The entry of the Queen of Bees
“Runko’s savage power is really scary~~”
Shokuhou Caoqi leaned against the window edge of the RV, looking at the tattered medical van not far away.
It’s hard to believe that the big hole that seemed to be smashed by a tonnage-level metal object would have been smashed by a 15-year-old girl with her soft fist.
At the very least, Shokuhou Shikki is unimaginable.
However, Junko Hoafeng’s expression was not so pleasant when it came to Shokuhou’s joke. She pursed her lips, lowered her head blushing, and said in a pleading tone.
“Please stop talking~!!”
“Okay, okay, I won’t say anything.”
Seeing his subordinate’s abnormally ashamed and angry appearance, Shokuhou Caoqi chuckled, waved his hand, and stopped the joking topic.
She turned her head and looked at Kou Zi Zao Niao who had just stepped into the RV, her face changed from a smile to a cold expression.
“Ichiko, how are Sister Misaka and Shirai? Also, can you find out who did it?”
“The two were just being watched by sleeping pills, and Sonoda was doing power therapy for them. As for which side did it?”
Speaking of this, Kouziko Early Bird frowned, and then explained.
“The short-sleeved boy who was working on the street was the subordinate of the Anbu staff, Charle, who had the ability to move in a “dead corner” in the space system, but his body had been found in the van, and the identities of the other people in the car were not recorded in the library. , should be foreign personnel. ”
Hearing the outsider’s words, Shokuhou Misaki’s expression became a little weird.
“The people of Anbu were hacked? Is there an inner ghost?”
And early bird, who was telling the information, couldn’t help but complain.
“I also suspect that there is an inner ghost in Anbu. Otherwise, the ambulance wouldn’t have arrived at the 104 main road by coincidence, and it just happened to get into the weak Anbu.”
It’s really funny that an Anbe died in the black eat black, even if there is an element of carelessness, but there is no way to fight back.
…This idiot is simply pulling down Anbu’s leveling average!
“But the situation is still a little unclear. Anbu staff suddenly attacked my sister, and there are black hands behind me. It’s like a spy movie, full of doubts.”
As she spoke, Shokuhou Caoqi couldn’t help but complained. With her beard cut off, is this a perfect interpretation of the old adage ‘the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole behind’?
At this moment, Kouziko Zaotiao whispered to the side to remind Shokuhou Cao to pray. “Do you need to notify that Miss Misaka sister was attacked?”
Shokuhou Cao was stunned for a moment. Of course, she understood who Kou Luzi said in the early bird’s mouth, but when she heard Kou Luzi mention it, she felt an inexplicable resentment in her heart.
“Don’t mention it, no one answered the 21 calls, where are 80% of you having fun with which blond galloping horse~!”
Hearing those words full of resentment, Junko Fanfeng, who had not had time to report, became a little embarrassed.
At this time, Shokuhou Caoqi also remembered her previous instructions to Junko Honoka, she turned her head and looked at him curiously.
“Speaking of which, Runzi, have you found out who that woman is?”
“The Prince’s Palace said that it is enough to suggest the name ‘Lola Stuart’.”
Hoofe Junko lowered her head and whispered while peeking at Shokuhou Kauki’s face.
Shokuhou Caoqi opened his mouth, then fell silent, and after a while, he opened his mouth.
“Is it the demon god of Puritanism? He is actually doing business today? It’s over, I’ll be guilty of going back tonight~~”
Koukoko Early Bird and Hoikaze Junko looked at Shokuhou Kaori with strange expressions on their faces, shy and annoyed, as if imagining a face that limited the scene, but when Shokuhou Kaori came over, they pretended to be invisible. tilted his head.
“Forget it, I can’t escape anyway. I’ll try to solve it at night.”
FoodBee Caoqi sat back in her seat with a big head, she raised her small hand, rubbed her chin, and whispered.
“In this case, Yu won’t have time to deal with the affairs here at all. It seems that you have to do it yourself.”
The Demon God of Puritanism is tricky, Shokuhou Cao Qi has heard it more than once in Yuu’s mouth, the other party can be said to be a difficult person who is on the same level as Aleister, and against that kind of person, even him Gotta go all out.
Shokuhou, who fantasized about Yuu and Lola arguing with each other in her head, had no idea that Yuu was really going to play with the blond sea horse, but it was different from what she thought. It was not Lola Stuart, but Ou Lianna Thomson is.
After thinking for a while, in the mind of sharing for her boyfriend, Shokuhou Cao Qi sighed, and then decided to handle this emergency by herself.
Although she is a bit lazy, the Queen Bee is not a useless vase.
“What about the outsiders in the car?”
Hearing this, Koujiko Zaatoro couldn’t help but glance at Junko Fanfeng, and after seeing the girl who was already a little ashamed, she felt uncomfortable, and then she said.
“The driver needs to go to the intensive care unit for rescue… As for the doctors and nurses in it, all parts of the body were hit, and there were various degrees of fractures and concussions.”
Kou Luzi Early Bird concealed the fact that the driver had already ascended to the ‘Kingdom of Heaven’. Knowing Fanfeng Runzi’s character, she did not want the other party to blame herself, although she just obeyed orders.
Shokuhou Caoqi raised her brows, and when she noticed that the early bird was different, she glanced at Fanfeng Runzi, and said meaningfully.
“Bring all those who can still ‘move’ here.”
“Yes!” Kou Hiroko nodded early and then got out of the car.
Not long after, with the cooperation of several faction members, the male doctor who was wrapped in bandages and still screaming was rudely thrown to the door of the RV.
“Queen, the people have already brought it.” Kouchizi Early Bird lowered his head in front of the RV and said.
“Don’t be delusional, I won’t say anything if I die.”
The male doctor gritted his teeth with resolute eyes and said, the value of information lies in not saying it. He is very clear about this, so as long as he doesn’t let go, he has hope of survival.
On the other side, when he heard the voice of Kouziko Early Bird, Shokuhou Caoqi, who was sitting in the seat, picked up the satchel beside him, took out the long-lost remote control, pointed it at the doctor on the ground, and said indifferently.
“That’s it, then I will rudely destroy your brain.”
“Huh?” The male doctor was stunned, and before he could react, the water in his brain began to rush.
Along with the previously resolute male doctor, he showed a fool-like collapsed expression.
Shokuhou Caoqi narrowed his eyes coldly, and said in a cold tone.
“So it’s you, Kihara Gensei, don’t you want to hide in the gutter?”
…The entry of the Queen of Bees made Kihara Gensei’s layout go in an unpredictable direction.

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