What are Africans playing?
“250, 30, 200, 30.” A set of numbers entered Yuu’s ears with a girl’s voice that was deliberately lowered.
You raised her eyebrows slightly, and glanced at Chongqing, who passed her shoulders with Sassafras, a hint of confusion flashed in her eyes.
At the gate of the attic, a black-haired ship girl was slowly closing the open door. When she saw Chongqing’s figure, she stopped, stood upright, and saluted towards Chongqing: “President.”
“Inform the staff of the Personnel Department and send the report on the type of ship girl built this time to my office.” Chongqing smiled gently at the black-haired ship girl, and said softly.
“Yes!!!” The black-haired ship girl immediately bowed slightly, responding to Chongqing’s order.
Although it is strange that the dean, who will only arrange work at night, suddenly gave instructions at this time.
But in the strict militarized management, the black-haired shipgirl didn’t question her superior’s order at all, and meticulously took out the walkie-talkie in her pocket and conveyed the order to the personnel department.
You tilted her head to the side, looking at Chongqing, who blinked playfully at her after communicating with the black-haired shipgirl, and narrowed her eyes slightly.
He didn’t think that on the occasion of this big construction, it would not be meaningful for Chongqing to come over and report a set of numbers to himself.
As for the numbers that can be related to Dajian, in Yuu’s memory, only when Dajian summons, is the input formula of the four resources named ‘oil bullet steel aluminum’.
According to rumors, formulas of different proportions have the mysterious effect of summoning a certain type of ship girl and increasing the success rate of summoning.
For example, is said to be a special formula for summoning a submarine girl.
However, according to the information in this world, Yu learned that each special formula seems to be in the hands of some official admirals and the leadership of the Jianniang Academy.
And according to Yuu’s impression of the ship’s formula in her previous life, the metaphysical formula of 250, 30, 200, and 30 seems to be gambling…
“No. 20, return to your position quickly.” A calm and serious voice suddenly interrupted Yu’s train of thought.
Yoo turned his head and looked at a figure deep in the attic in front of him.
The spectacled lady who announced the start of the assessment earlier was standing in front of a huge steel gate with a pen and paper on her face, as if she was preparing to record something.
Yu glanced at the spectacled girl’s dead face, which was as expressionless as the ‘instructor’ for a while, and decisively turned her attention to the steel door.
The door is three meters high, and the whole body is made of dark and unknown metal. The surface of the door is densely dug out with strange grooves to form a strange pattern similar to a hexagram.
On the left side of the door, a metal bar extends out from the door. The bar is one meter high, and there are four large, four and five small grooves on it.
And a roll of blue drawings has been laid on the largest groove.
From Anthony’s mouth, Yuu understood that it was a blueprint for construction, similar to a summoning formation, and an indispensable blueprint for summoning a ship girl.
The four small ports on the other side are the input ports for the four major resources.
Looking at the four small mouths, the corner of You’s mouth twitched. I know it’s a small mouthful of resources, but what is the order? ! ! The one for oil, the one for aluminum? No one introduced him at all!
Seeing that Yu didn’t move for a long time, she just looked at the summoning gate curiously, the spectacled lady frowned, and a trace of displeasure flashed in her eyes. with sternnessThe female voice of meaning suddenly sounded.
“Please speed up the test taker on the 20th, there are 40 candidates in the back to take the test.”
“Come here.” You shrugged, holding the command knife, and stepped forward quickly.
After a while, Yu stood in front of the summoning gate and said to the spectacled lady who was writing something down, “What should I do?”
The girl’s eyes were stunned, and she seemed to be in shock. You didn’t even know the process of summoning the ship’s girl, and there was a strange expression on her face as if she had seen a ‘Martian’.
Snapped-! Snapped-!
At this moment, two crisp applause suddenly sounded.
“Hi~Hi! Since the No. 20 candidate is not clear, I will explain it.” Chongqing patted his little hands with a hint of embarrassment on his face, and hurriedly came to the two of them.
You turned his gaze to Chongqing at the right time, and when he noticed You’s gaze, Chongqing smiled awkwardly.
Just now, she was patronizing and complaining that the other party caused her to ‘fall’, but she forgot to tell Yuu, who knew nothing about Dajian’s procedures, the specific summoning process.
Chongqing, who was aware of his mistake, was naturally a little embarrassed when he faced Yu at the moment.
You narrowed the eyes of the dead fish, ignoring the eyes of the mother of eyes looking at the Martian, and said in a flat tone. “Let me introduce you.”
A minute later, Yu looked at the size of a baby’s fist, block-shaped small oil drums, bullets, steel blocks and aluminum blocks, feeling the strange aura, and narrowed his eyes slightly.
‘The internal structure is the same as the steel and aluminum of ordinary industrial oil bombs, but it has a strange aura. It is very similar to Xingyue’s inhibitory aura. Is it similar to the aura of the planet’s will? ”
After looking at it for a while, Yu began to throw the four major resources into the groove in order according to the corresponding proportions.
Seeing that the ratio of resources invested by Yu far exceeded the 4X30 invested by other candidates, the girl frowned suddenly, and immediately planned to record comments on the registration book in her hand.
“Wait a moment.” Chongqing timely stopped the eye girl’s movements.
You glanced at the two of them, and then repeated the act of investing resources with a calm expression.
Since it is an assessment, it naturally has certain criteria, and the amount of resources consumed is naturally one of the criteria for the assessment.
No matter which world, there are always many people who are pretentious.
Every year, a group of brain-dead admirals who think they are the son of destiny, and build casually, must be battleships, aircraft carriers, and even prototype ships.
And the reason why the assessment standard is how much resources are consumed is naturally to protect the interests of the ship’s mother.
After all, the monthly distribution of resources from the Governor’s Mansion to each of the garrison houses is only 4X500.
However, these resources are used to supply all the ships in the entire guard house for a month. If the admiral is brought to build a gambling ship, then the other ships will probably eat the sea water with the northwest wind.
Therefore, for every admiral who made a ‘gambling boat’ during the quasi-admiral period, in this situation where there is a possibility of failure of the major construction, whether it is the Jianniang Academy, the gendarmerie or the Governor’s House Focus on ”.
It is said that the craziest people are even monitored by guards 24 hours a day. If they hadn’t had military exploits, they would have been sent to a military court.
Therefore, Africans, they should honestly kill the deep sea, use purification to fish for boats, and then go to hook up with the little ship girl.
Dajian or something, that’s a game that only rich bigwigs can play.
“250, 30, 200, 30.” Counting the resources that he put into the groove, You tickled the corner of his mouth and pressed the switch to activate the summon.
hum! hum! hum!
A sound like the humming of a ship’s whistle suddenly sounded from the summoning gate, and the blue light slowly emerged in the groove that looked like a hexagram. In the next second, the entire pavilion sounded the roar of steel crashing.
Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!
‘Then next~’ Yuu’s eyes flashed a bit of solemnity, when the attention of Chongqing and the glasses girl were attracted by the summoning gate.
Yuu’s body started to change at the microscopic genetic level.
Chongqing opened his eyes slightly, and swept to Yu with a look of surprise. Just now, she definitely felt the aura of Xuefeng on Yuu’s body.
The aura of the ‘auspicious royal exemption’ that absorbs everyone’s luck and improves his own luck.
With the summoning gate fully activated, Yoshun threw the prepared ‘quick build’ into the groove of the summoning blueprint.
Boom—! ! ! !
With a roar, the summoning door suddenly opened.

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