The Seal Released

In the capital of brilliance, a certain house was smashed through the ceiling.
Reverse Izayoi climbed out of the pit in the ground, wiped the bruised and bleeding cheek with the back of his hand, and looked up at the figure above.
A lion-headed man, wearing a black cloak fastened with a belt, the strong-bodied Demon King is looking down at him.
“What can you do unexpectedly! You can actually beat Lao Tzu in a frontal fight.”
Back to Izayoi looked at the blood on the back of his hand, licked it, and said excitedly.
Standing in the sky, the Demon King of Chaos looked down at Reverse Izayoi, and at the scratches on the opponent’s face:
“I was determined to smash your head with that punch just now.”
“Really, is your ability to fight more powerful than your superficial skills?”
The Demon King of Chaos had an interesting expression on his face. He looked up and down the back to Izayoi, and said condescendingly:
“I understand a little bit. How could a little devil like you come into contact with my wayward older sister, is it a sandbag?”
“Sandbag? That’s really an unpleasant name!”
Reverse Izayoi’s voice went from far to near, and his figure was also extremely fast, and he came to the side of the Demon King of Chaos.
The next moment, he threw an iron fist with brute force.
The Devil King’s cheeks sank, and his head turned to one side.
He rolled his eyes, stared at Izayoi, holding the opponent’s fist, and turned his head back little by little:
“Nice fist. If you practice martial arts, you might be able to hit me hard.”
For a split second, Reverse Shi-15 Liu Ye felt a strong danger.
A beast claw, with terrifying strength, appeared in the corner of his eye.
Head, abdomen, heart, which part will be attacked? Going back to Izayoi’s brain, he turned rapidly, and then made a choice.
He blocked his hand to his chest, trying to block the opponent’s heart attack.
However, the animal’s palm fluttered and hit his abdomen, making a dull thumping sound.
Back to Izayoi, Izayoi couldn’t help spit out a mouthful of sour water, afraid that he might even spit out bile.
And at this moment, the big hand struck again, grabbing the head of Izayoi Izayoi.
The Demon King of Confusion raised the corners of his mouth and pointed with a little joy:
“Have you instinctively noticed my attacking intention? Not bad, but there are too many extra moves.”
Like a sledgehammer, the Demon King of Chaos turned Izayoi into a windmill, and then smashed it to the ground:
“Go home and learn martial arts, boy.”
In the deafening roar, the Demon King of Chaos glanced at Izayoi, who was surrounded by dust, and turned his head to look at the surrounding battlefield.
Not far away, the three members of Hamel’s Piper, Weser, Lating, and Shurotum, are besieging Black Rabbit.
Or rather, the three of them were surrounded by a rabbit.
Although it looks weak and slender, the vajra was swung by the black rabbit.
The sturdy Weser, with a bruised nose and a swollen face, resisted the random attacks of the rabbit, and from time to time he would worry about being hit by the opponent’s indefensible kicks.
On the other hand, Lating anxiously called out a large group of black rats, trying to harass the enemy with numbers, but was unable to touch the three-zhang reaction of the vajra.
As for Shurotum, the huge terracotta figurine’s body has been riddled with holes by the Vajra hammer, and it is only one step away from death.
And in the process, Black Rabbit still has the energy to worry about others:
“Mr. Izayoi, don’t die! You must persevere!”
Buried in the ground and grinning, Izayoi couldn’t help but curse:
“Bastard, I just can’t get up. Who is dead!”
“Mr. Izayoi, you died so miserably——!!”
“Mr. Izayoi is so eloquent, but he is so indifferent and not good at fighting such important things, why don’t you say it!”
“Grass!”Reverse Izayo cursed angrily, and shouted with a dark face:
“If you have the ability, you can deal with this lion man, and I’ll deal with those three bastards! Dead rabbit!”
The faces of Weser and La Ting turned black instantly, but they couldn’t refute.
Compared to the demon kings who are also considered to be in the upper ranks among the four figures, these five-figure guys are indeed considered ‘cookies’.
Seeing this funny scene, the Confused Demon King couldn’t help grinning. He watched Heitu play with Pester’s subordinates with a smile, and had no intention of stepping forward to help.
Besides, four-digit rabbits are not easy to deal with, and according to information, that rabbit seems to be the son of the Moon Rabbit clan, the direct bloodline of Di Shitian, so it is even more difficult to deal with.
However, it’s not like there’s no way to deal with it.
The Demon King of Confusion turned his eyes to another battlefield.
There, Kasukabe Yō, who had already turned into a half-beast with tiger ears and a tail, was engaged in a fierce offensive and defensive battle with Pest.
The two figures intersected rapidly in the sky. On the ground, the house was split by three cold lights from time to time, and the scattered fragments were disintegrated by the jet-black corrosive force while flying in the air.
The fight between the two was like demolition of a large family, almost dismembering half of the buildings in the street.
“What a surprise. I thought that would be the first battlefield to be settled.”
The Confused Demon King squinted his eyes, and his eyes were locked on Kasukabe Yo, on the radiant life catalog.
At this time, the life directory was glowing with emerald green light. While supporting Kasukabe Yō’s imitation beast, it also drove out the power of disease thrown by Pest.
It also appeared that Kasukabe Yō’s body surface was wrapped in balls of black gas.
“What a special gift, it can actually resist the power of the Black Death Demon King.”
The Confused Demon King sighed, then turned his head, looked at Nihui Shizayoi and said:
“Thanks to him, it has been delayed exactly as you imagined.”
Standing on the roof, Nihui Izayoi raised his eyebrows playfully:
“The cadres of Salamanda are gathering. After counting the time, this street should have been surrounded, right?”
“How can you be sure that you are not the ones being surrounded?” The Confused Demon King said with a smile.
Nihui Izayo raised his chin slightly, and said with a smile, “Then do you still need to ask?”
“Because I’m here.”
Behind the Demon King of Confusion, a male voice sounded.
He didn’t need to turn his head, the perspective brought by his spirit vision could see the figure behind him.
A pumpkin-like head, a black cloak puffed up by the wind, and white cotton gloves.
The pumpkin ghost under Vera’s command——Jack appeared behind the demon king.
The demon king who noticed Jack frowned, then said with a smile:
“A ghost manipulating the realm? I see. No wonder I didn’t find it.”
“It’s too slow, Uncle Jack.” Tokai Izayoi on the side made a dissatisfied voice.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry. After all, it took some time to contact Lord Vera and Miss Sandora, but fortunately, the encirclement was formed.”
While Pumpkin Jack was apologizing, he was also targeting the Demon King, as if he was ready to strike at any time.
The Confused Demon King looked around and found that there were a large number of elite members of Salamanda on the outskirts of the street.
And the leaders are Sandora, the current leader of Salamanda, and Vera, the Cangyan demon.
The former Demon King of Confusion can be ignored, but Vera, a four-digit demon, is obviously not something to be underestimated.
Seeing this scene, he smacked his lips and said:
“Have you been prepared? It seems that Mandela has been exposed.”
“Mandela?” There was a trace of astonishment on Nihui Izayoi’s face.
And the Demon King of Confusion who saw this scene said with a little surprise:
“Oh? It seems that I made a mistake in leaking information.”
Obviously, Mandela did not disclose the identity of the spy. It is another matter for Nihui Izayo and others to prepare in advance.
“I didn’t expect that guy to be a 25-year-old boy. He obviously tried everything possible to keep Salamanda.”
Reverse Izayo smacked his lips, feeling annoyed that he was deceived by Mandela’s acting skills.
“Didn’t Mandela discover our plan, then was it a reminder through Thousand Eyes?”
“more or less.”
Facing the question from the Demon King of Confusion, Nihui Izayo shrugged and said:
“After all, I met the Chief of Staff here. It is natural and reasonable for 020 to prepare for the next move if something goes wrong.”
Reverse Shizaiye said this and scratched his hair:
“Originally when there was a real fight, we wanted to use Uncle Jack’s ability to escape directly, so as not to be affected by the war, but we didn’t expect…”
“Did you expect to meet us?”
The Confused Demon King added the words of Reverse Izayoi.
It’s normal for those monsters on the upper floor to go back to Izayoi and prepare to flee for their lives, but when dealing with guys of the same level as them, they naturally change their plans and prepare to ambush and fight back.
This is a very reasonable choice.
“Unexpectedly, it was because of that person who appeared here and raised your vigilance.”
The Demon King of Confusion did not dare to mention Yu’s name, in case he would perceive his existence. But because of the appearance of the other party, he raised his vigilance against Nihui Izayoi, and he somewhat resented it.
This forced him to stay in the city of brilliant flames for more time, greatly increasing the degree of danger.
At this time, reverseIzayoi said with both hands to the fist: “Then, are you ready to capture it? Mr. Demon King.”
On the side, Pumpkin Jack was ready for a sneak attack.
“This is really…”
The Demon King of Chaos narrowed his eyes, as if he still had an unplayed hole card.
But at this moment.
Boom boom—!
Suddenly, an unimaginable tremor came from the ground.
For a time, the ground shook, the houses collapsed, and the dust flew wildly.
“This is…” Izayoi immediately jumped into the air, avoiding the cracked ground, and looked at the ground in astonishment.
At this moment, the face of the Demon King of Chaos was filled with cold sweat. He turned his head to look at the volcano in the distance, and after seeing the pillars of flame gushing into the sky, he suddenly exclaimed:
“It’s early? What’s going on?”
In the volcanic belt in the distance, in the pillar of flames that soared into the sky.
The three dragon heads protruded from the magma and slowly moved their muscles and bones.
The turbulent magma suddenly spewed out and went straight to the sky.

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