Matthew Liss!
St. Peter’s Basilica.
It was the largest cathedral in the world built above the cemetery of St. Peter, one of the twelve disciples of Jesus Christ, who was entrusted by Jesus to manage the church in 326 AD by Constantine the Great in Rome.
In the past two thousand years, this church has been rebuilt twice. Michelangelo, Bernini and other famous architects left traces on this church with their peak skills.
Although it has been rebuilt many times and has been eroded by wars, what has remained unchanged is that St. Peter’s Basilica has always been the center of the hearts of Christians and the place where the Pope of the Orthodox Church of Rome lives.
And the old man named Matthew Lis lived in this cathedral.
There is no need to say much about his identity. After all, in the Roman Orthodox Church, who can live in St. Peter’s Basilica for a long time, only the only spokesperson on earth, the current Pope of the Roman Orthodox Church, can have this privilege.
Matthew, who was already full of white hair and nearly sixty years old, was in St. Peter’s Church, a small chapel that was not open to the public, half kneeling on the ground and praying.
The clothes on his body are mainly white sacrificial clothes. The pure white color is a symbol of reverence and solemnity in religion, representing the Pope’s lofty status in Christianity.
The old man’s prayer was very calm. It was a prayer he had repeated for most of his life. From the initial ignorant childhood to the present Pope’s prominent position, he has always adhered to the habit of praying.
However, today, with the creaking sound of the church door being pushed, Matthew had to pause his prayers, and then continued to recite the prayers.
“To be honest, I can’t understand it~ As the Pope, you are hiding in such a small place to pray silently, why don’t you go to the Central Cathedral? Don’t tell me why there are too many people, just put those boring Just drive away the tourists.”
The frivolous female voice spoke out loudly in the church. Obviously this is a zone where noise is prohibited, and the people who come here understand the rules, but she still speaks in this way in her own way.
Matthew silently increased the speed of his prayers, and the atmosphere fell into silence when he didn’t answer.
Minutes and seconds passed, just when the visitor was impatient, Matthew finally finished the prayer. After spending a cross in front of him, he folded his hands and stood up.
“Even if they are tourists, they are the Lamb of God. It is against the church’s philosophy to refuse them to visit the cathedral. As for my private prayer address, that kind of thing doesn’t matter, as long as there is an icon.”
“Hehe~, you really love believers, Pope Matthew.” A sarcastic voice sounded immediately.
Although he felt that the sarcastic laughter was very harsh, he was not angry at all. He turned his old body and looked at the person coming behind him.
She has a thin and thin body like a girl, wearing a beige one-piece robe and dress, with a yellow cloth covering all her hair on her head. The style is very retro.
However, what is more eye-catching is not what she wears, but the woman’s face, nose, and eyelids are pierced with metal nails, and she also wears prominent earrings on her ears. A chain the size of a necklace runs through, from which extends a chain with a cross hanging to the waist.
Although she has a beautiful appearance, it is not meaningless to deliberately destroy her appearance in this way. Matthew knows very well that it must be the cornerstone of the opponent’s force and a part of the technique.
But that’s about all his information.
“Wind in front, as a member of the “Right Seat of God”, what is the purpose of your private visit here?” Matthew looked at the woman in yellow in front of him with a serious expression.
——”The Right Seat of God”
The largest Anbu organization in the Roman Orthodox Church, the magic power, is regarded as the ultimate weapon, independent of all institutions, even a special institution that cannot be interfered by the Inquisition.
Originally, this organization was set up to assist the Pope and allow the Pope, the spokesperson of God, to have an equal object to discuss, but now, a thousand years later, this powerful organization has already surpassed the Pope.
Although he didn’t want to admit it, and he wasn’t content with the status quo, Matthew knew that it was a fact that the right seat was above the Pope.
“You should have heard of it, right? The ‘Saint’ Kanzaki Kaori fought against the fallen Archangel Gabriel in the far east, and finally the Archangel’s whereabouts are unknown.”
The wind in front of her grinned, and the chains and crosses on her tongue made a ping-pong sound. She acted like she was deliberately introducing disgust.
“That kind of thing has already been negotiated with the Puritans and asked them to explain the movements of the “Archangel”.” Matthew frowned, and then calmly said.
“The result of the negotiation has already come out. The Puritans said that Kanzaki Kaori left the Puritans as early as last month, and his whereabouts are unknown.” The wind in front shook the paper document in his hand, and his smile gradually became wild.
“That document… didn’t reach me.”
Needless to say, Matthew probably guessed the reason why the document in front of him appeared in the hands of Front Wind. It was nothing more than to use the authority of the Right Seat of God to override the Pope to interfere with the church.
Being overstepped by an organization of the same level, or even a subordinate organization, but unable to attack. The Pope is sitting on this level, and his Matthew is probably the first one, right?
“So, what is your purpose!”
“Take a good look at this document, Kanzaki Kaori’s nearest residence is in “Academy City”.” He threw the document to Matthew, and a bright smile appeared on Kaze’s face in front of him.
“Hmm!! ‘Saints’ live on the science side?” Matthew’s face immediately became serious. In any case, the nuclear weapons on the magic side, where only 20 saints lived for a long time would not be a trivial matter.
It is impossible for a mobile nuclear weapon to dangle in the base camp without any precautions, but since the scientific side dares to let the saint live in the base camp for a long time, do they have the means to deal with the saint?
Combined with the fact that the whereabouts of the archangel are unknown, and the signs of Kanzaki Kaori’s use of the stigmata were found at the scene, then it is possible to doubt that both the archangel and the saint have fallen into the control of the science side.
“A bad situation.” Matthew frowned.
Whether it is Kanzaki Kaori quiltWhether it is controlled by the science side, or the other side cooperates with the science side, if it spreads out, it will be a major and bad event for the magic side.
The wind in front threw the documents towards Pope Matthew. When the Pope silently picked up the documents on the ground, he grinned and showed his fangs.
“So let’s sign the crusade against Kanzaki Kaori and the “science side”!”

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