Really Bitten
(I have heatstroke, my brain hurts, and the update will be late)
Loud and clear hymns reverberated in the air, and the great sun in the sky continuously shed a rain of brilliance with strong expression power. It was the divine rain formed by the power of faith of countless church believers in the past two thousand years.
Light and rain dripped on the ground, and the believers’ prayers to the gods for thousands of years filled the atmosphere.
“Uh…” There was an abrupt humming in confusion.
An Yi’s pupils shrank slightly, and he quickly turned his gaze away from the mummy, looking at the age walker who propped up his body on his arms and slowly sat on the ground with a look of shock. “Are you kidding, the person killed by the director just now came back to life? Wait…the miracle of the resurrection of Jesus from the dead!!!”
Suddenly, An Yi froze all over, and hurriedly raised his face to look at the scorching sun in the sky with fear. There, a stalwart figure gave him an emotionless glance with those iridescent golden pupils.
In Xingyue, the gods are the creators and rulers of the world and everything in human fantasy. They are terrifying existences that have been enshrined by countless human beings and cast their gods. It can be said that every god born of faith is equivalent to a small Alai. yeah.
Being watched by the eyes of the gods who gathered the beliefs of countless believers over the past two thousand years, even if it was just an understatement, the result would be terrifying.
The withered mummy’s body fell powerlessly to the ground. Although it was still breathing and its mouth was still heaving, the soul named ‘An Yi’ had been completely annihilated by that gaze.
Yu is in an extremely upset mood now. In his eyes, An Yi’s sneak attack was like a slow-motion attack that could be blocked casually, and he also shot truthfully, intending to directly destroy the shroud with a knife in his hand.
However, who knew that the insane burial agency would actually turn such a noble relic as the shroud of Jesus into a weapon. When his knife hit the shroud, the resonance of the grid began.
The resonance of the lattice caused Yu’s movements to be sluggish for a moment, and he was caught off guard by the shroud, which led to his current extremely unhappy situation.
It’s not just the sensation of being surrounded by the shroud, the most important thing is that conceptually speaking, this is his own “shroud”. He doesn’t want to experience this kind of refreshing feeling a second time.
Whoosh! call out–! call out–!
The shroud flew away in an instant, revealing Yu’s intact body inside. When the field of vision reappeared and recovered, relying on the induction of the grid position, Yu raised his head for the first time and looked at the body that was moved by faith because of the resonance of the grid. Pulled into the body of the gods in the mortal world.
The invisible restraining power has been entwined~wrapped around the body of the god, and the inability of the gods to descend into the world is an iron rule promulgated by the restraining power. Originally, this divine body would be destroyed by the restraining power when it descended into the world, but this is a certain’ Relationship households’ body of faith.
As a result, the erasing action came to an abrupt end, and the invisible restraining force radiated faint fluctuations, conveying his own will, and discussing with Yu about the solution to the divine body.
Whether to erase the divine body and return it to the restraining power, or leave it for use without affecting the earth and human beings.
After receiving the selection information, You frowned slightly, raised his right hand, and made a light move. The sun, which was the size of a Ferris wheel, shrank to the size of a ping-pong ball in an instant, and disappeared into Yuu’s mind.
Do you still have to choose? It is a fool’s job to decisively leave the divine body for his own use, and not to take advantage of it.
Thump—! thump–! thump–!
“Praise my Lord!!!!” X30
Yu raised his head, looked at a group of male representatives who surrounded him, knelt on the ground and kept praying, felt the incomparably fanatical, 30 crazy gazes than the craziest idol fans, Chrysanthemum suddenly tightened .
Suddenly, You moved back 1 meter out of thin air, avoiding the three proxies who wanted to kiss his toes, and his face changed slightly.
The golden pupil instantly glowed with rainbow light, the memory manipulation technique was activated instantly, and the crazy crowd fell silent instantly.
“It’s terrible~~~” You lightly patted the moon’s chest, and looked at the bewildered agent in front of him with some horror. The feeling of being watched by thirty “homosexuals” at the same time really made him terrified.
At this moment, Yuu was slightly taken aback, his eyes became playful, and he appeared at the staircase on the 7th floor of a certain high-rise building, looking at the figure struggling to get up in front of him.
“Where are you going? Miss Narubalek.”
Narubalek’s face froze immediately, and he subconsciously turned his head to look in the direction of the sound. When he saw Yu’s figure, a trace of fear flashed in his crimson eyes.In the next second, Narubalek decisively dragged his still-injured body, knelt down on one knee, and said in a humble tone. “Praise my Lord!!!”
“Oh? Your behavior is completely inconsistent with the information I received from the Pope about the weak faith of all the members of the burial institution? Ms. Naruballek.” Yuu lifted his foot and walked to Narubalek who was kneeling on the ground with small steps before the gram.
Narubalek trembled all over, raised his bloodshot arms and gently brushed aside the dark purple hair that blocked his vision, leaned down, and kissed Yu’s shoe without any hesitation.
This time, Yu didn’t react as violently as when he was given a shoe-kissing ceremony by the representative. After all, the treatment of a rough man and a beautiful woman is very different, and Narubalek’s appearance has completely reached the standard of a beautiful woman. After all, this world is based on appearance what!
Yuu frowned slightly, Narubalek’s obedient behavior made him immediately understand her intentions.
A kind smile gradually appeared on Yoo’s face, as kind and kind as an authentic magic stick. He slowly stretched out to stroke Narubalek’s smooth hair, and said softly. “Lost lamb, do you want to return to my arms?”
“Yes, my lord!” Narubalek said with a bitter expression, the corner of his mouth twitching slightly. Although she is a murderer, she still understands the truth that a person who knows current affairs is a hero.
With her current physical condition, the option of escaping is no longer possible, and the only option she can do is surrender.
As for the counterattack, the fact that he was almost killed in a single blow was enough to prove the end of the resistance.
“Then, let me give you the proof of being a believer.” Yu slightly bent down, reached out and cupped Narubalek’s face.
Looking at the face that was getting closer, Narubalek’s pupils shrank slightly. Remembering the words that Yusuo asked her to fuck, his body tensed up instantly, and his expression turned cold.
But in the next moment, she gave up struggling as if resigned to her fate, and slowly unbuttoned her leather jacket.
The fishing net underwear wrapped under the brown leather jacket was exposed in Yu’s field of vision. Narubalek tore off the fishing net with an indifferent face, and his snow-white skin came into Yu’s field of vision.
‘Take it as being bitten by a dog. ’ Naruballek thought indifferently.
Then, the sharp fangs pierced Narubalek’s swan-like neck.
“What’s the situation, really bitten? Wait, vampire?????”
Narubalek looked dazed.

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