The Honest Child
The male voice that came from the room made Ji Hiragana Xuena freeze in an instant.
Also encountered was Hwangsaka Sayaka on the side. The two, who were also high-level psychic mediums, noticed the sporadic atmosphere in the room at a tiny moment, which seemed to be an unconsciously spreading terrifying aura.
It wasn’t the male voice just now… Ji Hiirah Yukina immediately rejected the source of the sense of terror. The reason is not logical thinking, but simple wild intuition. For witches who advocate the interaction between spirits and spirits, intuition is often more accurate than shallow thinking.
Ji Hiiragi Xuecai looked at the door with a vacant gaze. The ordinary door seemed to her like a big mouth that opened slightly when a beast was sleeping, and she could vaguely see the darkness. A little bit of edge.
Where is something terrifying dormant… Escape, we must escape, take Sayaka to escape… Just when Ji Hiiragi Yukina subconsciously tightened her nerves, the previous male voice sounded again.
“Okay, Agulola, don’t fall asleep. The subject of the assessment has already arrived at the door. What does one of your examiners sound like?”
Slightly blamed, but also full of loving laughter and scolding followed.
Then the vague sense of terror subsided and dissipated in an instant, stopping the deterrent to the priestesses.
With a bang.
Ji Hiragan Yukina turned her head and saw that the sweaty Kwangsaka Sayaka had already reached the ground, breathing in the fresh air with big mouthfuls, her pale face was filled with a bit of happiness for the rest of her life, and her mouth was vague. He said eloquently:
“I’m saved… that one just now…”
“I’m afraid we are feeling the breath of the fourth primogenitor…”
Jihiira Yukina said in a very solemn tone. Agulola Florestina, this is the name of the fourth primogenitor in the intelligence support given by the three saints of the Lion King agency, and the male voice just called out this name, that vague sense of terror It just disappeared, and the source of that male voice is probably the demon king who came into the world in the information, the [enemy of God] recorded in the holy book.
As for the previous reaction, Ji Hiragan Xuena was somewhat enlightened at this time.
As high-level psychic mediums, I and Sayaka have consumed a lot of physical and spiritual power in the previous climbing stairs, but their mental state is unprecedentedly tense, which brings about the ability of ‘spiritual vision’ They played to their limits, but they couldn’t suppress this perspective, which led them to ‘see’ things they shouldn’t see.
If the previous Satan hadn’t made a sound… the worst outcome would have been excessive fear and a nervous breakdown… For the first time in her life, Yukina Jihira encountered “goodwill” from a stranger, or rather from a demon.
“Did you save your life by the devil…” Hwangsaka Sayaka, who also realized this, slumped on the ground and muttered, “In this situation, Sansheng and the others still have the face to say that they are not dangerous. Gao, that True Ancestor almost scared us to death with just an unconscious breath, isn’t that not too high? What are the official sword witches facing all day long?”
Ji Hiiragi Xuena hesitated for a while, then said, “. The degree of danger is really not high.”
The girl’s intuition told her that the kindness of the demon king was likely far beyond her expectations. This can be inferred from the fact that the other party suppressed the breath of the fourth primogenitor and the fact that the other party did not feel the other party’s existence from the very beginning. One or two.
And this kind of intuition and experience made Ji Hiragana Xuena truly affirm the words of the Three Saints.
This is indeed a ‘low risk’ task, because the person facing it is likely to maintain a high degree of goodwill.
“Okay, there are two candidates outside, I’ll repeat it again, please enter the first candidate quickly, and the second candidate is ready!”
Hearing these words, Hwangsaka Sayaka was sitting on the ground with some difficulty preparing to stand up, intending to ‘see the way’ for Jihiraine Yukina, but just as the girl got up, she was held down on her shoulder by Jihirai Yukina.
“Saayaka, I’ll come first, your physical strength is too much, it’s not suitable.”
Looking at the serious face of Yukina Jihira in front of her, Sayaka lowered her head a little embarrassedly. Although she specializes in different fields, her physical strength is better than that of Yukina, who is one year younger than herself. ‘, is the ‘key’ that the girl is now extremely embarrassed.
And more importantly, Hwangsaka Sayaka found that as soon as she saw the serious and cute face of Ji Hiragan Yukina, she couldn’t refuse the other party’s request at all. She was a perfect and intimate elder sister~ How did she become obedient? little sister? !
in ‘comfort’ After seeing Hwangsaka Sayaka, Ji Hiragana Yukina took a deep breath, reached out and twisted the doorknob, and then walked slowly into the room.
Right in front of the door after the door was opened, where a simple wooden chair was placed alone, in the corner of my vision, I could see a rectangular white cloth table with documents and computers in an empty room. The white cloth table On the side sat three different heights, obviously the examiner’s figure.
Ji Hiiragi closed the door, took a deep breath, and walked to the wooden chair in small steps. After sitting down, she raised her head and looked at the three people behind the white cloth table.
The most conspicuous among them was a young man who was facing Ji Hiiragi Yukina.
She has short silver hair with a gray tone, and her light black and gray eyes are bright but deep like a black hole, making people unable to detect any emotions, but it seems to hide a terrifying desire, and her appearance is like that of Hwangsaka Sayaka. As I said, she is beautiful enough to be regarded as a woman, but unexpectedly exudes a strong texture of [male].
Is that the original demon, the greatest enemy recognized by [God]… Ji Hiragana Yukina gritted her teeth secretly. In terms of appearance, she was indeed far superior to ordinary people, striking and distinct, but she did not possess any [ Strength] texture.
I’m afraid it’s beyond the range of understanding, and the other party is restrained from goodwill… Ji Hiiragi Yukina quickly made a judgment, and the comparison of the judgment is the yawning light-blond girl sitting on the far left.
The vague sense of terror and the faint divine majesty made her immediately judge that it was the world’s strongest vampire who had previously deterred herself and Sayaka, the Fourth Primogenitor – Uncle Flame Night.
The youth and laziness of the appearance did not completely damage the fear of the strongest ancestor. The existence of the other party made Ji Hiragan Yukina feel as if facing a natural disaster. However, if the other party and the Satan were taken For comparison, Ji Hiragan Yukina intuitively thinks that the latter is more terrifying and terrifying.
And on the far right, the girl with tan blonde hair is… Lan Yu Shallow, Ji Hiiragi Yukina has obtained information on the other party, the daughter of Senjin Lan Yu Xianzhai, the Senator of Itogami Island, who belongs to the descendant of the collaborator of the Lion King agency, belongs to A type of person who can be trusted with a certain amount of trust, and may also be his predecessor in the future.
After going through the information of the three people in her mind, Ji Hiragan Xuena sat on the chair nervously, and just like she was observing the examiner, the examiner was also observing the ‘first place’ interviewing girl.
“It’s pretty cute, I feel like a very strong child, but I don’t know what to call it, and I don’t seem to plan to send my own information?” It was obvious that the other party was younger than him, Lan Yu Shallow murmured in a low voice.
Hearing the low-pitched muttering, Ji Hiiragi Xuecai’s expression froze immediately, because she didn’t even know that she had her own documents, and neither the Lion King agency nor her teacher Yuantangyuan had mentioned it to her at all.
How to do? Introduce yourself now? But what to say about that kind of thing, starting from the name… Ji Hiragan Yukina seemed nervous and could hear her own heartbeat.
At this moment, Yu, who was sitting across from her, suddenly picked up the document on the desk, distributed it to the left and right, and then said:
“Let’s take a look at the files that Yuantang handed in this morning.”
Agulola took the document in a bit of distress, then put it under her elbow, tilted her head, opened her eyes slightly, and let out a well-proportioned breathing sound, as if the person in front of her was not Ji Hiragana, but the one holding the textbook. Nangong was the same that month.
On the other side, Lan Feather Shallow, who took over the document, was obviously more interested than Agulola, and quickly swept the information above:
“Ji Hiiragi Xueca? It’s a cute name, is she twelve years old, and the guardian is Yuantangyuan? Hey, can this thing be written clearly? You people are really… Wait a minute, currently studying at I remember the name of Takasamisha Middle School from a famous school in my hometown, Kyoto.”
Just as Lan Yu Scallion was muttering, You glanced at Ji Hiragan Yukina, then turned her head and said to Lan Yu Scallion:
“The shape is in line with our requirements, what’s your opinion, Scallion?”
“You said so, what else can I have an opinion on, and to be honest, this child is really cute.” Lan Yu Shallow raised her head and glanced at Ji Hiragana, and then saw that the document was obviously a candid camera, and The young-toothed loli, who was three or four years old in a low voice, smiled and said, “It was also very good when I was a child.”
As a child? Ji Hiiragi Xueca tilted her head, her eyes locked on the document in Lan Yu Shallow’s hand, and she intuitively told her that there seemed to be something bad recorded somewhere, but due to the occasion, she could only sit in the same place a little uneasy. superior.
“The shooting angle is very good. At first glance, it looks like a famous artist with more than 20 years of experience. You have the personal division of Yuantang. Well, the appearance is considered a clearance.”
Yu nodded slightly, then put down the document, looked at Ji Hiragan Xuena, and gradually narrowed her eyes and said:
“Then, talk a little bit more, what is the reason for Miss Ji Hiragi to join our office, please tell the truth.”
“It’s an order from the Lion King agency.” Ji Hiiragi replied without even thinking about it. She intuitively told her that this was the best way to answer.
“Ehhh? Is this something that can be said on the bright side?” Lan Yu Shallow on the side said with a confused expression. Was ordered to join the office by a certain organization, isn’t this an obvious traitor? Forget the fate of the previous fate, and now Ji Hiirah Yukina is so honest, what on earth did the Lion King agency send spies to do! !
Just when Lan Yu Shallow was about to be powerless to complain, Yu, who was sitting beside her, nodded with satisfaction, and then there was deep malice in his eyebrows.He raised the corner of his mouth slightly and said a devilish whisper:
“The data shows that you were adopted at the age of 7 by the High God’s Shrine, which belongs to the Lion King Agency. Can I ask you why?”

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