stronger again. Although I really want to continue fighting with you now, it seems that there are still people hiding in the dark." Tony stroked the back of his head in distress, recalling the past Mithra roared the name of Veleslana before he died, and he was stunned. It's just a simple fight with the gods, why do spoilers appear one after another?

"So, do you want to continue to work together to catch the peek-a-boo guy?" Tony put the sword on his shoulder, showed a hearty smile, and suggested to Perseus.

At this moment, Yu Kasugano silently appeared behind Tony, and the invisible force of heaven and earth locked Tony's body firmly.

Tony, whose body was suddenly stagnant by the force of heaven and earth, suddenly changed his face, and his pupils contracted violently. Hastily activated the power of immortality and poured the magic power into his body to defend against attacks from the rear.

With a very calm expression, Yu quietly stretched out his right palm, waving it slowly, and on Tony's back, which was shimmering with power, he swam around, looking for a suitable starting position, and finally reached Tony's back. On the center of his back, he gently tapped slowly and quickly.

"Peng!" There was a sudden explosion in the atmosphere, and Tony was instantly smashed into the air by the destructive force, and he sprinted towards the sea and sky, bringing a long line of waves on the sea to the horizon.

"But! Evil! Yes! Which! A bastard! Asshole! Ah!" Tony roared, because the speed after being shot out exceeded the speed of sound, a sentence with only 8 words was broken and it took 8 seconds Only then did the clock reach Perseus' ears.

To see the scene of Tony being shot flying without resistance. Perseus' complexion changed slightly, he put his hand on the hilt of the sword around his waist, and slowly clenched the hilt, staring at Yu in front of him, his eyes full of fear.

She had the confidence to dodge the attack just now and the slaps that followed. There were even dozens of ways to dodge it, and after evading the attack, how strong a counterattack existed. But the previous move, which seemed to solidify all the energy between heaven and earth, was completely impossible for her to crack.

Unmatched, completely unmatched, but so what, even if it is a one-sided crush, the Valkyrie is never afraid, even ecstatic, challenging a strong enemy and surpassing oneself is the nature of a warrior.

Perseus slowly pulled the rapier from the holster on his waist, but when the rapier was halfway drawn, her hand was tightly grasped by a slender and young plain hand.

0... ask for flowers...

"It is forbidden to draw the sword to the father, the daughter of the concubine. Athena suddenly appeared on the right side of Perseus, holding the right hand of Perseus who was drawing the rapier in her left hand, her eyes narrowed slightly, like the night. The generally pitch-black vertical pupil revealed a fierce light, and the whole body exuded a pitch-black divine power full of murderous intent.

When Perseus saw the sudden appearance of Athena, his pupils shrank slightly, and when he felt the 'incomparably familiar' divine power fluctuations, he exclaimed. "Mother God?"

You looked strangely at the two goddesses of gold and silver in front of him, and slowly relaxed his body. The breath that had been restrained in order to sneak attack on Tony before slowly radiated out.

After Perseus felt this breath, he quickly retracted the rapier into the sheath, let go of the hand holding the hilt, and his expression suddenly became extremely flustered. "This kind of earth breath that embraces everything!...Is it God the Father?...Are you incarnated as a mortal again and hooked up with ignorant girls? 35

Hearing the flustered words of the goddess, black lines appeared on You's head, and the air turned into an invisible giant hand and pulled Athena to Yu's side. "I said, what's going on, how could she say that I'm a mortal again and hooked up with a girl."

Athena's eyes fluctuated slightly, with a narrow smile on her face, she pondered for a moment, and said. "Perseus was set by me as our daughter in mythology, and then I referenced Zeus as your model, in private life..."

Yu looked at the face of the bright-eyed goddess with a narrow smile in front of her, and her whole body turned gray. "That is to say, in her eyes, is my father a person who behaves like Zeus on weekdays?

Zeus' behavior: Become a cow and secretly chat with a certain queen. It turned into a downpour and poured down on a bunch of beautiful women, which was equivalent to carrying out some kind of behavior. I feel that my daughter is so beautiful, beautiful, and forced. I feel that my daughter-in-law is so beautiful, come here and come.

Yun slowly turned her head and looked at the blond goddess opposite. Looking at the other party's shy and guarded eyes, he covered his face.

"The family is unfortunate!

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