Twelve o’clock at noon, Xijima, Isogami Island, the street that never sleeps.
The hot sun shines from the high-rise buildings, and the endless crowds of the commercial street gather in front of the fountain in the central square to enjoy the coolness brought by the water vapor, and then use it as a starting point to disperse to various entertainment venues.
Gradually, the endless crowd crowded. They stopped, raised their heads, and were attracted by the huge TV billboard in the central square.
And the billboard that occupied most of the people’s eyes was broadcasting special news from CCTV of Itogami Island.
[At 10:37 this morning, dozens of armed sniper teachers affiliated with Lotarinchia assassinated the first princess of Aldikia, Her Royal Highness La Furia Lihavain, who secretly visited Itogami Island. Let’s connect with reporters on the scene. 】
Looking at the photo of La Furia in a royal costume occupying a corner of the screen, the onlookers in the central square immediately began to discuss.
“What a beautiful girl~”
“I’ve always heard that the royal family of Ardikia is rich in beautiful women, but this is the first time I saw it today.”
“Speaking of which, Aldikia? Isn’t that the magic military power in northern Europe? I remember that people over there believe in the Holy Religion of Lotarincia? Why was this princess attacked by the Holy Religion? No Are you kidding me?”
“It’s all on the news, how could it be a joke, and who knows what the nerves of those religious madmen are going to be?”
“That’s right. Normally, if you want to attack the Thousand Eyes Office, right?”
“Not necessarily. A lunatic isn’t stupid. Isn’t he courting death by attacking Satan? It’s almost the same for their gods.”
“By the way, is the princess okay?”
“I don’t know.”
Just when the citizens were talking, a TV billboard showed the scene of the military administration of the airport in West Island, and a reporter was holding the topic and standing beside a bunch of busy guards.
[Audience friends, I am currently at the Itogami Island Nishijima Airport. At about 10:37 in the morning, the black car behind me was attacked by His Royal Highness La Furia who was visiting Itogami Island. We It can be seen that the wheels, doors and surface of the car were severely damaged, which shows that the situation was fierce at that time. Fortunately, His Royal Highness La Furia was safe and sound.Let’s interview the top officer of the airport, Lieutenant Colonel Inokashira, and ask for more details. 】
In the picture, the reporter stretched the microphone aside, pulled the camera back, and Saburo Inokashira’s face appeared in the camera.
[Lieutenant Colonel Inokashira, may I ask, what do you think the success of protecting His Highness La Furia depended on this time? 】
[Efficient response, decisive administrative system and strong support from responsible private enterprises. 】
Inokashira Saburo, who was in front of the camera, explained in a serious manner, accompanied by a handsome wave.
[Can you tell me in detail which private enterprise it is? 】
Inokashira Saburo glanced at the reporter with a little satisfaction, then raised his face and coughed:
[…Cough, before the incident happened, we received a report from the Thousand Eyes Office. The employee of the agency, Miss Lan Yu, accidentally broke the communication records of the senior officials of Lotarincia, and reported the situation to the artificial island management commune in time. And let another employee, Miss Xiandumu, who is good at space spells, dispatch in time, teleport in a wide area, and snipe the teacher Jian who was trying to assassinate His Highness La Furia, foiling Lotarincia’s conspiracy. 】
[Wait, Miss Lan Yu and Miss Xiandumu from Thousand Eyes Office? Did you mean the two active witches, Aiba Asana and Yuma Sinduki, who belong to the Thousand Eyes Office, are by chance? 】
【Yes. 】 Inokashira Saburo nodded, and at the same time he was relieved.
At this time, the reporter explained seemingly unintentionally:
[It means that the officials of the artificial island management commune have no role at all in this successful operation? 】
Inokashira Saburo immediately turned his head and glanced at the reporter, his face twitched, and two indistinct air passages spewed from his nostrils:
[Ms. Lanyu Shallow and Ms. Xiandumu Yuma are both active-duty magicians, subordinate to the Itogami Island National Magic Attacking Bureau, and official civil servants with salaried salary, and their actions can be seen in the artificial island management commune at that time Come is the quickest solution. 】
[In other words, this operation, the artificial island management commune also has a certain amount of credit? 】
Hearing the reporter’s question, Saburo Inokashira’s eyelids jumped, and his face calmly said:
[I take the liberty to ask, are you a reporter from BCC? 】
[No, I’m a reporter from CCTV in Itogami Island. 】
【Oh. Sorry, it looks like I made a mistake. 】
Saburo Inokashira cast a trusting gaze, then changed the subject and said:
[Actually, you can consider switching to BCC, because I feel that you have the same noble qualities as those disgusting media people, oh no, those elite media. 】
The reporter was stunned, but not embarrassed. Instead, he continued to ask:
[Thank you for your compliment, by the way, take the liberty to ask, Lieutenant Colonel, I heard that His Royal Highness La Furia showed a strong interest in witches after being rescued. Is it true? 】
[Oh, this matter, His Highness La Furia did express a strong interest in witches, and due to the strong request of the other party and the consideration of arrangements, with the permission of Thousand Eyes Office, our artificial island management commune Arranged a meeting between His Highness and President Satan. 】
Saburo Inokashira, who had already wanted to end the interview, gestured to the reporter covertly, but the other party still insisted:
[Meaning that, Her Royal Highness is currently with the president of Thousand Eyes Office? Do you think His Royal Highness La Furia will become that witch? Or to put it another way, is it possible for Her Royal Highness to make an idol debut? 】
Hearing this sentence, the crowd standing under the TV billboard against the big sun suddenly became noisy.
“Idol debut? The princess? Really?”
“Hey! The silver-haired noble princess has become a witch idol? It’s decided, I’m the one-man pusher of His Royal Highness La Furia.”
“Didn’t you say yesterday that you only pushed that little witch named Xiao Nagisa?”
“Can yesterday be the same as today?”
In the broadcasted news, after being embarrassed for three or four seconds, Saburo Inokashira had blue veins on his forehead, and said with a smile:
[…In this regard, you have to ask His Royal Highness La Furia. 】
[You mean, can you arrange for me to interview La Furia? 】
Hearing the reporter’s questioning, even if there was a screen across the screen, even the audience who didn’t have much to study about the observation, could sense Saburo Inokashira’s anger.
【I’m afraid not. 】 Inokashira Saburo said with a stiff expression.
[Then another question, I heard that the official arrested a teacher J, can I use the opportunity of interviewing His Royal Highness La Fulia in exchange for an interview with teacher J? 】
Inokashira Saburo’s face suddenly darkened, he raised his hand towards the photographer beside him and said:
[cut, cut, don’t shoot this part, don’t shoot it. 】
Then he turned his head and shouted to the security guard beside him:
[The first team, the second team, come here, take this reporter away to me, immediately, immediately, on the spot. 】
When the guards hurried to take the reporter away, Saburo Inokashira took out a wet tissue from the pocket of his suit jacket, wiped his sweat, and said to the photographer:
[How did you, CCTV, dispatch such idiots, you don’t even know the confidentiality mechanism? Is it something that can be said outside to catch a teacher? 】
[Er…] The photographer was embarrassed for two or three seconds, and then whispered: [Lieutenant Colonel, we are broadcasting live. 】
Inokashira Saburo’s hand wiping the sweat suddenly froze in the air.
And seeing the other party’s performance, the central square all burst into happy laughter
After laughter,The influence of the news began to spread on Itogami Island and spread to the whole world.
Thousand Eyes Office, the president’s office on the sixth floor.
Yuu was sitting on the sofa with his back facing the desk, looking at the huge French windows, looking into the distance while listening to Yase Ikoma’s report.
“According to the data just sent by Ms. Liuli, the number of followers of Lanyu Qiancong’s runway has exceeded 30 million, and is currently marching towards 40 million. Ms. Youma’s followers have also exceeded 20 million. Xiao Nagisha’s The number of followers has exceeded 13 million, and the number of followers of other channels is also rapidly increasing by millions.
And there are currently a total of 40 million people who have paid for the monthly channel subscription. According to the fee of 500 yen per subscription, excluding the commission, it can be estimated that today’s income alone will reach the range of 100 million yen, and this It’s just today’s income. According to the current traffic, next month the firm is expected to receive a reward of one billion. ”
After listening to the report, Yu waved his hands boredly, and then said:
“The income will be waived next time. All I need is the number of followers. By the way, has the video that Qian Cong posted early in the morning uploaded? How about the playback volume?”
“It has been clicked 300 million times, rushed to the top of the list of clicks in the island country, and became the top of the list.” Ikoma Yase, who originally wanted to report the click bonus, pressed the center of his eyebrows habitually, just reporting what Yu was concerned about.
“Three hundred million!” You stroked his chin, then closed his eyes, feeling the pulse of faith, and slightly raised the corners of his mouth, “Probably one hundred and forty-five million people have a deeper image of Asahi Cong. At the same time, I also learned the fact that String Kami Island is being “jihaded” by Lota Lynchia, presumably soon, the citizens of String Kami Island will know that they are facing a crisis of life and death.”
“Then there was a strong resentment against Lota Lynchia, which triggered demonstrations and protests. Public opinion pressure was generated on Lota Lynchia on online media channels, and in public opinion, Lota Lynchia was forced to surrender to Xiangami Island.”
Yase Ikoma narrowed his eyes, explained the possibility, and then asked.
“By the way, President, regarding this matter, the news that the artificial island government has arrested a teacher J has been successfully disseminated, so the news that Rudolf Ostach has been arrested at 8 o’clock in the evening is still according to the Was it originally planned to be released?”
Upon hearing this, Yu turned around the chair, put his left foot on his right leg and said:
“How is Yukina’s and Sayaya Hua’s application for private accounts on T, C and other websites?”
“It’s all been completed. Currently, Ms. Liuli is implementing encryption measures for the account.” Yase Jima responded immediately.
“Is that so? First inform Xianjinjima Central Television to withhold the news.” Yu picked up the warm black tea on the table, took a sip, then turned her head and smiled at Astarotti who was wearing a maid outfit: “Black tea Very good, did you learn from that month?”
“The answer was completed under the guidance of Miss Xiandumu Aye.” Astarotti responded blankly.
“Is that so? Next time, learn from Nayue. Her tea making skills are quite good.”
“The order is accepted.”
After getting good feedback, Yuu turned his head and said to Yase Ikoma who had taken notes:
“The news broadcast time is yet to be determined. We have to wait for Lotharincia’s official announcement and their two billion believers.”
Then, Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, and said with a bit of evil taste:
“After all, I’m not an overly cruel demon. I always give Lotharincia a little time to respond, appease their followers, and give them a chance to argue.”
“And then dismantle it easily? Create a bigger storm of public opinion?”
When Yu heard this, he clapped his hands and said:
“That’s a good suggestion, then you, Yase, will carry it out. What do you think of the title of an oriental man who morally destroyed the Holy Cult of Lotharincia?”
“Very good title.” Yase Ikemo twitched the corners of his mouth, then took a deep breath and said, “Then, after Lotharincia’s response, before broadcasting the news, I will remind you first, by the way, when the time comes , do you need to inform Ms. Himeragi Yukina and Ms. Kosaka Sayaka?”
“Of course!” Yuu nodded, then raised the corner of his mouth and said, “By the way, I would like to mention to them that I want to hold a small private viewing party. The address is in their dormitory. There are 3 people. So, do you understand?”
“Okay, I understand.” Yase Ikoma nodded, recorded the information in the notebook, and marked it with the words ‘Do Not Disturb’.

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