Location is also important
As Chongqing walked along the unobstructed main road into the spacious main entrance of the pavilion, it disappeared into the pavilions and pavilions.
Yu immediately noticed the quasi-admirals who were wearing the same admiral’s uniform around him. They all turned their gazes to him, and turned towards the main road, showing a vicious look like a wolf’s prey.
“Oh?!!” Yu raised his eyebrows and glanced around.
Many of the quasi-admirals who had been chatting and laughing with their close friends before had already clenched the long swords in their hands, as if they were about to draw swords at the colleagues around them in the next instant.
If it weren’t for the lack of murderous intent in his eyes, but only the strong desire to express, Yuu would probably think that this was some kind of homicide test that ‘kills the last person to pass’.
You narrowed her eyes slightly, with an interested look on her face, and silently walked behind an admiral.
“Uh!!!” The black-haired quasi-admiral who was slapped on the shoulder almost didn’t pull out his command knife.
But even so, he showed a frightened and unclear expression, turned around with a fierce look, and madly said to Yu who was behind him.
“What are you doing, don’t you know how scary people will be?!!”
“Sorry, sorry! That, classmate, I want to ask something a little!” Yu snapped her fingers lightly, a golden light flashed in her dark gray eyes, and in her words, it implied that magic had been used.
The black eyes were dazed for a moment, and the next second, the yellow-faced quasi-admiral put his hands on his shoulders carelessly, with a familiar face, as if he and Yu had been friends for many years. said.
“It’s okay, it’s okay, to be honest, brother, you have asked the right person, there is nothing in this school that Anthony doesn’t know!
Even the dean who has been single for 50 years, I know exactly which Kabukicho he likes to go to, and I tell you, it’s in the western district of Kukai City…”
“Stop, stop!” Yu made a stop gesture with a strange expression on his face, stopping Anthony’s gossip.
Yubi looked at the vigilant admirals beside him, motioned Anthony to look at them, and said curiously. “What are they preparing for?”
“Take a position.” Anthony glanced at the many quasi-admirals who were on guard beside him with a disdainful expression.
Yu raised her eyebrows, with a look of interest on her face, and asked softly. “Can you tell me in detail?!”
Anthony didn’t wonder why Yu didn’t even know this basic knowledge.
He was caught in the hint magic, and the simple brain circuit only contained the “fact” that Yu was his “best friend”, so he pointed to the faintly huge shadow in the attic, and introduced to Yu:
“Look, there’s only one big construction machine in that summoning building, so we will have to queue up for the big construction later.”
Without waiting for Yoo’s response, Anthony continued to introduce: “Since there is a queue every year, of course someone has studied the quality of the location.”
“In the forefront, according to the experience of graduates in previous years, they are all used for preheating large-scale installations that have aged a lot, that is, for knives!”
“And because of the performance at the grand construction ceremony, in order to prevent the appraisers from being impatient, they gave a low-level evaluation, and the position at the end was not good.”
“So, grabbing the middle is the best, the chance of summoning an excellent ship girl is high, and the test results are high. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.”
As soon as Anthony finished speaking, a dark-haired woman wearing glasses walked out of the attic and shouted loudly. “The 177th phase of the construction ceremony has begun. Next, please line up according to the rules and regulations!”
Suddenly, there was a sudden rush of people, no noise, no noise, only the heavy sound of leather boots stepping on the floor.
In response, the black-haired woman standing in front of the gate of the attic pushed her glasses calmly, falling into this kind of robbery, which she had long been accustomed to.
The corner of You’s mouth twitched, she stretched out her hand suddenly, grabbed Anthony’s jacket, lifted the strong young man with one hand, and squeezed into the queuing crowd.
After a while, the order of the queue was determined, and the clamor suddenly exploded.
“I’m going, who pushed me!!!”
“Damn, the first place, my God, I’m actually the first place, it’s over!”
“Who killed me for a thousand years before, I don’t care, I will change the position of third place with you!!!!”
At this moment, Anthony, who had been pulled by Yu Dali before, raised his hands with a blue face and counted the heads in front of him.
“20, 21!! Gold seats!!!” Anthony looked at the back of Yu’s head in front of him with ecstasy. If there was no teacher on the side to maintain order, a bear hug would be inevitable.
“Brother, your way of grabbing positions? How many years have you been practicing?”
“Can you shoot your team with peace of mind? How many years have you been practicing?” You replied with a dumbfounded cry.
It’s just a position, for the sake of Anthony’s introduction at the back, it’s just a favor, he’s not so stingy.
However, Anthony was almost out of breath by Tales before, but now he is still alive and kicking. It seems that the human beings in this world have good physical fitness!
At least, the Admiral’s physical fitness is good.
Anthony patted Yu’s shoulder with joy.
“Haha, now, as long as you are lucky, an excellent initial ship is gone! Later, when the big construction is over, I treat the guests and have a meal in Manchunlou, but I didn’t run away. ”
“Luck?” You narrowed her eyes slightly, recalling the snow wind in the villa, and the corner of her mouth twitched slightly.
At this moment, as the unfortunate person at the forefront entered the pavilion with an unfortunate face at the urging of the ship’s mother in front, Dajian’s assessment gradually began.
A few minutes later, the unlucky guy held his face, showed a slight smile, and pulled a little brown-haired girl wearing a beret with a curious face out of the pavilion.
“Hey…so miserable!!!” Dozens of air-conditioning voices suddenly sounded.
Yuu hit Anthony, who was breathing in the air at the back, with his elbow, fully explaining, ‘What should Mengxin be like? ‘ asked curiously. “What happened to that shipgirl?”
Anthony swallowed and said in a frightening tone. “Fletcher-class destroyer – Brian, one of the weakest destroyers.”
“In addition, it’s not a prototype ship, but a replica ship. I’m afraid even deep-sea cannon fodder ships can’t beat it.”
“Let’s not talk about arranging the guard house. It is estimated that in a few days, the ship’s mother will enter the logistics department to teach as a logistics staff, and that unfortunate… probably, will be arranged to drop out of school!”
“Drop out of school after a single defeat?” Yu looked surprised.
“Of course, Dajian is bound to succeed for the first time in his life, and the probability of failure after that…”
Finally, Anthony’s face suddenly turned pale green.
The corner of You’s mouth twitched, and he deeply felt the malice from the world.
You looked at the admiral with a little loli and walked on the pink road with a pale face. For him, it was almost equivalent to the ‘road of death’ representing the death of the admiral’s career.
The team in front gradually dwindled, and in this short hour, all kinds of creatures were displayed in front of Yu.
After a while, Yu stepped into the attic.
When he entered the attic on the first day of the new year, Chongqing passed him by Sassafras.
“250, 30, 200, 30.” A set of numbers entered Yu’s ears along with Chongqing’s whisper.

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