Rabbit is very simple
On the cobble road paved with soft cobblestones, a light-blond girl with exposed clothes, but with a pure and sweet appearance, was running fast along the cobble road.
As the girl flashed by on the road, a fierce wind whistled along with it, and the sycamore flowers blooming on both sides of the road were swept away by the violent air current, and burst out.
For a time, the entire gravel road was plunged into a sea of ​​pink and colored flowers.
“Hmph~ hum hum~” Shimakaze hummed a little tune briskly, speeding down the path, passing through some admirals and shipgirls who were walking on the road from time to time, causing bursts of screams.
While running fast, Shimakaze still had the energy to spare and turned his attention to the back of the road.
There was a hint of playfulness on his little face, and Shimakaze stuck out his tongue and said, “Oops, I ran too far again, and the Admiral couldn’t catch up.”
Although Shimakaze said that he had caught up with her, he would have signed a contract with Yuu, but in reality, the girl just made an excuse to enjoy the fun of speeding.
After all, the summoned ship girl naturally has a certain affection for the admiral who summoned her.
This kind of innate favor is like a newborn chick thinking that the first life it sees is its parents.
Even though Shimakaze, as a prototype ship, has the memories inherited from the battleship Shimakaze and the early days of the ship’s battle with the deep-sea habitat ship, this innate goodwill still exists.
Coupled with Yu’s previous feeding behavior, Shimakaze didn’t resist signing a contract with Yu.
“So~ run back?” Shimakaze raised his hand, tapped his head lightly, and said playfully and cutely.
At this moment, a suspicious voice suddenly sounded.
“Run back? Run back to where?”
“Uh…” The sudden male voice made Shimakaze turn his head subconsciously.
“Yo~!” Yu raised his right hand and greeted with a calm expression.
Seeing Yu Ting walking beside him, Shimakaze showed a happy look on his face.
Shimakaze didn’t wonder why Yuu was able to keep up with his speed, the girl’s face was filled with inexplicable excitement as if she was facing an opponent.
“Does the Admiral want to run a race? I won’t lose~~” Shimakaze said to Yu naively, his words full of absolute confidence in his speed.
“Then…the game begins!!!”
Shimakaze slightly arched his body, took a steady breath, and his speed suddenly increased by several ten percent, causing afterimages on the winding path.
The girl’s running posture caused a howling wind, wrapping the flowers and petals on both sides of the road, and galloping towards the distance.
“Ah~ ah?!!” Yu opened his mouth slightly, then his expression changed, he pooh a few times, spit out the sand swept up by the island wind, and looked at the distant figure with a smile on his face.
Obviously, he just wanted to pull Shimakaze and walk the trail dubbed the “Road to Love”, so how could he just want to race?
Just looking at the innocent smile on Shimakaze’s face speeding in the distance, Yun Leng, who was fed a mouthful of dirt, couldn’t get the slightest bit angry.
“However, running?!!” Thinking of Shimakaze’s words earlier, Yu’s face suddenly became amused.
“Hu…hu…hu!” The high-speed running made Shimakaze a little confused.
It would have been fine if it had been at a constant speed before, but Shimakaze, who had the idea of ​​running, can now be said to be sprinting with all his strength.
Excessive physical exercise naturally consumes a lot of physical energy.
Although she wasn’t tired, Shimakaze clearly felt the hunger in her stomach, even though she had just eaten some dessert.
But in the same way, the end of the winding trail that stretches for several miles has also appeared in the girl’s eyes like black pearls.
However, at this very moment, Shimakaze’s eyes froze.
At the end of the road, Yu waved at Shimakaze with a wicked smile.
The next second, the girl’s shocked cry suddenly sounded.
Bang! Bang! Bang! Boom–! !
Looking at Shimakaze, who suddenly stopped because of excessive shock, and then collapsed several sycamore trees, Yu’s face suddenly stiffened.
Yu Xiaobu stepped forward and said with an unnatural expression on Shimokaze, who was covering Qiong’s nose with teary eyes. “That…is it alright?”
“…It hurts~!!” Shimakaze let out a mournful cry at the right time.
“Why, why plant trees on the road, and the bark is so hard!!” Shimakaze scolded Qiong’s nose angrily.
Hearing this, the corner of You’s mouth twitched sharply. You knocked down five trees that were big enough to be surrounded by one person, yet you still dislike human-planted trees and their hard bark?
You faintly seemed to hear the helpless hoarse sound of the plane tree.
The plane tree: ‘You hit me to deathOr is it my fault? ’
‘Naiyazi, don’t make trouble, trees can’t speak. ’ Yuu said with a twitching corner of his mouth.
‘Hey~’ Naiyazi gave a smirk and lost track.
Seeing Shimakaze kicking the trunk of the big tree like revenge, he laughed a few times, and stretched out his hand towards Shimakaze.
“Get up!”
Looking at the palm stretched out in front of him, Shimakaze blinked, and gently put his little hand on Yu’s palm.
Just as Yu was about to pull up Shimakaze, the blond girl slightly closed her eyes.
Yuu’s eyes narrowed slightly, and when Shimakaze closed his eyes, he felt a force with the concept of contract rushing towards him along the girl’s little hand.
Realizing this, the corners of Yuu’s mouth curled slightly, and the dark gray pupils suddenly turned into golden pupils, and in the next second, invisible fluctuations suddenly spread.
The contract concept brought by Shimakaze’s instinct could not pass through his defenses, and Yuu would not allow this kind of concept-level power to enter himself, so this contract was naturally performed by Yu himself.
Not long after, feeling the faint connection between himself and Yuu, Shimakaze opened his eyes, puffed his cheeks, and said angrily: “According to the agreement before the game, the contract has been concluded.”
“The contract is meant to be concluded, right?” Yuu twitched the corners of his mouth, pulled up Shimakaze, and said with a face full of tears and laughter.
Don’t think he hasn’t read the admiral’s law? The summoned ship girl must contract with the admiral who summoned her.
Of course, Jian Niang still holds the right to terminate the contract, and it’s not uncommon for Jian Niang to get along badly and ‘break up’ with the admiral.
“If the admiral doesn’t want this reward, I will terminate the contract?”
Although it was a threatening tone, Shimakaze stepped forward with a smile, gently hooked Yu’s hand, and rubbed Yu’s arm like a small bird.
The soft touch on the arm and Shimakaze’s face full of innocence, as if he didn’t know what he was doing, made Yuu’s heart tremble suddenly.
“Hey, admiral!! Shall we have another match?”
“Don’t talk about it, go back to the dormitory first! I still have to introduce you to your senior.”
“Eh?!! Senior?”

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