The Road to Love
You and Chongqing stepped on the cobbled ground, along the winding forest path like a snake, and moved towards the distant buildings in a gentle circle.
The dense sycamore trees are planted on both sides of the road. From June to June, the pale pink sycamore flowers are in full bloom, which describe trumpet-like flowers. The flowers hang all over the treetops on both sides of the road, and the fresh and elegant fragrance of flowers blows with the breeze. , pervades the entire woods, making people feel refreshed.
Looking up at the buildings behind the woods, you raised your eyebrows. Calculated in a straight line, the distance is only 50 meters, but if you follow the winding path, you may have to walk hundreds of meters of detours.
Although he was a bit annoyed by the twists and turns of the road, the white-haired cheongsam Mei|Jiao Niang and the faint fragrance of flowers by his side effectively relieved Yu’s impatience, but joking and complaining were indispensable.”This road is too long, isn’t it?”
Hearing this, Chongqing raised his white and slender wrist, covered his cherry lips, and said with a gentle smile. “Of course, after all, the admiral will walk this road with the newly born ship girl.”
“Huh?!” You looked at Chongqing with a puzzled expression, his eyes full of questions.
Chongqing slowly stretched out her right hand, and a piece of extremely small pale pink petals floated into the girl’s open palm along with the gentle breeze.
Chongqing raised his right hand and raised it to his nose. The small and exquisite Qiong nose moved slightly, smelling the refreshing fragrance of flowers, and said with a smile. “Do you know the flower language of sycamore flowers?”
You slightly opened your eyes wide, and the dark gray pupils reflected the beauty in the white-haired cheongsam who smelled the fragrance of flowers in front of you, and murmured in a slightly absent-minded way. “Noble character, loyal and unyielding fighting spirit, and…”
“…It’s the beginning of love!” Chongqing Yanran said with a smile.
“Ah, ah. I kind of understand why this road covered with sycamore flowers was built at the site of Dajian.” The corners of his mouth slightly raised, and he scanned the forest surrounded by pale pink sycamore flowers with a smile. trail.
If it is said that the admiral and the ship’s wife have the closest relationship, it is the first ship that signed the contract. Therefore, according to the investigation of some troublemakers, among the initial ships, the ship’s wife and the admiral who signed the marriage contract accounted for 70% of the total.
Therefore, the relationship between the initial ship and the admiral can already be called a ‘fiancé couple’.
Gently turning her little hand, Chongqing let the petals flutter in the breeze. The girl raised a finger, pressed it against her cherry lips, and said with a smile. “By the way, this place is between the ship’s mother and the admiral in the Kukai area, but it’s another name for the pink road of love~”
You were stunned for a moment, looking at Chongqing who was smiling sweetly in front of you with a slightly weird expression, a hint of teasing flashed in his eyes, and he said with a hint of teasing in his tone.
“Speaking of which, the first one to accompany me on this road was you from Chongqing~”
Chongqing suddenly opened his light orange eyes wide, and the orange pupils filled with water suddenly froze, and an intoxicating blush appeared on his fair and delicate face.
Looking at the sluggish Chongqing in front of him, a trace of astonishment flashed in You’s eyes. To be honest, he didn’t expect that just a light joke would have such an effect.
Chongqing sensitively sensed the astonishment in You’s eyes, the girl turned her head with a blushing face, raised her little feet in emerald high-heeled shoes, and suddenly accelerated.
“It’s almost time to start the ceremony, let’s hurry up!” A flustered voice came into Yu’s ears.
Looking at the brisk pace in front of her, recalling the slow and ladylike steps in Chongqing, You could not help but laugh.
‘The cheongsam girl in front of me seems unexpectedly innocent. ’ You sighed, and quickly followed the pace of Chongqing.
Looking at Chongqing, who was walking fast in front of him as if fleeing, You kindly reminded: “If you run so fast with high heels and don’t look at the road, you will fall…”
You blinked, with a dazed look on her face.
At the end of the road, in front of a three-story, antique pavilion, fell into a white ‘ocean’.
Taking a closer look, the blossoming waves in the ocean are clearly young men and women wearing white admiral uniforms.
They gathered together in groups of three or four, forming small circles, where they chatted in low voices.
There was more or less a look of anticipation on the faces of everyone present.
After all, everyone present was a quasi-admiral who had excellent grades, but was unable to become an official admiral due to the arrangement of the ship’s mother.
In the face of this big construction occasion of summoning the ship girl, it is impossible not to have the slightest expectation.
If it were to describe it, probably everyone present was in the state of anxiety before going on a blind date.
Although I felt uneasy, the order at the scene was still very good.
After all, they have lived in the semi-military Jianniang Academy for two and a half years, and maintaining good order has been engraved into their bones.
Even if they were emotionally excited, the voices of everyone talking were still very low. It was an ultra-low voice that ordinary people could not hear clearly if they were more than one meter apart.
At this moment, a female voice with strong complaints suddenly sounded in this noisy but quiet place.
“Crow mouth~!!!”
“Uh…” Many quasi-admirals frowned, and turned their displeased eyes to the direction from which the voice came.
Going straight to the gate of the pavilion and connecting to the main road, also known as the “Road of Love”, two figures walked out slowly from the sea of ​​pink flowers.
Dozens of surprised voices suddenly sounded.
Hearing the dean’s address, all sixty eyes focused on the two figures at the end of the sea of ​​flowers.
The corners of You’s mouth twitched slightly, and a trace of embarrassment flashed across his face.
The embarrassment on his face was not because of those sixty gazes focused on him. After all, they were just some young people with a little bit of energy, so it wouldn’t embarrass him.
It was because of the girl next to her who was wearing an emerald green cheongsam, lowered her head, and kept complaining about herself.
“Crow’s mouth…crow’s mouth…crow’s mouth!” (infinite loop).
The corner of You’s mouth twitched uncontrollably. She was running fast on the cobblestone ground in high heels, but she got stuck on the heel and fell… Blame me? !
However, even though he was constantly slandering in his heart, Yu was still extremely calm on the surface.
Because he understands that there is no reason to talk to girls who lose their temper. Anyway, it’s all your fault, just admit it.
After thinking about it for a while, I guess otherThe admiral looked at Chongqing, hesitated for a moment, and stopped complaining.
Chongqing glared at You, and said in a low voice, “Obey, line up here.”
As soon as the voice fell, the green-clothed girl moved lightly and walked straight towards the main entrance of the pavilion with a solemn face.

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