Nyarlathotep (three shifts)

The corner of Yuna’s mouth, which was raised high, froze the moment she heard that happy will.
Found the main body?
Is Kegtuya deliberately restricted in order to find his identity?
Even if he was devoured by Shab Nicholas part of his incarnation, he was trying to find out his body and bear the burden of humiliation?
For a moment, Yu felt his scalp tingling, and his body was as cold as falling into an ice cellar.
What kind of grievance is it that a raging old ruler will not hesitate to play tricks and kill her children?
What kind of hatred does that bastard have with Kegtuya, so that he would sacrifice everything to take him on the road with him?
All kinds of thoughts made Yu’s heart sink to the bottom, but he didn’t give up to seize the vitality.
——The first strike is stronger!
【annihilation! 】
Yu Wuyan moved Dirac’s heart.
His eyes were occupied by an indescribable abyss, and his silver-white snake body was like a degenerate, dyed with a dark and deep flame.
Inside Dirac’s Heart.
The Flame of Oblivion is not as low as in the past to material damage. In this spirit-based world, it is fatal to the forced spiritualization of Kegetua.
As Yuu first expected.
The pitch-black flame instantly ignited Kegtuya, and the old ruler who was in charge of the burning was completely ignited by the flames of the abyss.
Everything was as Yu expected.
In this spiritual world, his power was raised to the limit of the fourth particle point, and even broke through the critical line, reaching the category of the third particle point.
However, for Kegtua, for what he said earlier, even if the victory was established, Yu’s face still did not see joy.
Kegetua’s body-scale body was burning.
He could obviously make a move, but at this time, he was strangely stagnant.
Just when Yu was surprised by the change, a suspicious 030 voice came from the flame.
“The cornerstone? Nyarlathotep found the cornerstone?”
He seemed to have discovered Yuu’s essence.
‘…I smell Kegtuya’s breath. ’
A thick and flat voice sounded in the dark corona.
It was Avogmon, who was sealed in Dirac’s heart, and felt the existence of Kgetua.
‘You actually allowed Kegtuya to invade here? ’
‘It seems that the opening of the dinner party, the endIt made Nayko so impatient that she gave up control of the situation. ’
Yavgomon watched everything calmly.
Although He is the furious face of the One Who Returns to All Things, this incarnation is nothing but something that Nyarlathotep forcibly differentiated using the power of His Majesty the Supreme Demon.
For the One Who is One, no incarnation can maintain his independence as long as he wishes.
And at this moment, Aphogmon is the same as the One Who Returns to All Things.
‘Zhou You’s character will not allow me to seep my power out of the outside world, which will destroy the temporary peace between me and him. ’
Yavgomon watched Yu, and without the latter noticing, watching his struggle.
The so-called seal is nothing more than a joke to the one who unites all things.
However, there are other things that the seal represents that he attaches great importance to.
The consensus with Yuu, the cooperation with Nayiko, these are things that he wants to continue stably.
Therefore, He will not help Yu to solve the trouble caused by Kegtua, that will destroy the tacit understanding between them.
‘Let the person who should do it do it, her impatience will not cost her the cornerstone. ’
Yavgomon slowly closed his eyes.
next moment.
Wearing a black and white Gothic dress, she was as delicate as a doll, with a playful and evil silver-haired girl suddenly appearing on the ground in Dirac’s heart.
Nayiko was holding a heart in her hand, which was the remaining core of an existence she had just committed suicide.
It seems to be the only valuable thing left by a man named Zeus in the world of what is called the Saint Seiya in your memory.
“The time and space have been swapped? Is it that Bubble’s essence shot?”
Naiyako’s blue eyes flickered slightly, and then her nose twitched slightly:
“This stink, like baking shoelaces in the desert, is Kegetua!!!”
Nayiko directly squeezed the heart in her hand, raised her head sharply, and looked at the blood-colored sun in the sky.
Her smooth and beautiful silver hair stood up at this moment, like tentacles waving chaos, bringing the indescribable mist to her side.
“Sure enough, I knew that you bitch would definitely target this child, I knew it would be like this!”
“To actually touch my child with your filthy body that looks like it’s soaked in a can of herring and holding a urine enema!”
“You are seeking your own death!!”
She wanted to leave immediately, to crush that dirty bed bug in the toilet.
But after seeing Yujin ‘entangling’ Kegtuya with her body, her expression was delicate in a twist.
“No, if I do it directly, the child will treat me as a jealous woman… I have to find a way to keep Yuu away from those blue ponds, and I have to make him understand that I am the only one to rely on…”
Naiako bit her finger, and her eyes gradually became more agile as the blood splashed.
Her bristling hair pierced into the void like a palm, and then all kinds of strange things were taken out.
Among those things are the stone tablets inscribed with the rules of heaven and earth, the stone tablets recording fate, the unimaginable right arm torn off by the strong, and the brains of terrifying spiritual beings.
All kinds of things were taken out by Naiako, and then they were stuffed into the earth and into the core of Dirac’s heart.
Visible to the naked eye, this spiritual universe has begun to change.
“This is?!”
Yuu, who was stunned and reacted with Kegtuya, sensed the change of the times.
It was like the reverse of the times.
From the lifeless era of the end of the law, it began to push back the era of black iron when civilization was prosperous, and then returned to the silver era when the spirits were born. Then, the upstream river returned to its starting point, and came to the golden age when the world was born.
Countless creatures are born on planets, civilizations are born in the collision of environment and wisdom, and they go to the stars.
And one of those civilizations, a human civilization that acquired knowledge of different universes, gave birth to all kinds of terrifying mechanical life.
They traverse the starry sky, transform the galaxy, spread the brilliance of science, and spread the concept of equality and freedom.
And the core that ignites that civilization is a spiritual spark.
The true core of the seemingly mechanical civilization is the fantasy generated by a human who has already died physically.
This is an essentially idealistic civilization.
Yu watched all of this, feeling the rejection and resonance of his own phylogenetic tree, and let out a deep breath:
“Is this the universe recorded by Dirac’s Heart…”
Kegtuya, who was beside him, ignored everything that was happening around him.
He is using his own power to burn the vile blood in Yuu’s body.
Burning Nyarlathotep’s blood.
Even if the cornerstone must be corrupted, He does not want that person to be Nyarlathotep.
Nyarlathotep’s blood was quickly burned to nothingness.
After observing the history, Long breathed a long sigh, and then his eyes became dark and deep.
Naiako’s bloodline reappeared in his body.
——The third particle [Rophocale].
Its power is “rejection”.
Deny the existence of spiritual bodies, deny the possibility of spirit, and deny things that you do not recognize.
This is the power to reject all phenomena with one’s own will!
Because Yuu denied that his bloodline was burning, Nayko’s bloodline naturally reappeared in him.
Yoo panned his eyes and looked at Kegtua.
The changes in Dirac’s heart filled his body, and soon, his power would reach the limit of the third particle, evenA glimpse into the face of the second particle.
Not only that, but this sudden accumulation made his journey to the second particle point smooth.
And this is a gift from Naiako.
Therefore, Yuduo will not allow Kegtuya to burn his blood.
Kegtua was silent, and those bloody eyes looked at Yuu angrily.
He is not reconciled to the status quo, but now that you are already full of wings, there is nothing he can do.
Even if you go all out to obliterate Yuu’s existence, it is absolutely impossible for this dinner party to be held today.
The guests at the banquet are not allowed to die, at least, Kegtua was not allowed such a thing by the supreme majesty.
Silently, Kegtuya’s body burned.
He spontaneously ignited his own body and sprinkled the wreckage all over this spiritual universe.
He would rather have his ashes thrown up than see Nyarlathotep showing off her wickedness in front of him!
Seeing this scene, Yu let out a deep breath.
Naiako returns, and the remaining ashes of Kegtua can deduce enough knowledge, and the separation with Taiyi will also end.
“After all, it’s a matter of telling a paragraph…”
Hakoten, the capital of brilliance.
On the ruins that had long since been burned into colored glass, a woman wearing a gold mask and black tights was walking on the land.
“I smell it.”
“Kegtuyan’s idiot’s scent, Shabu’s disgusting scent, and… the captivating scent of Keystone.”
The woman smiled brightly, and the golden mask on her face seemed to raise the corners of her mouth at this moment.
However, those eyes became more and more cold in this smile.
“But there are still so many left… There are so many human elements left.”
As if she had found an unbearable regret, she sighed and regretted.
“Mother clearly wants you to be the purest Outer God, why…why do you resist so…”
“Is something affecting you? Is she interfering in your thoughts? Unforgivable, really unforgivable!”
The woman wearing the golden mask drank angrily, two bright red tears of blood left in the eye sockets made of gems.
“Disobedient children must be corrected.”
She murmured, and hugged the center of the little garden towards the beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth.
She made an affectionate embrace towards the void.
And with her movements.
The mighty pillar of the sky.
That little garden center that commands the universe.
——disappeared in nothingness.
The woman wearing the golden mask smiled. She gently threw a crystal and snow-white jade pillar, and continued to walk on this glazed land, continuing her journey.
“I’m going to carry out the task arranged by Your Majesty.”
“Then who’s the next person to send the letter?”
“Oh, it’s that lovely God who is uniting all things…”
A low murmur echoed in the atmosphere.
In the ultimate abyss.
The light body formed by thousands of radiance suddenly whispered:
“[Black Pharaoh]? Can Nyarlathotep finally hold back…”
He whispered, and then fell silent.

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