You are so arrogant, you should have said it earlier!
“Huh? What the hell kind of rules are these? How can you marry each other when you see a leg?”
When she heard those two choices that were more vexatious than her, Yingri suddenly became restless. Married to Can Seto, who will she marry?
When the words fell, Eri felt bad. If this is true, Yuu will be killed if she doesn’t marry Seto Chan, then…
After thinking for a while, Eiri looked at Yuu hesitantly and said:
“Hey, if it really doesn’t work, you should follow them.”
Although it was very, very unpleasant, if it was true, then this was already a life-threatening category, and she did not dare to let Yu take the risk.
“Hey, Yingri, you won’t believe it, will you?” Shiyu of Kasumigaoka on the side was a little surprised.
No matter how you look at it, this is a bit nonsense, right?
Just one look at his legs is about to marry Seto Chan. If this is seen by some men who can’t find a wife, wouldn’t they block the door of Seto’s house every day, ready to peep?
After all, it’s also a polar organization. What do you think, it’s worthy of being a son-in-law, right?
“So there are such rules in this world.” Kato Megumi’s soft voice sounded, as if surprised by the wonder of this world.
“Kato?” Kasumigaoka Shiyu looked at Megumi Kato with a strange expression, and couldn’t help shaking her legs.
“Since everything is happening right in front of me, why don’t I believe it?”
Kato Megumi tilted her head and said calmly.
Actually, she didn’t believe Seto Lian’s nonsense either, but she couldn’t bear to see Seto Chan’s fish tail just now!
Mermaids who are seen in their real bodies must marry each other. Isn’t that how they are played in fairy tales?
Realistically speaking, in order to prevent the identity of the mermaid from being leaked, turning the insider into one’s own, this is the truth of the so-called rules, right?
It seems to be a more appropriate way to solve the crisis without killing people.
Thinking about it this way, things seem to be very reasonable.
“Kato, why even you?” Kasumi Hill Shiyu couldn’t help but help his forehead.
I always feel that things have become very strange.
No, she has to stroke it.
Don’t be fooled by appearances, you have to follow the direction of the biggest beneficiary in the future.Always think about it.
If this is the case, who is the biggest beneficiary of this matter?
Was it Seto Can who avoided execution?
No, no, no matter what you think, it’s Yuu, right?
Because of being threatened with his life, he had to accept Seto Can as his wife, and the girls also had to accept this fact because they were concerned about his safety.
In the end, could they all have no choice but to accept the fact that there was an extra Seto Can on top of their heads, and they could only sneak around with Yuu?
How do you look at it, the one who makes the most money is You, right?
Thinking about it this way, everything is Yu’s fault? Or is it all Yuu’s plan?
Xiazhiqiu Shiyu keenly grasped the core of the problem, and then diverged her thinking.
Could it be that Yoo had an affair with Seto Can a long time ago, and now the situation is that he hired actors to act in order to cover up the fact that he was promiscuous?
Thinking of this, Xiazhiqiu Shiyu immediately looked at Yu suspiciously.
It has to be said that she thinks this possibility is very suitable for Yu’s character.
Thinking of this, Xia Zhiqiu Shiyu’s mouth twitched slightly, amused by her own thoughts.
If it’s true, then Yu is really good at playing, and isn’t he afraid of the collective time and space of those girls who have no clear relationship with him?
Sensing his gaze, Yu turned his head in surprise, and after seeing Kasumigaoka Shiwa’s smile, he didn’t feel anything unusual.
Probably thought Ren Seto was joking or playing some entertainment program?
Thinking of this, Yuu shrugged towards Xiazhiqiu Shiyu, indicating that he was also a little helpless with the impromptu show.
On the other side, seeing Yuu’s helpless expression, Kasumigaoka Shiyu’s eyelids twitched immediately.
This guy really deserves a beating for being cheap and acting like a good boy.
Just when Kasumigaoka Shiwa was annoyed, Ren Seto pressed forward with a smile:
“Sa, Yu-kun, which one do you want to choose~.”
While she was talking, she pinched Seto Chan’s little face.
At this time, the latter’s face had already turned red, and the hot little face was like a soft bun when pinched, delicious and sweet.
Seeing this scene, Yuu sighed. He looked at the blushing Seto Can, then at the smiling Seto Ren, and then at Seto Gosaburo with fire-breathing eyes.
Oh, he watched the last one for a while.
Not for anything else, he kind of likes Gosaburo Seto’s expression of angrily wanting to kill him but being unable to do so.
“A man who hesitates for too long will be hated.”
Ren Seto’s urging voice sounded.
Being urged repeatedly by Ren Seto, Yu suddenly became playful.
He opened his mouth slightly, and after taking a breath, his face calmed down, and the corners of his mouth rose little by little.
“My answer is…no!”
For a moment, everyone was a little confused.
At this time, Yu folded his hands on his chest and said mockingly:
“My favorite thing about Zhou is to say ‘NO’ to you self-righteous people!”
The JOJO meme has been achieved!
Yuu secretly laughed inwardly, but in the eyes of the Seto-gumi, it was so unworthy of a beating.
Even if no one understands the meaning of this stalk, at this moment, even Seto Ren can hardly maintain a smile on her face.
But this is meaningless to Yuu.
Because from the very beginning, it was impossible for him to agree to this condition.
It’s not that Seto Can is not fragrant, but that there are too many sweethearts present.
It was impossible for him to blatantly agree to marry a girl in the presence of Kato Megumi, Eiriri, and Kasumigaoka Shiwa.
Not to mention whether or not this will lead to the Hatchet ending, just a few girls’ cell phone ‘Girlfriend Line’ group is enough to stop Yu’s brain fever.
Is he stupid? Will detonate all the Shura field by a little temptation from others?
It’s impossible to even think about it!
So the answer, of course, is NO!
“it is good–!!”
The cheers sounded.
It didn’t come from anyone else, it was the voice of Gosaburo Seto.
This middle-aged man with a cross scar on his face and the appearance of a mafia boss had fire in his eyes, but he said with great admiration:
“`¨There is a kind!”
“Although I am very happy about your rejection, since you rejected my daughter and then looked at my daughter’s body, there is nothing you can do.”
As he spoke, he slowly clenched his fists, and his eyes showed obvious brilliance.
“I have no choice but to let you stay here!”
While talking, he approached Yu, put his hand on Yu’s shoulder, and pointed the knife at Yu’s head:
“Don’t worry, I will try the physical memory erasure method. In this way, you will lose the impression of my daughter’s body, and at the same time, you will be able to survive safely!”
You raised his head, didn’t care about the ‘life and death danger’ in front of him, just smiled lightly and said:
“Oh, then shall I still send you a pennant?”
“That’s not necessary.”
Gosaburo Seto’s eyes widened, and the hand knife mixed with the memory-elimination technique fell down brazenly:
Bang—! !
The hand knife hit him, but he missed.
Kosaburo Seto’s hand knife stopped two centimeters above Yu’s head, but the spell carried on the hand knife hit it.
Gosaburo Seto is not a murderer, so from the very beginning, his plan was to erase his memory.
Of course, this technique (by Li Le’s) can damage the brain a little bit, so there’s nothing you can do about it, but it’s better than dying, right?
Since you don’t want to be a son-in-law obediently, then bear the consequences yourself!
Feeling the impact of the spell, the hand knife alsoTo chop Yuu on the head and teach him a lesson, Gosaburo Seto showed a ferocious smile.
His mood has begun to improve.
The spell disappeared.
It’s like pouring a drop of water into the sea. In an instant, it was directly shattered by the opponent’s vast body.
“This kind of unreasonable spell resistance…isn’t it?”
Gosaburo Seto widened his eyes and was dumbfounded.
Being able to ignore the spells of a character at the level of a beast like him made him feel the existence of despair facing the sea…
In this island country, in the whole world, there are probably only the top seven people who buy it.
Don’t you bring such a joker?
You are the devil king, you fucking told me earlier——! ! !
The corner of Yuu’s mouth was lightly raised, he raised his hand with a smile, and held Seto Gosaburo’s hand knife:
“Your expression is really interesting~~”
His smile is vile, like a child receiving a toy for the first time.

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