Come, choose one
“What are you kidding? It’s just such a skinny brat, why did Lao Tzu marry Can to him?”
Seto Gosaburo pointed at Yuu and almost spit out his saliva.
Let his precious daughter marry? It’s a joke, unless he is dead, dead outside, jumping into the sea from here, he will not marry his daughter, give up!
“Father, mother…” Seto Chan was a little silly, standing aside, holding a pile of drinks, speechless.
Why did it turn into a marriage? ! ! What the hell is going on here?
At this time, Seto Lian, who was wearing a kimono and had the charm of Yamato Nadeko, spread out the folding fan in her hand, covering half of her face, and only revealed her smiling eyes and said:
“Chan, didn’t you just say that you and Yu-kun met at the spring in Yashaji’s grotto.”
“That’s right, but why is that related to marriage?”
Can Seto tilted his head and looked at his mother with a puzzled expression.
She’s not too shy, but she just thinks it’s strange and unreasonable. Isn’t it different?
“So Yu-kun, you should have seen it, right?”
Seto Ren squinted her eyes, looked at Seto Can, then shifted her gaze to Yu 02’s face that was enough to make the little girl remember.
“What should I see?”
“Of course it’s Chan’s body.”
“What did you say!!!”
As soon as Seto Gosaburo reached out his hand, he was about to grab Yu’s shoulder, but the opponent took a step back to avoid it.
Avoiding Gosaburo Seto, Yu was a little suspicious and asked in surprise:
“Look, I saw it, but not only was I present at the time, but Miss Chan was also wearing clothes.”
Of course he wouldn’t deny it, but things still need to be explained clearly.
At this time, Seto Ren said with a smile:
“What about the legs? Are they exposed? They’re pretty, right? They’re white and pink.”
On the side, Can Seto suddenly blushed, obviously thinking of something.
She guessed what Seto Lian wanted to say.
My mother wanted to ask Yu if she had seen her mermaid tail.
You must know that in the sea clan, if a mermaid’s tail is seen by people who are not from their own family or from the sea clan, they will be executed by iron law.
It seems that a certain generation of mermaids suffered hardships, set rules, and even cast spells on their bloodlines. Violating the constraints will inevitably be severely punished.
And if you don’t want to be executed, you have to develop the ‘people you see’ into your own.
And isn’t this a marriage?
Yu instantly understood, and said with a strange expression:
“That… I did see it.”
At this time, Eri Li and Shiyu Kasugaoka were a little surprised, but when I contacted you just now, I was just thinking that Yuu saw Can Seto’s legs.
Only Kato Megumi, who saw the fish tail, could understand what Seto Lian was implying.
But she chose not to speak out, to keep silent, so as not to do bad things with good intentions.
In the same way, Gosaburo Seto, who heard the hint of Seto Lotus, was already blue and purple, and even a faint steam was spewed from his nostrils.
“You guy…. how dare you peep at Chan…”
There were three girls who were obviously outsiders., Seto Hao Saburo naturally wouldn’t say anything about fish tails, just killed Yu and peeped at Seto Can, and then immediately saw the poor dagger:
“The guy who peeped at my daughter should be executed!”
“Please be careful, Mr. Kosaburo Seto.”
The sudden words made everyone turn their heads and look in the direction of the voice.
And over there, Nishinomiya Chihaya, who was wearing a lady’s suit with a glam face, said coldly:
“If you say these offensive words again, the Kiyomizu-in family doesn’t mind declaring war on the Seto Group.”
In an instant, the cold, autumn moon-like killing intent made Seto Kosaburo frown wildly:
“The sword sorcerer of the Qingqiuyuan family…”
What the hell, why is this little brat being escorted by the Qingqiuyuan family?
He couldn’t control the situation for a while. After all, the Qingqiuyuan family is not a small family, but one of the four families in Kyoto, and it is also a veteran of the official history compilation committee.
With the background of the Qingqiuyuan family, if they really want to kill, they will send the witch holding the sword, holding the cloud of the sky, to the Seto group, and everyone has to finish the game.
But then again, how could a family like Qingqiuyuan be on the side of this brat?
Didn’t they always only care about the inheritance of divine swords and witches?
Seto Kosaburo looked at Yuu with a bit of surprise for a while, vaguely, he had a bold idea, but he denied it instantly.
Don’t be joking, if it’s really the devil in front of you, where do you need the warning from Qingqiuyuan?
Moreover, it is the Shaye Palace family who is loyal to the god-killer, not the Qingqiuyuan.
Just when Seto Gosaburo was in shock, Yuu glanced at Nishinomiya Chihaya and said:
“Go back.”
The latter immediately stepped back, lowered his eyebrows and bowed his head, without saying a word.
Seeing this scene, Yu nodded slightly, then turned back and looked at Seto Ren and said:
“It’s just because I saw a little bit by accident. I don’t think the Seto group will be upset because of this kind of thing, right?”
To tell the truth, it was indeed an accident to see Can Seto, after all, but what he wanted to see the most was Megumi Kato’s legs. He was an honest person.
However, since he saw Seto-san’s legs and was vaguely aware of the rules of the mermaid clan, Yuu was somewhat curious about Seto’s choice.
And now, he is inducing Seto Lian to say the answer he guessed.
“There is a long-standing rule in our family. When our daughter bathes in the spring water, if a boy outside the family sees her leg, there are only two endings.”
Seto Lian said with a smile, as if she was talking about a little family secret.
However, judging from the confrontation between Gosaburo Seto and Chihaya Nishinomiya just now, this is obviously not a simple little secret, but something even worse.
“Two endings?” You raised her brows and said in a timely manner.
Seto Lian smiled and said:
“The first one is to let you or Chan have a good night’s sleep, and the kind that can’t open your eyes from now on, the second one…”
She stretched out her hand, grabbed Can Seto, pinched her tender face with a smile, and said:
“.. is to marry the youngest daughter of my family’s Shui Lingling~~”
“Sa, Yu-kun, choose!”
“Did you kill Can from my family, and then let my husband kill you in grief, or marry my daughter and become my lovely son-in-law?”
“Come on, choose one?”

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