The system of implanted phase!
“Huh? Ehhh? Am I a pet?”
The cute angel raised her little hand and pointed at her pretty face, her little face was full of surprise.
The corners of Shokuhou Caoqi’s mouth twitched. Not to mention, the angel in front of her, who remained obediently in You’s arms even if she was bullied, was really no different from a pet in her eyes.
“Why, you actually treat me as a pet!” The pure white angel puffed out his cheeks angrily, and looked at Yu angrily with the look of me being very angry.
Seeing Gabriel’s cute appearance, Yuman smiled wickedly, teasing the annoyed Gabriel for a while, then he let go of the little angel, gradually restrained the smile on his face, and his eyes returned to calm. .
“Okay, let’s end the long-lost teasing, Gabriel, it’s time for us to get down to business.”
“…Yes!” The pure white angel nodded timidly, looking at Yu with a serious face. She raised her hands, and following her movements, she held up a bright ball of light in her palms. .
Inside the light group, the Kabbalah, an inverted tree composed of 22 paths and 10 particle points as the benchmark, was quietly suspended.
The body of the light group comes from the world of the high school of demons. The god of the Bible is used to manage the world, answer the prayers of believers, and bestow the blessings of the gods on human beings. The supreme artifact – “system” (system).
Seeing this scene, Yu immediately reached out and took out a mass of energy trapped from the phase energy block of “Angel”, and looked at the sleeping “Misha” on the sofa beside him.
“Then, let’s do another Angel Fall and let our lovely Gabriel-chan ‘ascend’!!”
Hearing the words “Ascension to Heaven” and Gabriel’s blushing blushed by the demon king, he looked at Yudao in disbelief.
“Ascension?! Huh huh!! You really came to me to do that kind of thing again, not here, not this time!!”
Looking at the little angel who was almost ashamed to hide in the ground, You twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling the contemptuous eyes of Shokuhou Misaki and Naiako, and said speechlessly.
“…Gabriel, you’ve learned badly. What I mean is, implant the “system” of the God of the Bible into the aspect.”
He deliberately crossed the world once and found the Archangel Gabriel in charge of “Water”, not to add points to the [Heavenly] phase.material so that he can erode the world by himself?
Although it is said that he is still assisting St. Rama, Michael, who is in charge of some system authority, is more suitable for this plan than Gabriel.
However, since the phase energy block in Yu’s hand represents the personality of “Gabriel”, and Michael is not the second-in-command of the heavenly realm who can’t leave the Devil’s High School, otherwise the angel that Yu is most familiar with should be here. Long talent, familiar in all senses.
“…I understand.”
After all, he is an archangel who has supported the heavenly world for thousands of years after God’s death. Although his temper is a little softer, Gabriel naturally has the responsibility he deserves when it comes to major events.
She took a deep breath, then walked slowly to Misha’s side with the system made by Yu, and sang the “hymn” with that soft voice.
As the chants are sung, the concept of similarity and dissimilarity arouses the resonance of the “personality” in Yushou’s heart.
Without the function of any ceremony grounds, the energy block named “Angel” and praised as “Gabriel” was dragged down from the heaven only because of the similarity beyond idol worship.
Because it is located in the “talent workshop”, the power of the inherent barrier is well controlled by Yushi to isolate the negative effects of the angel’s descent, and “Angel’s Fall” is activated again without anyone noticing it.
If there is a “self-personality”, the “Archangel” Gabriel would probably scold people, right?
He was forced to descend from the heaven twice in just one day, and the second time he faced an angel who was almost identical to himself, but had a personality of his own.
However, it is a pity that he has no personality, just a group of [energy blocks] with certain intelligence, and after sensing the approximate points around him, he actively merged into Gabriel’s body.
Without the slightest rejection, Gabriel naturally merged the huge “power”, almost instantly, she learned “phase manipulation” without a teacher, and gained some control over the “heaven”.
“Hehehehe, am I going to be locked in a small dark room?” After realizing that the heaven here is just a overlapping dimension with nothing, Gabriel couldn’t help but let out a distressed voice.
According to Yuu’s plan, she is going to the [Heavenly Realm] to put the biblical god system from another world into phase. This huge system that conforms to the rules of the world will take a lot of time to study. In this way, she will It’s really no different from being locked in a “little black house”.
“The inherent barrier in the workshop can still support you in the human world. At the same time, I will also use the book of cornerstones to erode here. It’s a little hard work.” You lightly sighed and patted Gabriel. The incense shoulder road.
“…That’s what you said, you will accompany me!”
The pure white angel showed a playful and beautiful smile. She raised her head and kissed Yu’s cheek. Then she spread her wings slightly, and her figure gradually turned into a light spot.
“Then, let me go to the heavens first and put the “system” into phase. ”
The voice gradually dissipated, and the beautiful Miss Angel also disappeared.
“Although it is a system that tends to be used for blessings, if it fits into the [Heavenly Realm], it may grow into a central system that manages the entire universe.” After Gabriel left, Naiako frowned and said slowly.
Although this possibility has a very high success rate in her and Yuu’s calculations, after all, they are all created by the gods of the Bible in one universe, and they have a conceptual affinity in the innate.
However, if Yuu’s small movements are discovered by the missing “Yawei”, the possibility of the central system being robbed is not small.
“Take some precautions. If the boiled duck flies, it will be really funny.” He nodded leisurely, and then responded to Naiyazi half-jokingly.
“In this case, it seems that the originally scheduled ‘Erosion of the Kingdom of God’ doesn’t need to be abolished. If the failure rate is too high, maybe you need to call some helpers.” Naiko narrowed her blue eyes slightly, and said with a serious look.
“I hope things don’t develop into that situation.” Yu said with a cold expression.
If he could, he didn’t want to invite those incarnations of Nyarlathotep, or even other noble beings in the Cthulhu system.
After all, he gets along well with Naiako, but it doesn’t mean that those old rulers will be the masters of negotiation, but if the situation is serious to that level, he will not hesitate much. After all, those evil gods are all Knowing the bottom line is better than dealing with Yahweh, who is still alive.
“I hope not, too.” Naiyako stuck out her tongue playfully.

At the same time, on the other side of the world, at noon, St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican.
An uninvited guest stepped into the sacred place in the hearts of these two billion Christian believers.

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