Debt Collection
Bright silver chains spread from the void, as if endless, covering all directions.
“God’s Commandment!!” Ishtar saw the silver chain and immediately panicked. She endured the pain from her brain, and a gloomy glow appeared on her body. She wanted to get rid of the incoming chain, but when she Just when she was about to move, she was horrified to find that several chains poured out of her soul, piercing through her spirituality.
“The Binding of Name? How could it be!” Ishtar was stunned for a moment, his eyes lit up, and he shouted through gritted teeth. “Elly!!!”
Along with the roar, layers of silver chains surrounded Ishtar, and in just an instant, it was wrapped into a huge silver metal ball, and the goddess herself was firmly sealed in the center of the ball. middle.
That guy Jesus, the incantation he gave is actually correct… You sighed inwardly, put away the book of cornerstones, held the tablet of destiny, and walked slowly to Ishtar.
“Ai Lei… You ugly girl, you actually betrayed me!!”
Hearing the roar from the depths of the chain, Yu couldn’t help raising his eyebrows, and his face showed a strange look. He knew that the Fate Tablet’s activation of the spell seemed to be misunderstood by Ishtar as Islay. Shikigal secretly informed that this black pot is really…
For a while, Yu couldn’t think of any words to explain, because he knew very well that even if he told IshtarIt is impossible for the other party to believe his words, so it seems that Ereshkigal can only bear the blame of Jesus.
At this moment, Yu, who sensed the fluctuations in space, immediately raised his head and looked at the lake in front of him.
The next moment, circles of golden ripples spread out on the lake not far away, and it didn’t take long for the Queen of Halloween and White Yaksha to appear above the lake.
Shiroyasha first glanced at Yu, then looked at the big silver ball in front of him, and spread out the fan path with a slightly strange expression.
“Hey, what’s the situation? Just now that guy Lapuzi ran and said that you were fighting with someone. Who are you talking to?”
The Queen of Halloween first looked around to make sure that there was no one else, then glanced at Yu, and then looked at the big silver chain ball, with a look of surprise in her eyes.
“This is… the Slate of Destiny of Mesopotamia? The silver chain, is it the chain of the real name? Yuu, have you broken down with the Crown Prince of Ishtar?”
Not long after she received the news of Yu and Ishtar’s secret conversation on her front foot, she saw the shackle of the real name of the Mesopotamian gods on her back foot, which made the Queen of Halloween have to wonder who the restricted object would be. A goddess with a very bad reputation.
“Huh? You said this is that little bitch from Ishtar?” Shiroyasha was stunned. The next second, he suddenly appeared in front of the big silver ball. “Hello, is that the smug and shameless little bitch of Ishtar inside?”
“Uneducated white hair, who are you calling stinky!!” An extremely high-pitched roar suddenly came from the silver ball.
“Oh! It’s you! That’s good, that’s good!” Bai Yasha looked up for a while, then raised his foot with a smile. “Let’s go!!”
Shiroyasha kicked violently, and the silver ball was directly dented and deformed. It stood still in the air for two or three seconds, and then burst into the sky in a burst of sonic boom clouds.
Shiroyasha moved his arms while smiling and said to Rappu, who was poking his head out of the golden ripples behind him. “Lapuzi, go and inform Bai Di and Tiamat that the first Olympic football game is officially about to start!”
“Oh, oh! I see.”
Yuu, who saw all of this, didn’t even notice, ignoring Shiroyasha who was eager to try, and turned his eyes to the Queen of Halloween who was approaching.
“Why, don’t you plan to tolerate this wayward goddess?” The Halloween Queen glanced at Shiroyasha helplessly, then turned her head and smiled at You.
He scratched his head, knowing that this was the Queen of Halloween’s dissatisfaction with her allowing Ishtar to act earlier, and it was at this moment that he realized that Ishtar might even provoke the Queen. He smiled bitterly and spread his hands. “Can I say that I miscalculated Ishtar’s IQ before?”
In fact, Yuu really didn’t expect Ishtar to be so noisy. Before he brought him to Mount Olympus, he always regarded the clear-headed Ereshkigal as the character of ‘Ishtar’ himself. That’s why I ignored the goddess’ actions and focused on saving Tiamat, which led to this mistake.
If you had known that Ishtar was a potential enemy, Yu would probably have dealt with him easily when he was in Mesopotamia.
“Can you even fool you? This is really surprising. I thought some people were reluctant to do it because of the beauty of the goddess.” The Queen of Halloween raised her eyebrows in mock surprise, her eyes teasing said.
Yulue touched his nose in embarrassment. He knew very well that what the Queen of Halloween said was the truth. He has always been a handsome animal, which he did not even deny. “Only in terms of beauty, I admit that Ishtar is very attractive, but in terms of personality, forget it, I can’t help strangling her.”
“I feel the same way.” The Queen of Halloween was silent for a while, recalled Ishtar’s character, and sighed suddenly. “So, what are you going to do with this tricky goddess?”
You thought for a while, looked at the meteor being kicked around in the sky, narrowed his eyes and said. “I have some ideas, but for now, let’s let Shiroyasha and the others vent for a while.”
“Hey~ Bai Ye, this idiot, why do you always do such childish things with the appearance of your mother…” The Queen of Halloween also raised her head and looked at Bai Yasha who was kicking Zhenghuan. She couldn’t help reaching out to support her forehead. Look straight.
You have to find Taichi in this matter, she is the initiator…You snorted and shrugged helplessly.
Late at night, halfway up Mount Olympus, the Temple of Tartaros.
Ta Ta’s footsteps sounded, and the pale Tartaros led Yu into the underground prison, coughing as he walked up the steps:
“Cough, the goddess of harvest kept shouting before she came in, she kept shouting to kill Shiroyasha, Tiamat, Nix, Nuwa, Gaia, I thought she was noisy, so I threw her in The abyss underground palace isolates the voice, but this way, her hostility should deepen a lot…”
Tartarus paused, then continued.
“I don’t know the relationship between you and Ishtar, but I still want to suggest that if it is determined to be an enemy, now is the best chance to kill her, otherwise once she officially becomes a Protoss, get the powerful After immortality, we only have the option to seal, and the seal will be unlocked eventually, but hatred and hostility are not so easy to resolve.”
Yu nodded slightly at this, expressing understanding, and continued speaking at the same time. “I understand your concerns, but abandoning personal preferences,From the point of view of interests, I think it is necessary to keep Ishtar, or in other words, Ereshkigal. ”
“Well, do you really want to divide Ishtar into two gods through the essence of the variable star? This is indeed an idea, although I have not seen Ereshkigal a few times, and every time It was on the battlefield with Kunlun in the past, but the decisive style of the other party still impressed me. If it is this goddess, it is normal for you to have some thoughts.”
Tartarus coughed a few more times, pondered for a moment and said.
“Since you think the benefits outweigh the sacrifices, then let it go. If you fail, your mother and I are not without the means to deal with the Protoss, ahem!”
You glanced at Tartaros and said with a frown. “Are you sure your injury is okay?”
“No problem, at most 12 hours, my power will be restored to 90% of the heyday of Dao, and by that time, there is no need to bother you and Bai Ye and the others to be responsible for the defense of Mount Olympus, and let the junior be responsible for the protection. , Although we know that it is helpless, but we elders hold a sigh of relief in our hearts, hehe, humans and gods are no different in this regard, they are all intelligent races who care about their faces.”
Tartarus waved his hand, then looked at the steps that had bottomed out, and stopped.
“I’ll send it here. If something goes wrong, I will use the space authority of the holy mountain to issue an alarm, but if you think about it, you don’t need this.”
When Yu heard this, he stopped and nodded slightly. “I’m sorry to bother you this time.”
“Don’t think that my old man is long-winded, okay, let’s go about your business, the underground palace is engraved with a lot of seals designed by me, no one will hear your noise no matter how loud it is, although it is a call for help, this is a That’s the downside.”
Tartarus smiled and waved his hand, then turned around, walked up the steps, and returned to the temple on the upper floor.
Yu watched Tartarus leave, knowing that the other person’s figure had disappeared around the corner, he was turning around, looking at the dark passage lit by torches ahead, squinting his eyes, and took a step.
After walking around the underground palace for a while, Yu came to the deepest prison, looking across from the iron bars, squatting on the ground, his limbs blocked by silver chains, struggling to look at his face with a small mirror, Ishtar, the corner of his mouth. A smile evoked.
“Tsk, it’s you, why, do you want to be like the two ugly monsters Shiroyasha and Tiamat, come over to humiliate me?” Ishtar was arranging some split hair, while disdain. He pouted.
Yu pushed open the iron door of the prison, and with a creaking sound, he walked slowly into the prison, and said with a smile. “No, no, I’m just asking you for a debt.”
“Debt collection? I don’t necessarily owe you anything.” Ishtar raised his eyebrows in surprise, and said with a puzzled face.
Yu grinned, and under the light of the torches, his smile was particularly distorted.
“No, no, you owe me a lot, a lot.”
Looking at Yu who was gradually approaching in front of him, Ishtar’s pupils gradually contracted.

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