Conversation between Black and White Wing
Zip! Noisy! Noisy! Noisy!
It was like the sound of scalding hot oil being splashed on the human body continuously.
The dead disciples with various bird signs that originally surrounded the third and outer three floors of Bremetri let out a mournful cry, and their ferocious bodies melted as quickly as ice cream.
In the moon world, objects full of sacred power, such as holy water, crosses and black keys
Such objects are very lethal to Dead Apostles, and there are only a few special Dead Apostles who can be immune to these objects.
However, most of the dead disciples sent to delay Bremet were normal dead disciples. Under the radiance full of holy power, except for a few, the rest were burned to death by the holy power .
Glensorge’s heart ached. In order to delay Bremet the White Beast, even if he sent miscellaneous soldiers, they had to be of a certain level of strength. Therefore, most of the dead apostles on the ground were his elites. Troops.
However, now, with one move of the majestic holy light, his accumulation of thousands of years was wasted. It can be said that apart from the real scumbags who guarded his hometown, he, Glenthog, can already be called a polished commander.
Fortunately, half of the troops below are Tevem’s direct troops, accompanied by “comrades” who share the same illness, so his heart is not too painful.
Suppressing the pain in his heart, Glensorg pointed to the looming figure of the scorching sun in the sky and shouted at the plum chain. “Mei Lian, what is that thing full of divinity? It’s obvious that this thing belongs to your church!”
“…I don’t know?” Mei Lian said with a confused face. Although he is a member of the burial agency, in the final analysis, his race is the Dead Apostles. This kind of thing that looks like the church’s super trump card will not leak to his ears no matter what.
“What use are you, you trash!!!” The pitch-black bird wings behind Glenthorge kept flapping, his scarlet eyes shone sharply, and he shouted sharply.
Originally, he was very displeased with Mei Lian, a guy who had bad intentions against Alquite, but he made a lot of mistakes in killing allies by mistake in the first cooperation. Now he doesn’t even know the secret weapon of his own faction.
If he hadn’t kept the plum chain to deal with Erte Luqi, he would have shot this damn sick Bai Ji directly.
“Damn it, I can only ask Tevem, who has been monitoring the city.” Glenthorge said in a very unhappy tone. A scarlet spell the size of a pigeon egg slowly emerged from his ears.
“His Royal Highness Ji Jun, is that figure Yuu?” Bremet, who had escaped from the entanglement of the dead disciples, flashed to Erte Luqi’s side in an instant, the scene in the sun in the sky was reflected in the widened eyes of the beast, and her tone was incongruous. Said with certainty.
“Even if it’s not him, it’s something he made up.” Elte Lucki raised her arms slightly, exposing her slender arms to the holy light.
Although it is said that Alteluchi is a hybrid of the True Ancestor and the Dead Apostle, and has great resistance to the divine power, but it is only resistance, and the disgust and discomfort still exist after being irradiated.
But now the light shining on her arm is constantly exuding sacred power fluctuations, it doesn’t matter if she doesn’t feel uncomfortable, and even recovers a lot of her physical strength, there are still faint hymns in her ears Chant, keep blessing.
“Hey, Your Highness Ji Jun, I also have this phenomenon?” Bremet looked at Elte Lucy’s lotus arms exposed to the holy light with some surprise, stretched out her animal claws in a similar manner, Said with a look of surprise.
“Forget about these holy lights, the most important thing for us now is to kill these two guys.” Alte Lucy turned her head, staring directly at Glenthogg and May Chain with murderous eyes.
“Okay!” Bremet raised her head, fixed her eyes on Glensorge, and her face gradually turned ferocious.
The cold wind howled at the top of the castle.
Even though he was the king of the dead, Tevem felt the cold like an ordinary person at this moment, because his heart felt cold.
In his tightly closed eyes, a series of visions from Yuu and Narubalek’s short battle and holy resonance are being replayed at this moment.
Tevem is very smart. He was discovered when he directly observed Yu through the leylines, and he knew that directly observing through the leylines would stimulate the other party’s induction, so he is using magic like a camera at this moment.
By doing this magic trick on the leylines, he recorded the scene of the battle between the two, and then checked the situation on the scene in the form of video tape playback. In this way, he effectively evaded Yuu’s intuition to a certain extent.
Without anyone noticing, Tevem witnessed all the fighting on the scene, even though it was delayed for a few seconds.
‘Narubalek’s loss was not wronged. The magician’s fist power should have broken through the 7.9 kilometers per second of the first cosmic speed just now. Is his physical fitness so ridiculously strong? ’
‘And the last sacred power appeared, that guy is probably the reincarnation of a god or something. ’ Tevem thought with a horrified expression, ignoring the cold sweat that overflowed from his forehead.
However, in fact, the words in his mouth are completely inconsistent with what he thought in his mind, because oneThe spell of credit is floating around his head.
“Gransorge, that figure was actually caused by Narubalek using some kind of church secret treasure in order to deal with that great magician.”
“Are you sure? Tevem. I remember that you should have moved that great magician to the outskirts. Why did Narubalek and that great magician fight in the city center?”
“That magician’s magic power is very strong. Even when I used the energy of the earth’s veins to suppress the power of magic, he fought back and forth with Narubalek, and reached the city center while fighting and retreating.”
“That’s it, Tevem. Do your best to increase the suppression of the leylines of Eltruchi and the White Beast. Mei Lian and I will try to kill her. If not, I will trouble you to transfer the leylines. .”
Tevem, who was preparing to run away, said in a firm tone.
“no problem.”

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