The Sovereignty of the Goddess
In the dark and cold prison, Yu slowly approached Ishtar, who was bound by the silver chains, and broke the fingers of his left hand with his right hand. He had a soft smile on his face, and in the sound of clicking, one after another. He broke off the fingers of his left hand, like dismantling the knuckles of a puppet.
The broken fingers were thrown on the ground by Yu, wriggling and twisting in mid-air, and when they fell to the ground, they had already turned into strange objects.
“Let’s give a brief introduction.” Yuu introduced the props that fell to the ground while clasping his fingers. “BDSM equipment, vibration equipment, ricochet, massage sticks, ball rolling sticks… These things may be unfamiliar to you, but you will be very familiar with them later, um, of course, along with their functions, become very familiar.”
An indescribable feeling of chill poured into Ishtar’s heart along with Yu’s introduction. She looked at the implement twisted by Yu’s fingers on the ground, and looked at Yu’s left hand, which kept recovering and breaking, subconsciously. He shrank into a ball, hugged his knees, moved to the corner, and shivered.
“Don’t, don’t come here, don’t come here!!”
You raised her brows slightly, her expression was a little surprised, she looked at Ishtar with some playfulness. “What’s the matter? Does His Majesty the Goddess have any opinion on the upcoming entertainment program?”
As he spoke, he slowly approached Ishtar and noticed Yu’s class. The latter’s tremors increased tenfold until the distance between Yu and Ishtar was less than 3 meters. The man was so panicked that he gnawed at the chains on his wrists with his teeth, trying to escape from the heavens in this way and keep away from the wild beasts in front of him.
Even Ishtar himself didn’t know why he was so afraid of Yu’s approach.
“What, what have you done to me…” Ishtar looked at You Dao with horror while chewing on the chain.
Those props that she had never seen before could not be the reason why she was so frightened. She was already close to the Protoss in essence, and she had obtained that sublime immortality. It was impossible for her to be afraid of some small props. Well, everything is done by Yuu behind the scenes.
You Wensheng stopped, just stuck two meters away from Ishtar, looked down at the shrunken goddess, and grinned slightly. “Looks like you found out?”
“Sure enough, are you kidding me!” Seeing Yu stop approaching, Ishtar felt relieved.After a lot of determination, she quivered her lips, a little scared, but also with some strange satisfaction, and looked at Yu with a blushing face.
Yu nodded slightly, and the corners of her mouth curled up more and more. “It’s just the reverse use of the eighth mass point [greed]. I thought it would produce positive emotions such as satisfaction, but I didn’t expect that the consequences of excessive use would be fear and fear. This is really beyond my expectations.”
You sighed inwardly. Even if the power of the tree of Kabbalah was reversed, it could not be transformed into the power of the tree of life. Some were beyond his expectations, but also enough to surprise him.
Thinking of this, You couldn’t help narrowing her eyes, looking at Ishtar’s eyes as if she were looking at a treasure full of gold mountains.
The sublime immortality, the unresolved hostility, the beauty that is enough to fascinate all living beings, and the solitary character. Isn’t this the ability test item that he has longed for and the energy outlet!
“The Reverse Kabbalah Evil Tree… Can even the Protoss interfere!”
Ishtar clenched his teeth, and the chains were clattered by those slightly pointed teeth. Although she expected that Yu’s power would work on her past self, she didn’t expect that even if she became a Protoss, she would not be able to resist the opponent’s power. Even just now, she hadn’t even found any sign of Yu’s ability to use it.
But what frightened Ishtar even more was Yuna’s brighter and brighter eyes, and the strange atmosphere around her that almost made her unable to breathe.
Could it be that another particle’s ability was activated! Ishtar thought in horror, and clenched his knees subconsciously.
Noticing Ishtar’s little gesture, You raised his brows and said with a smile on his face. “Ah, it seems to be a little obvious, so let me remind you a little, this is the power of the seventh particle (lust), and this time it is a positive application.”
Hearing this, Ishtar’s pupil instantly shrank to a small dot.
Suddenly, her head fell down, strands of dark purple hair fell to the ground, and then, at the roots of the goddess’ hair, the dark color gradually spread, and it didn’t take long for all the hair to be dyed.
Seeing this scene, You raised her brows, tilted her head, and pouted. “Tsk, you run really fast.”
“Ah, it’s really beyond my expectations. I didn’t expect you to push Ishtar into such a situation so quickly?” Ereshkigal slowly opened his black eyes, with a frown He looked at Yuu with a smile.
She has long been mentally prepared for Ishtar to take her own top tank immediately after encountering force majeure. In fact, the lady goddess who never suffers from a disadvantage relies on this method to make herself ‘never suffer a disadvantage’, but today This time is different from the past. Once Ishtar takes her to the top of the tank this time, she will definitely take advantage of this opportunity to unite with Yu to seal Ishtar.
Both Ishtar and Ereshkigal are very clear about this. Even Yu, who is unaware, understands that forcing Ishtar to release Ereshkigal will have huge benefits for his actions. Therefore, in Ereshkigal’s view, the previous actions were probably all premised on forcing Ishtar to retreat.
“Okay, the pre-determined goal has been completed. I have already calculated it when I was controlled before. I just need to force the ‘good and evil’ that have not been digested into the spirit, and use that chaos to cause the essence of the spirit. Divide it, and then, using the unstable power of the ninth particle, you can separate me and Ishtar with a certain possibility.”
As Ereshkigal said that, he made the preliminary preparations with energy. She has already turned against Ishtar. Of course, she will not continue to maintain a state of coexistence. Naturally, she will find a way to get rid of Ishtar’s restrictions.
In fact, in the past, when the two were divided into two gods and acted in the Mesopotamian group of gods, there were already signs of splitting, which is why Ishtar no longer trusted his half-body and started to guard against it. The cause, and now is the time for that cause to have its consequences.
At this time, Yuu raised his face, looked at Ereshkigal’s face intently, and said righteously. “Ishtar, do you think you can fool me by pretending to be Elle?”
“Ah?” Ereshkigal was stunned, a dazed look on her face, and she was a little overwhelmed, because as she expected, she was completely unprepared to deal with this situation.
With a sullen smile, Yun slowly increased the power of the seventh particle, and slowly approached Ereshkigal. “It’s useless, no matter how good you pretend, you can’t escape the eyes of my wisdom.”
Ereshkigal’s face gradually lost its expression, she looked at Yu expressionlessly, her breathing gradually became heavy and hasty.
“For the record, this joke is not funny at all.”
Ereshkigal had already guessed Yuu’s thoughts. It was nothing more than a mistake. She directly enjoyed her and Ishtar’s bodies in this dark prison. She narrowed her eyes and said with a cold face.
“To be honest, I don’t resist your idea. If you plan to play some special scenes, I don’t mind doing it directly here, but you have to understand the importance of the first time to women, if you are sure that Here, I will not refuse, but don’t expect me to cooperate next.”
The soft and hard answer made You stunned for a few seconds, and then she had to raise her hands in a surrender gesture. “Okay, I admit that I’m a little obsessed, so, the beautiful goddess Ellie, can you forgive me for my previous behavior of Meng Lang?”
“There is a saying in the East, “Knowing mistakes can make great improvements.”Of course you know the mistake, of course I will choose to forgive. ”
Ereshkigal gave Yuu a playful look, then raised his hand with a smile, and shook the bracelet in his hand.
“Reinforce the strength of the chain.”
Yoo frowned, looked at Ereshkigal a little strangely, and then took out the Stone of Destiny to reinforce the blockade on Ereshkigal.
“To be honest, this is the first time I’ve heard such a request.”
There are still people who don’t like being tied tightly enough. Could it be that Elle still has an interest in BDSM? Yuu groaned in his heart.
At this moment, Ereshkigal shook the chain that had increased in strength, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. “The Curse of Name, you should know how to use it, Yuu?”
Yu nodded, and at this moment, he clearly saw Ereshkigal’s hair quickly turn purple, and at the same time, the silver chain also glowed with a fine shimmer, rivaling the rising purple chamber. on.
“Sure enough, didn’t you notice?” Ereshkigal said with some difficulty, her face was sweating, and she looked at Yuu with a painful expression. “Use the Slate of Destiny to impose a new spell on me, I will control ‘myself’ to promise, the speed is fast, I can’t suppress her for long.”
Are you selling your sovereignty by yourself? Yu Deng widened his eyes in astonishment. He didn’t expect Ereshkigal to make such a request, but seeing Ereshkigal’s painful expression, Yu suddenly couldn’t care less about his mistakes. After thinking for a while, after thinking about it, he directly picked up the Destiny Slate, cast the curse of fame, and said.
“Your name is: Alger!!”
“This is right…the truth!!”
Accompanied by that labored voice, the power of the central hub of Hakoba broke through the heavy blockade and came to Yuu, and in the emptiness, it condensed into a piece of yellow-brown parchment.
Yu reached out and took the parchment, looked at Ereshkigal who seemed to be collapsing in front of him, frowned, and thought of going up to treat him.
“Stop first, take advantage of my underestimation, and start separating.” Ereshkigal leaned on the stone wall, raised his head weakly, and looked at Youdao.
Yu thought for a while, slowly stretched out his right hand, and switched his power to the ninth particle. Suddenly, Yu’s arm wriggled like a solution. He frowned, gritted his teeth, and pressed his palm against Ai. Reshkigal’s head.
“Ah!!” A scream came from Ereshkigal’s mouth, black flames wrapped around her body, the clothes made of divine power collapsed in an instant, and the cold floor of the prison was in an instant. It turned into a freshly baked red brick, and the silver chains spread out, tightly binding the struggling goddess.
In the screams, the shadow of Ereshkigal on the ground gradually separated into two people.
Outside the Temple of Tartarus.
A figure leaned on his waist, sneaked out from behind the rock in the corner, hid behind the pillar in the temple, stuck out his head, and looked around.
“Tartaros isn’t here, that’s right!”
The figure murmured, looked around for a while, and crept to the center of the temple, looking at the tunnel that spreads infinitely underground, the corners of his mouth twitched.

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