Listen to me on this matter

Inside Dirac’s Heart, there is no starry sky.
You looked at the fiery red crystal in his hand.
It was a crimson whole body with an irregular flame shape, like a crystal like a gem.
This is the power left over after Kegtuya’s self-immolation, a new substance that was manifested by the power of atheism.
In Yuu’s view, this is already similar to Kegetua’s ‘ashes’.
At this time, this substance had been sprinkled all over the starry sky because of Kegtuya’s actions before dissipating his incarnation, and this part of Yu’s hand was only an insignificant part.
However, this was enough for him.
A pitch-black flame rose from Yu’s palm and enveloped the fiery red crystal. Under the flame of antimatter, the crystal gradually smiled, and inexplicable energy was extracted, like an air current, which was absorbed by You like a in the abdomen.
Yu closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, a crimson fire flashed in the dark eyes, as if a flame was burning in his eyes.
“Is this the power of ‘burning’…-…”
He let out a long sigh of relief, feeling fortunate that he had successfully deduced the power of the original pillar of Kegetua.
For Kegtuya, who is ranked among the four elements, he could have eliminated the power in the remaining body, but he did not do this, but deliberately left traces.
“Get a good relationship, or rather, apologize for the previous hostility?”
Yu pondered Kegtuya’s thoughts, but considering the hostility of the other party to Naiako, she thought strangely:
“I’m afraid you’re saying that the two sides don’t owe each other?”
What is this, don’t you know each other? Is that Fire Lord’s temper so straightforward?
Yu was inexplicably amused, maybe he and Kegtua would get along better after abandoning the Nayiko factor.
He likes to be friends with pure people. After all, he thinks that his mind is complicated, and he doesn’t have to think too much about dating people with a single brain circuit.
At this moment, the crystal in her hand had been completely burned out, and Yun shook her hand, then turned her head and looked behind her.
Where, Naiako in a black and white plaid skirt is waving her arms like magicLike a girl, she released light cannons one by one, smashing all the crystals in the starry sky.
Boom boom—!
For a time, countless gorgeous fireworks appeared in the universe.
“Hahaha, I thought I would be fine if I threw up my ashes? Mother, I blew up your ashes! This is called ashes!”
When Yu saw this scene, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, and he said angrily, “Enough is enough.”
Anyway, Kegtuya left him some favors, and it would be too cruel to let Naiako brutalize the corpse like this.
Hearing Yu’s voice, Naiako’s body froze, and then Yu smelled a scent of wind oil.
Then, he saw Naiako turn around, staring at the red and swollen eyes, sobbing with tears:
“You don’t love me anymore, obviously you just saw that Bichi once.”
You brows twitched, too lazy to pay attention to this funny guy, just put aside the topic and asked:
“Contributing to you, the purpose of being out of touch for so long has finally been achieved.”
What Yu was talking about was the starry sky around the universe. Even if he only brought it with him for a while, he was still amazed by the perfect rules.
The perfection of this kind of rules is more perfect than that of the Forbidden Universe and Hakoba Observation Universe that he has been in in the past, and even close to the perfect fusion of the two.
It is as if the concept of multiverse is superimposed on the magic forbidden single universe, as if the complex universe that is enough to give birth to the devil is sublimated into a multiplicity.
And most importantly, this is the spiritual universe that was born inside Dirac’s heart and based on idealism.
“It’s done…”
Naiyako’s expression was quite complicated, as if she woke up early in the morning, the first thing she saw was not Yu, but Kegtuya, and said with a gloomy expression:
“I’ve done a little too much, and I should reduce the amount by one-tenth.”
When Yu heard this, he was suddenly a little surprised. He looked at Naiako and waited for the other party’s next words.
“How do you say it… After all, I don’t know how well you perfected the original column through that gay soap bubble, so you prepared too many nutrients.”
Nayazi scratched Duo Mao a little tangled, and said with a distressed expression:
“Just one-tenth of it can get you to your current state, but the rest becomes the foundation. This is also a failure.”
“It’s not a good thing to accumulate too many rules. Too many nutrients make it difficult to absorb.”
“Although I have some opinions on the slander of gay soap bubbles in your mouth, I have to say, thank you very much this time.”
You listened, and shook her head a little helplessly.
Even on this occasion, I have to slander Yogg-Sothoth. It seems that Nayko’s hostility to other Old Ones is really deep in his bones.
Thinking of this, You thought for a while and said:
“Next, I’ll go see Afogmon.”
“Eh? Lie?”
Big drops of tears suddenly flowed out of Naiko’s eyes, and in those crystal tears, there were even two bold characters ‘touched’ written in bold.
Yuu was quite speechless about the special effects imposed by Naiako:
“what happened again?”
“No, it’s just that you actually told me which club to go to, so I’m a little touched.”
Nayko said in a trembling voice while wiping away her tears.
Is there a place in this universe called the Yavgomon Club? Is there still a clubhouse titled Yog Sotos and Tavel?
Yu really didn’t want to complain, but Nayiko’s funny character made him have to use complaining to vent his emotions.
“I have something to ask you later,”
Yuu’s words fell, directly replacing the space and dissipating it in front of Nayiko.
He was afraid that he would be amused by Naiako when he stayed, which would destroy the previously touched atmosphere.
Seeing Yu leave, Nayko wiped away tears, and the hair on top of her head stood up like an antenna.
Her expression suddenly became gloomy, her red eyes were tyrannical, and she silently said to herself:
“Black Pharaoh actually came? Didn’t it say that I was the only one responsible for this child’s affairs?”
Even in the heart of Dirac, Nayiko still felt the aura of the same origin.
That was the existence also named Nyarlathotep, and the evil god codenamed ‘Black Pharaoh’ was provoking her.
Facing the provocation of ‘self’, Naiako at this moment seemed a little furious.
She looked around at the starry sky around her and stomped her feet fiercely:
“Damn it… You actually gave this child nine times more resources at a critical moment, and deliberately made him get stuck at the third point. Damn, it’s almost a foregone conclusion!”
Obviously, Nayiko’s so-called preparation of too many nutrients is true, but it is tricky.
The extra portion was indeed the nourishment prepared by Nyarlathotep, but it was not prepared by Nyarko.
“Swelling and facelessness are still on my side, but the old messengers, the black pharaohs and the beasts…”
Nayazi calculated how many Nyarlathoteps were on her side, but the more she counted, the more helpless she became.
“It looks like the situation is a bit bad.”
Wearing a blue embroidered cheongsam and covering his face with a folding fan, only his eyes were exposed, and a silver ponytail ‘Nayazi’ appeared in the starry sky.
The visitor is one of Nyarlathotep, an old god known as the “Daughter of Swelling”.
Nayiko’s face changed, and then she pulled her hair and said:
“I hope Yavgomon still abides by the covenant. Although I don’t want Yu to touch that guy, there is nothing I can do now.””Are you going to let Yavgomon explain our existence… Obviously killing him is the best choice.”
The swollen girl smiled, her crystal blue eyes carrying indescribable malice.
Naiyako responded angrily:
“Shut up, listen to me!”
She was worried that she was really tempted, and ran to assassinate Avogmon.
And this is not good for Yuu, so she is extremely repulsive.
“Well… then it’s up to you.”
The swollen girl chuckled. She saw Yuu’s previous behavior and knew that Naiako’s bet on Yuu had been rewarded positively, so to a certain extent, she could accept Naiako’s opinion.
The girl in the cheongsam with the folding fan dissipated happily, but Naiako, who saw this scene, couldn’t be happy at all:
“A bunch of idiots, sluts! You actually want to grab a man from me, eat shit!”
Naiyako even started to hate ‘self’.
And on the other side.
Before the dark stars.
Yuu saw his goal.
The sealed god of rage and the future——【Aphogmon】

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