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5566 Outer door.
The handsome young man with long light brown hair, a man on the upper body and a horse on the lower body was silent. He walked along the forest path that was stepped out, passed through the forest, and came to the edge of a wooden house.
There was a fire burning on the edge of the wooden house, and by the fire, the poet Hesiod with brown hair and a beard on his face was squatting in front of the fire and roasting deer legs. Looking at the simmering legs on the fire without saying a word, it seemed that he was lost in thought.
And when the sound of the four horse hooves under the youth stomping on the ground sounded, Hesiod finally regained his senses and turned to look at the person coming. When he saw the young man who was a centaur, he forced a smile and said:
“You’re back, Your Highness Chiron.”
“Well, I’m back, Hesiod.”
The young man called Chiron nodded, and then stepped on the trail with some unease.
“FatherSir, has he returned? ”
Hesiod’s face changed, and he glanced at the wooden house behind him with some fear. Seeing this scene, Chiron immediately knew the answer.
“I understand, I’m sorry to bother you.”
He thanked him and walked towards the rough wooden house in silence.
And as he passed Hesiod, the sturdy poet reminded in a low voice.
“You can choose to escape…”
Chiron stopped and said with a complicated and inexplicable expression:
“Impossible, no one in this world can escape the mercy of fate.”
After speaking, he did not continue to pay attention to Hesiod, as if he was afraid of something, he quickened his pace and entered the wooden house.
Hesiod looked at the roasted deer leg in front of him, recalled the silver-haired devil standing before his fate, and sighed inexplicably.
“At the mercy of fate? In this world, not everything is determined by fate.”
Inside the hut.
Chiron, who pushed away the wooden house, was silent for a few seconds, and then stepped into the wooden house.
At this moment, inside the house, an old voice rang out.
“Oh, it’s Chiron? Why didn’t you choose to leave? This is really beyond my expectations.”
Chiron’s body was shocked, and he looked in the direction of the sound with a bit of fear on his face.
On the reclining chair in the center of the wooden house, the old man with the goatee fell on the reclining chair, half-squinting his eyes, playing with a small bright silver key in his hand, looking at Chiron at the door with a half-smile.
When he saw the other party, Chiron immediately lowered his head, You Qi didn’t dare to look at the silver key in the other party’s hand. The frequency visible to the naked eye vibrated, as if hearing a terrible whisper.
Chiron forcibly endured the fear in his heart, instead of looking at the old man in front, he lowered his head and said in a trembling voice:
Chronos narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at the tall and handsome young man in front of him, with an inexplicable twitch at the corner of his mouth.
“Did you bring something?”
“Bring it.” Chiron looked at the soles of Chronos’ shoes fearfully while taking something from his pouch: “According to your instructions, I found this at the outer door of 7111 and took it with me. return.”
After speaking, Chiron took out a bright silver ball of light, and when Chiron was holding the ball of light, a centaur with a bow and arrow seemed to appear in the ball of light.
“Sagittarius, or Sagittarius, although your blood can really resonate with this thing, but it doesn’t hinder it? Sure enough, Zhou You, the kid, is making some crooked ideas, even me who lives in this barren mountain. You can hear things like ‘The White Night King has no scruples about the remaining Sun Sovereign’, huh, that’s really funny.”
Chronos cast a glance at the Sun Sovereign in Chiron’s hand, then raised the corner of his mouth slightly, smiled playfully, narrowed his eyes, and looked at Chiron.
“Since this thing has been obtained, how are you preparing?”
Chiron shook his body, then lowered his head and said in a trembling voice:
“My life comes from you, and it will naturally be used by you.”
“Wrong!” Chronos shook his head, then shook the silver key in his hand and said, “Your life did not originate from me, you are just a product of my research on this key.”
Chiron lowered his head in silence, and Chronos didn’t care about the other party’s mood, but continued to ask:
“Have you heard those crazy whispers?”
Hearing Chronos mention the crazy whispers he often hears, Chiron trembled and said with a strong fear:
“Give me all the complete retelling.” Chronos closed his eyes and fell on the reclining chair, listening to Chiron reciting all kinds of crazy words in a painful tone.
365 Outer Gate, a towering and huge astrology platform.
The huge, majestic and sacred oriental dragon is entrenched here. Even if the terrifying body circles and overlaps, it occupies a huge land in a radius of ten thousand miles. Even the towering astrological platform can only barely support the chin of the dragon. Hold up its head.
Star Sea Dragon King!
The half-star spirit of Daomen, the pure-blooded dragon, is a strong competitor among many gods in the position of Jupiter’s star spirit.
He, who symbolizes the reincarnation of time, explores the essence, but is one of the incarnations of the zodiac. He has a certain connection with the turbid dragon, which symbolizes time, and the hidden essence is enough to be called the half-star spirit of the sun.
However, at this moment, the real dragon looked solemnly at the dragon son Longsun on the steps of the astrological platform, listening to the other party’s words.
“Ancestral God, all the gods in the little garden now know that you hold a piece of sun sovereignty in your hand, and Her Majesty Nuwa has issued a warning to the Jade Emperor, ordering you to hand over the sovereignty in your hand and return it to the White Night King… Otherwise…”
The Star Sea Dragon King squinted at the huge dragon master, and hummed a thunderous nasal sound from his huge nostrils.
“Hmph, let her come over, I want to see what this old guy has been up to recently!”
The son of the dragon below, Longsun, was shaken to the ground by the shocking shouts, and almost rolled down the steps of the astrological platform.
“A bunch of trash.” The Star Sea Dragon King snorted in dissatisfaction. “Well, after all, it’s just a bunch of bastards. Even if you inherit my blood, you can only do it to this extent.”
The dragon son and grandson below hurriedly got up. Hearing this sentence, he was immediately speechless. They were all descendants of the Xinghai Dragon King and other species, and they were the descendants of the five generations later.Called a bastard, dare not even refute.
“The brilliance of the sun is a secret treasure that I have planned for countless years. If Nuwa wants to take it, let her come by herself.” Xinghai Dragon King snorted dissatisfied.
Although it is a half star spirit of Jupiter, since the Xinghai Dragon King is a purebred dragon species extended from the zodiac, its essence should be classified as a half star spirit of the sun in the final analysis.
However, the power and inheritance of the Sun Protoss related to Taoism has been controlled by Tai Yi who is a “born god and Buddha” from beginning to end. , and gave birth to two highnesses to succeed the position of the Sun Protoss, which annoyed the Dragon King.
Originally, it wasn’t the belief that the protoss occupied the sun. Since it was the emperor of heaven and the leader he recognized, he had nothing to say, but they all left Little Garden, and even deliberately made two daughters hold the power of the sun one after another.
Is this when he, the elder, does not exist!
But those old fellows really want to talk about strength… The Dragon King of Xinghai was silent for a moment. He knew Nuwa. Although he was afraid, he was not afraid, but what he was afraid of was that she would call that monster son who didn’t know the background.
That’s a monster that even Kronos lost his old teeth. With his family background, he probably really can’t stand up to him.
Let’s find a more attractive target… After thinking about it this way, Xinghai Dragon King immediately got up, ignoring the lowly son and grandson of the dragon, his body shook, and he flew towards the Heavenly Palace.
In his opinion, compared to himself, the Jade Emperor boy attracted the hatred of Nuwa and others more.

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