Kihara Huansheng’s Gambling
At the moment when the red light lit up.
The police officer threw the phone out of his hand.
However, it was a little different from the imagined bomb. It was heavily smashed to the ground, and the mobile phone that made a bang sounded a little harsh noise.
Zizi~ Zizi! Zi-!
“Damn, what kind of sound is this?” Jace looked a bit irritable and covered his ears, but the sound seemed to have penetrating power directly through her palm and into her brain.
After the noise rang out for a while, the sound wave subsided, and what followed was the unhurried old voice of Kihara Huansheng.
“Ah, I guess you haven’t heard of the “Fantasy Master” thing, right? ”
The police officer shrank his pupils and looked at the smartphone with a broken screen on the ground in shock and anger.
“I didn’t respond. It seems that I have heard of the fantasy master! Well, although it was developed by an assistant I abandoned in the past, this kind of thing is actually surprisingly easy to use.”
Kihara Gensei spoke in a strange tone, as if on the other end of the phonelike he was smiling.
“As you imagined, your brain has been kidnapped by my fantasy hand. Although it can only transmit power and force a coma, but thanks to the honey ant Aiyu you sent, her psychological perforation is one of the few that can defend against psychological mastery. The ability, after all, is the ability person who should have become the pinnacle of the spiritual system.”
Jingze Kanzuri’s face darkened, and he looked at the phone in front of him with a bad look, as if Kihara Gensheng was standing in front of her.
Under such a vicious gaze, Kihara Gensei’s voice rang from the phone again.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to force you into a coma. After all, once you pass out, the Queen of Bees will forcefully read your brain, so… go and struggle!”
With the playful ‘Go struggle! ’, the communication was hung up by Kihara Huansheng.
Jingce Kanto gritted his teeth, then sat down on the floor with a sullen face, raised his head, and looked at the white ceiling.
“…It’s been calculated!”
It’s not without reason that Kihara Gensei kept her awake.
With her brain being shielded by “psychological perforations”, Shokuhou Misaki can’t read accurate information without using destructive means.
Even if the police officer cooperates with the information, but for a suspicious mentally capable person, before confirming the information in the brain, he will definitely be skeptical about the oral information.
In this case, no matter what the police officer with a barrier in his brain says, in Shokuhou Misaki’s eyes, it must be suspicious, and even in all likelihood, he will take destructive measures.
And the only way for the police to survive is to gain the ‘trust’ of Shokuhou Misaki in the presence of a barrier in the brain.
“Struggling? It’s really appropriate.” Police Kanto bit her lip unwillingly. Before hitting Aleister, she didn’t want to die, so even if she betrayed everything, she still had to live.
Just when the police officer made up his mind.
The rattling sound of teeth rubbing against the building material suddenly sounded.
What followed was the low whisper of the demon lord.
“the fifth!”
On the other side, Kihara Gensei’s perspective.
The scenery on both sides of the car window receded rapidly.
He was on a highway that wasn’t too crowded right now.
However, this is not the expressway inside the academy city, but the expressway outside the academy city, in Tokyo.
“Well, is the failure of the staff due to Shokuhou Misaki’s intervention? I didn’t expect such a troublesome woman to appear in a laboratory like a talent workshop.”
Kihara Gensei murmured, and then began to calculate the current situation.
The most important key, another psychic capable person, the ant Ayu, has already arrived. Although there was a mistake in capturing Miss Misaka, there is still a backup plan. I am worried that it will not be, but…
…It would be bad if that “Demon God” knew the news!
“How’s the surveillance at the Hilton Hotel? Furukawa.”
Kihara Gensei asked the subordinate who was driving ahead a little uneasy. The middle-aged man named Seiichiro Furukawa was his capable subordinate and the person in charge of operating the intelligence system, so Kihara Gensho asked him.
“According to the situation reported by the subordinate, the demon god should not have noticed the abnormality. However, regarding the uncertainty of existence, our intelligence personnel did not dare to monitor it clearly, and could only judge by indirectly asking the hotel staff. .”
Hearing the report of the subordinate in front, Kihara Huansheng’s face relaxed a little, but he still did not let go of his vigilance.
“In other words, Shokuhou Misaki hasn’t notified the other party yet? But be prepared to face that kind of monster… This kind of unpredictable situation is really bad!”
Kihara Huansheng smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly, then he narrowed his cloudy eyes, stared at the driveway ahead, and said.
“How long will it take to arrive at Tokyo Odori Pharmaceuticals!”
“Two and a half hours.” Furukawa replied succinctly.
“It’s dusk?” Kihara Gensei’s frown became even tighter. “I hope there will be no mistakes during this time.”
Kihara Gensei was gambling, betting on the Puritanism to delay longer, betting on the time when the Dominator knew the news, although it was a very dangerous gamble, it was the only choice he could make.

Parked in an RV in a public parking lot in District 7.
The captured police officer finally saw Shokuhou Misaki in a turbulent high-speed, wearing a tattered nurse uniform and disheveled.
The first meeting was very unpleasant for Police Kanto, all because Shokuhou Misaki blurted out a word when he saw her.
“Huh? This kind of dress is very interesting, that guy Yuu should like it, right?”
“Are you going to give me to someone else? It’s really a way to make the best use of everything, but aren’t you afraid that I will be more favored than you one day?” Jace Kanto said sarcastically with a slightly embarrassed expression.
Shokuhou Caoqi was stunned, then looked at the embarrassed but terrified Vigilante Kanto in front of him with a strange expression, and said in a strange tone.
“You think too much, I mean your clothes are very interesting to wear?”
Jingce Kanzuri’s face was stunned, he lowered his head to look at his holey outfit and the skin that was almost completely unobstructed, then raised his head strangely, and looked at Shokuhou Caoqi strangely.
‘How open is this woman and that man usually? ’

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