The staff apartment in the Eighth School District.
After receiving the news from the racecourse, the doctor sat in the engineering chair and fell into contemplation.
“Charle is probably finished. Although he can be replenished at any time, the question is, who is the inner ghost?”
The actions of personnel have always been news that only internal personnel will know. Sometimes, they can even kill first and then report the situation without reporting the situation to the top management. They only need to complete the task requirements at the end to be safe.
Therefore, Charle’s whereabouts must be leaked by insiders.
And now the question is, who is the inner ghost?
“The only one who knows Cha Le’s whereabouts is me, the intermediary, the horse farm, Nagajiro, the logistics man, and Kayaba, who is in charge of the armament. So, who is it?”
The doctor was thinking about the insiders who knew about Charle’s action plan, trying to find out the inner ghost that might appear.
Just when the doctor was thinking.
Kachacha-! Kachacha-!
It seemed that something was rubbing at a distance, and the harsh noise was transmitted to the doctor’s ears from all around.
“There shouldn’t be any decorations nearby?” The doctor who heard the building stood up. He picked up the gun on the table, put it behind him, and slowly approached the window.
Crack la la—!
The curtains were pulled open by a gap, but the outside world was pitch-dark. The deep darkness instantly made the Doctor feel an ominous premonition.
And at this moment, the sound of the click was suddenly amplified several times.
…the ceiling was bitten off.
The huge body of the monster blocked the sunlight and plunged the dilapidated building into shadow.
The lion-headed monster chewed the building debris, and the pair of golden beast pupils reflected the terrified face of the doctor. It grinned and muttered softly.
“The second one, found it!”
“It’s been 11 minutes and the doctor hasn’t contacted me. Does it seem like a failure?”
In some kind of stronghold in the sixth school district, the police officer who had just transferred Mitsuya Ayu to play with the mobile phone in his hand said with a slightly embarrassed expression.
Through her indirect relationship, she set a contact time with the doctor in charge of Chale Hu to make contact every 5 minutes. However, it is now 11 minutes, and the other party has not issued the prescribed contact, so the possibility of the other party missing is very high.
“Was it intercepted by those responsible for the security of those replicas, or was there another accident?”
Jingce said with a gloomy expression on her face. With her turbid black eyes and the dimly lit room, there was a bit of a midnight bell.visual sense.
“It’s a little troublesome. The original plan was to let the personnel attract firepower on the table, but it failed at the beginning. Now that the doctor’s whereabouts are still unknown, it’s a bit tricky.”
Just as the police officer was muttering, the phone in her hand suddenly rang a specific ringtone, which was a communication ringtone dedicated to personnel. Once it rings, it means the doctor’s call.
‘Discovered? ’ As the inner ghost’s police officer, Kanto couldn’t help but think so, but the short time allowed her to dispel her doubts.
“It’s only 11 minutes. Even if the investigation and evidence collection is fast, I won’t be aware of it.” ’
With this thought in mind, the police officer looked at the street room where he pressed the phone.
“Doctor, is there anything you can do to contact me at this time?”
“Hmm, you’re the police officer, right?”
The voice on the phone was not a familiar middle-aged voice, but a young and sweet girl’s voice.
Jingce’s face immediately turned cold, and he said in a slightly angry tone.
“Who are you? What about the doctor?”
“Ah, la la, you’re obviously an insider, yet you still use such a tone of concern for your companions? This kind of nausea is really strong~”
The voice of teasing came from the phone, and the next second, the tone instantly changed from teasing to cold.
“In order to find you, I wasted a lot of time. It took a full 5 minutes of rest time just to mobilize the three dead servants to arrest the personnel. Really, how much should you consider the beauty of the flower girl? Wake up time!”
“Dead servant?! Shokuhou…Cuckoo?!!” When he heard the key words, Jingze Kanto’s expression couldn’t help changing, and he said the other party’s name in a low tone.
‘Is it possible to catch the members of the staff hiding in various places in the academy city in 5 minutes, and then use psychological grasp to directly extract the information in the brain? The king of science, there are really enough monsters around! ’
The police looked a little anxious and thought that being discovered by Shokuhou Caoqi was the worst thing. The power that the other party could invoke was too strong, so strong that she didn’t know how to resist.
‘I’m afraid… Now those dead servants are already on their way to arrest her. To know how to mobilize satellites, monitor communications, etc., for these high-level managers who have resources, it is simply a matter of moving their fingers. ’
“Okay, for the sake of your brain, can you tell me the coordinates of Kihara Gensei? I have a lot of things here that I want to ‘talk’ to him!”
Hearing the indifferent female voice on the phone, the corner of Jingce Kanto’s mouth twitched slightly. She didn’t know how Kihara Gensei provoked this queen of bees, but she was sure that she had become the target of the other party’s hatred.
“…I need a little time.”
Considering his own safety, Ying Ce Tori said with a hint of weakness.
“1 minute!” With this sentence, the communication was immediately hung up by Shokuhou Misaki.
Of course, the policeman understood that this one minute was probably the time it took for the dead servant to rush to her side and arrest her.
Under the circumstance that the enemy and I noticed that it was too big, Police Kanto gritted his teeth, picked up his mobile phone again, and called Kihara Gensei’s number.
Du-! beep–!
Following the busy tone, Kihara Gensei’s old voice rang out immediately.
“Looking for me at this time, has the sister caught it?”
“Unfortunately, I exposed, Director Kihara.”
The police officer said with flickering eyes.
“Exposed?” Kihara Gensheng said in a somewhat surprised tone.
“‘Mind Mastery’ directly intervened. I’ll leak your information later. Don’t blame me if you die, Director Kihara~”
Jingce Kanto laughed at herself, although she was only getting what they needed, but she clearly planned to betray her, so she kindly reminded the other party that she was really hypocritical.
“Hmm! That dangerous girl, her involvement means that the dead servant has also been mobilized, right? The power of the dead servant plus her troublesome brain, it’s not easy to handle!”
Kihara Gensei didn’t pay any attention to what the police said, just muttered to himself.
“Think about how to escape, I’m about to face undead monsters here.” Police Kanto squatted on the ground and gave up his resistance.
“Well, that’s what I said, so in order to delay the time, let’s use a little something.”
The police officer was taken aback for a moment, and then she was holding the screen of the mobile phone in her hand…
…the warning light glowed a strange red light.

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