This is not a surprise, it’s a shock
And just when Jim was distressed, the door suddenly opened, and one was wearing a pure white bishop’s robe with his back combed and his hairline shifted, with a document under his arm, a white-haired old man in his late fifties walking briskly entered the room.
“Holy See, I need you to apply for a new permit. Oh, Bona is also here, you brought the Lotarincia Sun? Great, the Holy See, let’s see, then the current situation is easy to explain.”
“Oh, Arnold, you came just in time, think of a way to prevent us from conflicting with Itogami Island.” Jim immediately stood up and waved to Archbishop Arnold.
“You’re right, are you trying to find a way, and it just so happens that I’m here for this.” Arnold pulled a wooden chair from the side, then sat down at the desk, licked his thumb, Turning over the document in his hand, he said, “I have notified the foreign affairs department to hold a press conference, and the relevant response document needs you to add a

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