Two-digit fight (two more)

At the moment when the phantom of the church condensed into reality, Hei Tian tore off the flute from his waist and put it to his lips.
In the melodious and melodious sound of the flute, the church that gradually condensed into reality quickly became transparent, and time traveled against the current here.
At this moment, Yu, who was standing in front of the podium, raised her head slightly, revealing her pupils that were shrouded in deep darkness.
That pupil is like a bright black pearl, which vaguely reflects Hei Tian’s face.
The next second, the fast and transparent church returned to normal, or even faster, and in an instant, it condensed into a solid body.
In contrast, Hei Tian’s youth-like body was three centimeters shorter out of thin air, and he was four or five years younger in the blink of an eye.
That is the twisting power of the ninth particle!
The power of time acting on the church was distorted and acted on Hei Tian, ​​causing his appearance and age to regress.
When I realized that I was trapped.
Hei Tian quickly activated the power of interference, in an attempt to expel the distorted power from his body.
However, this power was also distorted.
Twisted at the same time, there is also the confident face of Hei Tian.
Suppression, the suppression of red fruit.
This is derived from the self-system tree, the effect caused by a higher level of authority.
To hold full authority, a plenary domain that is almost omnipotent within the scope of human understanding.
What the war between them competes for is the ‘domination’ of authority.
In this regard, the speed of Hei Tian’s defeat was beyond his comprehension.
However, He didn’t have time to understand or to be annoyed.
“Zero Twenty”
With the field under the control of the enemy, all Hei Tian wants now is to narrow the gap between the two sides.
He struggled to play the flute.
In the hurried and anxious tune, mysterious circles appeared behind him, converging into endless rivers.
Yuu, who was standing in front of the stage, saw this scene and threw out the scriptures in his hand.
The black leather-wrapped scripture smashed to the ground according to inertia.
The sound echoed in the church.
The tune of the flute stopped abruptly.
Hei Tian’s eyes could not be restrained as he looked at the scriptures on the ground, and a strong greed emerged in his heart that could not be restrained.
get it!
Must get it!
Get it at all costs!
That intense greed quickly took over Hei Tian’s brain.
This time it was the sound of Kuroda’s head.
Before desire completely took over his brain, Krishna blew his own brain.
The straw hat fluttered under the impact.
The corpse that lost the upper half of its head fell to the ground, and then quickly became illusory.
Then at the same position, Hei Tian came to this time break from the previous second, and with the help of the straw hat on his face, he pressed it on his head, not daring to look at Yu.
He temporarily separated the spirit from the body, and engraved a predetermined program into the body and DNA.
He picked up the flute with empty eyes, blew the predetermined notes, and poured the theory into the illusory river behind him.
At this moment, Yu frowned, raised his hand, and lowered the priest’s robe slightly to reveal his collarbone.
At this time, the illusory reciprocating rivers behind Hei Tian suddenly broke away from the established trajectory, like a swallow returning to its nest, and rushed behind Yu.
The illusory river seemed to have intelligence, forming graceful female bodies with invisible faces, secretly scrutinizing Yu’s collarbone, and letting out a coquettish smile like a silver bell.
Is this okay?
At this moment, the corners of his mouth twitched uncontrollably.
The power he exerted was forcibly endowed with wisdom and gender by Yu, and was dominated by the authority of ‘lust’, resulting in an instant change of sovereignty.
The huge contrast made Hei Tian both frightened and fortunate.
He was terrified that Yu You could actually exert the power of lust on his own, and he was glad that He did not exert this power on himself.
At this moment, Hei Tian thanked his father for the male gene left to him like never before.
But at this moment.
In the spiritual ocean where the black sky was torn apart.
The silver-haired youth wearing a black priest’s robe has gradually walked into the subconscious at the bottom of his mind.
And when the young man stepped into Hetian’s deepest thoughts, where did the mysterious circles reappear one after another.
Where did the established spell unfold?
Inside the church, another black sky, moving from illusion to reality, stood on the right hand side of the current black sky.
This is the dark sky ten seconds ago.
At this time, the current Hei Tian really lowered his head and seemed to be under control.
Looking at the voice with its head lowered, Yu made a sound for the first time in this confrontation.
Hei Tian, ​​who was standing on the left, slowly raised his head, and his young face suddenly developed crow’s feet and age spots, and even the black hair turned silvery and pale.
One after another, the overlapping coronas appeared in the eyes of ‘Ki Tian’. He looked at Hei Tian and said lightly:
“I never imagined that I would be summoned by the younger generation of the Way of Time. It seems that I died at the hands of that Gaia villain, right?”
When the voice fell, he quickly turned his head, stared at Yu, and the corners of his mouth gradually rose.
At this moment, Yun narrowed his eyes, with an exaggerated expression on his face.Smile:
“How do you feel from the past to the present, Mr. Cronos.”
“It means good.”
The ‘root time’ of the dawn has come to the present.
Unexpected trouble.
Shiroyasha held an apple that came from nowhere, and while chewing, looked at the dark storm that enveloped the surroundings.
In the whistling black wind, dark lightning flashed across, illuminating a hateful face inside.
Those faces had hollow eye sockets, black blood and tears flowing from the corners of their eyes, and their mouths with no teeth and only a black cavity were screaming silently.
“Tsk tsk tsk! How many people died?”
Shiroyasha held the apple and looked at the dead faces with a smile.
“Eighty million? Eighty million? Eighty-hundred billion? Exceeded? The Black Death undead of countless worlds, no wonder they can confine us here.”
She turned around as if nothing was wrong, looked around, and sensed the breath of the entire City of Bright Flames. After realizing that Yu had not been found, she immediately raised her brows:
“Looks like you’ve entered a dedicated battlefield.”
The existence of two digits is forbidden in Hakoba.
And the coercive force from the center of the small garden prevents them from fully entering the gift game.
Therefore, generally speaking, if two figures want to fight, they must enter the special venues of various cosmology structures.
Knowing this, Shiroyasha immediately narrowed his eyes and set the damaged apple with only the core on fire.
The golden, dazzling light gathered in Shiroyasha’s hands.
The dazzling brilliance illuminated the surroundings, illuminated the dark storm full of cursed faces, melted everything, and purified the curse.
The exclamation that Rou Er couldn’t bear suddenly exploded.
And at this very moment.
An illusory figure, a girl in a black gothic outfit appeared in front of Shiroyasha.
“Yo? Are you the leader of these undead?”
Shiroyasha stopped, and the purifying light immediately converged on her palm.
She looked at the girl in front of her with a smile, glanced up and down, focusing on the slightly bulging upper circumference and the snow-white slender legs in black stockings:
“Tsk tsk tsk! Not bad, very good, tasteful dress.”
Shiroyasha smiled and snapped his fingers, looked at the girl with a smile, and said:
“If you surrender, we can forgive the past.”
“Oh, by the way, according to the inheritance of this gift game, your name should be Pest, right?”
Pest, whose name was named, looked at Shiroyasha speechlessly. He didn’t see the enemy’s excitement and killing intent on his face, but only calmness without ups and downs:
“Dumb?” Shiroyasha, who waited three seconds without a response, raised his eyebrows.
At this time, Pest looked at the brilliance in Shiroyasha’s hand, narrowed his eyes slightly, and said in a flat tone:
“It’s useless, this game brings together all the universes observable in Hakoniwa, all the undead of the Black Death’s hatred of the sun…”
“In this venue, you have no chance of escaping.”
“Then what? What do you want to do?” Shiroyasha tilted his head and asked curiously.
Pest was silent for three or four seconds, then stretched out his hand and said with an inviting gesture:
“Join us, the star spirit of the sun, the demon king of the white night!”
“Your power shouldn’t be buried like this, it should be used for more important…”
“Change the fact of the Black Death? Do you want us to use the power of the sun to veto that disaster?”
Bai Yasha squinted his eyes, hiding the playfulness in his eyes:
“The little girl’s family thinks it’s pretty beautiful, but still bury our strength? I’m laughing to death.”
“The power of the old lady belongs to the old lady. Whatever you want to do is the old lady’s business. It has something to do with you? A group of scum who resented the sun because they died, thinking that they were justified when they died?”
Bai Yasha squeezed hard, and the flames in her hands burst open, and rays of light shone from the seams of her hands, shining in all directions.
In the black wind wall, faces filled with resentment rushed towards the light.
Like moths flying into a flame, the black moths slammed into the dazzling brilliance, and they disappeared in the brilliance one after another.
“It’s useless.”
Pest raised the corners of his mouth slightly, looked at Shiroyasha with a mockery on his face, and said:
“You, the mere sun star spirit, can’t break free from the resentment of the undead.”
“Hey, kid, do you have any misunderstandings about our old fellows from ancient times?”
Shiroyasha scratched his cheek at this time, and asked suspiciously:
“Even the Little Garden Center was established by us. What made you think that we were restricted by the Little Garden Center?”
The sun star spirit standing on the ground gradually revealed a playful smile:
“Although I don’t want to use this vest, but if you want to play normally, the old witch’s vest is quite suitable.”
Pest looked at Shiroyasha somewhat puzzled, but in the next second, her eyes widened.
In her eyes, the silver-haired woman full of sunshine changed.
It is not a change in appearance, but a change in essence.
It is indescribable, indescribable, and even impossible to look directly at. It seems like the beginning of all things and the charm of the end of all things, appearing on Bai Yasha’s body.
“…Shiroyasha?” Pest murmured suspiciously.
Shiroyasha grinned and smiled recklessly:
“The old lady is Taiyi now!”
Galji, who had been digging in the dark, scorched and smelly land for several days, suddenly raised his head and looked at the City of Bright Flames in the distance.
“What’s wrong, Your Highness?” Cairi Ling, who was wearing a slit cheongsam, asked with a puzzled face.
“It’s started on the other side of Krishna, our time is running out.” Galji said in a low voice.
Cai Liling’s complexion changed, and she looked at the capital of brilliance in the distance, feeling more nervous than ever.
“Can Lord Heitian hold it up? After all, it’s a two-digit existence.”
“Don’t underestimate him.”
Galji showed a helpless smile:
“Anyway, he killed Mahakala Shiva as a human, seized his power, and became the strongest poet of the gods. If you reveal the trump card, it is very possible to trap that one.”
“Eh?” Cai Liling looked at Galji in amazement, and said with an incredulous look: “Your Highness, what did you just say? Lord Heitian killed His Majesty the Great Heitian?”
“Ah, I just remembered…”
Galji sighed and said slightly bitterly:
“That seems to be something before He became the incarnation of my previous life.”
Why did Hei Tian become the incarnation of His Highness’s previous life again? Isn’t that right? How can His Highness have a double-digit incarnation… Cai Liling is already a little confused.
“Don’t worry about that.”
Galji made a prevarication, then turned his head, looked at the tunnel that had been dug out, and said solemnly:
“Get ready, you will face the seal of the dragon!”

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