The joys and sorrows of human beings are not connected
That deep voice gradually awakened the deep memory in Ji Hiragan Yukina’s mind.
The snow-filled night, the icy cold that fell on the skin, the indescribable fear and the bone-piercing icy cold, the only warm thing was the whisper of a gentle but powerless female voice:
Run towards the forest in the east… don’t look back… keep running…
Ji Hiiragi’s expression gradually became distorted, the deep memory that was awakened was gently releasing its coldness, and the mental barrier that had been maintained was without any waves, as if she was actively recalling the scars of the past.
Afterwards, Ji Hiragan Yukina’s breathing became heavy, showing an expression as if she had been told of some scars in her heart. After a few changes in her face, she pursed her lips and said in a low voice:
“Because when I was seven years old, I was sold by my parents to a cult organization. As a human pillar for blood sacrifice, I was rescued by the then Sanshou Fujisaka Touka, and indirectly caused her to die in battle… Then I was adopted by the Lion King agency. ”
The past that he couldn’t face in his heart was awakened by the whispers of the devil, and normal people would be angry about this, but Ji Hiirah Yukina found that she did not have the slightest sense of anger, but instead looked directly in the state of a bystander under the leadership of some kind of power. own memory.
The girl’s heart is not sad, but gratitude, for the gentle woman who saved her from the cult, and for the person who gave her future with her life.
“It’s a lie…” Lan Yu Shallow subconsciously covered her mouth and looked at the girl in front of her with pity and sympathy. Obviously, she is only 12 years old, and an innocent girl who is only 13 years old according to her virtual age can have such a miserable childhood.
He was sold by his biological parents, and the person who saved him was killed by himself, and now he was dispatched by a state agency to perform a spy mission. Even if he couldn’t hear the emotion in the other party’s tone, Lan Yu Shallow could feel the other party’s heart. Sadly, this is a bleak life that she could never imagine from being born in a healthy family.
“It’s too pitiful…” Lan Yu Shallow opened her mouth, looked at Ji Hiragana Xueca’s determined face, and lowered her voice subconsciously, as if she was worried that her description would insult the other person’s current will.
“En, it’s so pitiful.” Agulora, who was awakened by the voice of Lan Yu’s scallion, repeated, but she was thinking whether it would be better to have a sundae or ice cream for dinner at night. As for the miserable girl, there is absolutely no The true ancestor of the experience simply cannot understand, let alone empathize.
“I don’t feel sorry for myself.” Ji Hiiragi Xuecai frowned slightly when she heard Lan Yu Shallow’s words. She couldn’t understand the other party’s sudden behavior, and she didn’t even understand why the other party felt that way. Some disgusting eyes look at herself, is her life not good now? Is it a bad life to have elders who care about you, have good friends, and still contribute to maintaining the stability of the world?
Ji Hiiragi Yukina couldn’t understand what Lan Yu Scallion was thinking, so she showed the expression of wanting to cry.
——The joys and sorrows of human beings are not connected.
The silver-haired ruler indifferently observed everyone present and made such a judgment.
Then, after waiting for Ji Hiragana to regain his calm, he tapped on the table, then squinted, looked at the other party’s face with a touch of sadness, and said:
“I have already understood the basic situation. Although there is still a talent inspection, the cultivation of the Lion King matchmaking agency is still highly recognized by our firm.”
“Thank you for your approval, eh? A matchmaking agency?” Ji Hiragana Xuena first subconsciously thanked her for approving the actions of the Lion King agency, but the next second, she looked at the other party with a puzzled face, what does the matchmaking agency mean? Does the Lion King agency still have this business? Why didn’t she hear it when she was in class.
The girl remembered the term Yu said, and plans to ask Yuantang Yuan about its meaning later.
On the other hand, Yu naturally didn’t intend to explain the meaning of the dating agency to Ji Hiragana, he folded his hands in front of him, squinted at Ji Hiran, and said the devil’s whisper with a smile:
“Compared to Miss Ji Hiirao, I also understand that our company’s main members are all witches, and when witches sign with our company, they will help the signatory to realize certain wishes in exchange for equal value. I wonder if Miss Ji Hiirah has a good wish? State in advance that no matter what absurd wish it may be, we can achieve it…”
This is almost an obvious hint to Ji Hiragan Yukina.
While the young girl was whispering, she directly recalled the three saints of the previous generation who gave her life. Almost subconsciously, Yukina Jihiira first thought of resurrecting Fujisaka Touka, and secondly, to let the parents who abandoned her re-establish themselves. return.
But after a moment of thinking, intuition and rebellious psychology made Ji Hiragan Yukina abandon the latter options, and turned to the first option, resurrecting the previous generation of swordsman of the Lion King agency.
Ji Hiiragi Yukina knew very well that she could be induced by Yu, but the thought of repaying her kindness was deeply embedded in her mind, so she replied almost without thinking:
“I want to revive a person, the predecessor of the Lion King agency, Kanko Yong-sama Fujisaka Touka.”
Lan Yu Shallow was stunned for a moment when she heard this. She looked at Ji Hiiragi Xuecai in front of her, vaguely seeming to see her own shadow on the other side. Why is this picture so visual?
The girl fell into doubt.On the other side, Yu narrowed his eyes after Ji Hiragan Yukina expressed her wish, and said with a smile:
“Resurrection of a person? According to the exchange of equal value, the price is that your soul and body belong to me. Do you agree to such a deal?”
“I agree.”
A voice without hesitation rang out in the room.
Then Yoo smiled and clapped his hands, picked up the seal on the side and stamped a seal on the document with Ji Hiragana’s photo in front of him, and then said with a smile:
“I’m honored to inform you, Miss Ji Hiiragi Xuena, that you’ve been accepted. Then we’ll invite our new members to go outside and inform the next interviewee.”
Ji Hiiragi opened her mouth, then nodded silently, got up from the chair, and walked out of the door.
“Xuena, are you alright? How about the assessment, did you pass or were you brushed off?” Hwangsaka Sayaka, who was walking back and forth in the corridor, heard the sound of the door being opened, and immediately turned her head, and then saw the figure of Jihira Yukina. After that, she took a sigh of relief, then quickly stepped forward, grabbed Ji Hiragan Xuena’s hand, and asked with concern.
“It’s… passed, right?” Ji Hiragan Xuena said slightly hesitantly. Although it came from her own heart, she also knew that there was no lack of Yu’s inducement, but she herself had no regrets about it. , all the hesitation was because he was worried that Huangsaka Sayaka would make a choice that went against his original intention.
After thinking about it for a while, Ji Hiragan Yukina said:
“The examiner asked me to notify you of your admission.”
After a pause, Ji Hiirah Yukina continued:
“Saayaka, answer according to your own thoughts, and don’t make a choice that you will regret.”
“Huh?” Hwangsaka Sayaka was stunned for a moment, then looked at Ji Hiragana Yukina’s figure and serious face, tangled for a while, and chose to step into the door.
After entering the empty room, Hwangsaka Sayaka first sat on the chair, and then observed the three examiners as usual, Lanyu Shallow she could face it, but when she saw Agulola, she showed obvious fear. And when he saw Yuu, he was even more subconsciously fearful.
In an instant, the girl exposed her heart cleanly.
As the only person present who observed this, Yuu asked in a very flat voice:
“Hwangsaka Sayaka?”
“Yes.” Hwangsaka Sayaka nodded slightly unnaturally, and subconsciously avoided Yu’s gaze.
Yu realized this, but he didn’t break it for a while, but asked as usual:
“What’s the reason for joining our firm?”
“Yes…” Hwangsaka Sayaka immediately wanted to tell the excuse she had prepared so carefully last night, but at this moment, she suddenly remembered Ji Hiragana’s reminder, so she changed her mind and said, “Yes… The Lion King Agency The command.”
“I knew it.” Lan Yu Shallow on the side complained in a low voice, and aggravated the idea that the top executives of the Lion King agency were all mentally retarded.
At this time, Yun narrowed his eyes, took a look at the document in front of him, looked at Hwangsaka Sayaka, and said:
“The document says that because of the violence of your father’s behavior and the cold violence of your mother when you were young, you have a severe fear of men and a general disgust for women. Is this wrong?”
“No…No.” Hwangsaka Sayaka suddenly had a bad idea. Wouldn’t it be possible that after Ji Hiragan Xuecai passed the assessment, she was brushed down instead?
No way… Kwangsaka Sayaka suddenly couldn’t calm down.
“Well… admit the truth, it’s a good advantage.” Yu praised, but his face was expressionless, such a performance once aggravated Huangsaka Sayaka’s worries, and then Yu continued: “You Can you describe the degree of androphobia? At what range does the phenomenon of fear occur?”
“I… I don’t know.” Hwangsaka Sayaka hesitated for a moment, then said insincerely.
Yu frowned, then said slightly troubled:
“This is difficult. We are an idol company here, and contact with the opposite sex is almost unavoidable…”
At this moment, with a bang, the chair suddenly fell to the ground, and Kwangsaka Sayaka, who was sitting originally, stood up and bowed ninety degrees toward Yuu:
“Please be sure to pass my review, please, I’m willing to do anything!”
“Are you willing to do anything?”
Yu gradually narrowed his eyes, showing a meaningful expression.

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