Shimakaze shield, get it! !
It is located in the staff dormitory area of ​​Jianniang College, in the dining room of a single-family English-style villa.
The petite girl with thin purple hair was eating the food in front of her mouthful.
Xuefeng enjoyed the delicious food in front of her expressionless face, but that tasteless expression made the supply ship lady who was in charge of catering look quite embarrassed.
The supply ship’s wife secretly took a sip of today’s meal, and after finding out that there was nothing unusual, she asked suspiciously.
“Well, Miss Xuefeng, is it because today’s food doesn’t match the taste?”
The supply ship’s mother was full of doubts. Although the Xuefeng in front of her was only a student of the academy, as a confidant of Chongqing, she knew the identity of the Xuefeng prototype ship.
Just like most admirals put the prototype ship on the altar, in the world of ship girls, the status of the prototype ship girl is not low. After all, they are the origin of all replica ship girls.
If you want to talk about the mood of the supply ship girl at this moment, it is probably because she, as the imperial cook, made Xuefeng (Wu Zetian) dissatisfied with the dishes.
Xuefeng raised his head, glanced at the frightened supply ship girl, and forced a smile.
“No, the food is very good, it’s just that I don’t have an appetite today.”
After finishing speaking, Xuefeng ignored the supply ship’s wife and became in a trance again.
‘In conclusion, at this time, the admiral has already summoned newcomers, right? ’
‘Although I don’t know what kind of newcomer he is, the time to be assigned to the tutelary mansion is getting closer, right? ’
Xuefeng was eating silently. She clearly understood that once she was assigned to the tutelary mansion and started to fight against the deep sea, her own passive ability… the ability called Xiangrui Yumian would show its ferociousness again.
How many ship girls died in front of her because she absorbed her luck? Even Xuefeng can’t remember clearly, not to mention the replica ships, there are nearly two hundred prototype ships alone.
And now, after having the admiral for the first time, Xuefeng is very worried whether the power of Xiangrui Yumian will affect Yuu.
Thinking that Yu might be killed by him, Xuefeng’s heart felt blocked.
Even if you said early on that you have the ability to restrain Xuefeng, it still can’t stop Xuefeng from thinking wildly.
Because, Xuefeng is a little skeptical now. The so-called method is probably an excuse that Yu casually said to bully her at night, right?
After all, that’s how I got tricked last night…
“Ding dong! Ding dong!!”
The doorbell rang suddenly, and the chopsticks in Xuefeng’s hand froze abruptly. A strange expression of joy and panic appeared on his little face.
After a pause, Xuefeng stopped the supply ship girl who was going to open the door, and said in an anxious tone, “I’ll go.”
The door of the villa was gently pushed open, looking at Yu standing outside the door, Xuefeng’s face was slightly happy.
“Welcome back, Admiral!”
Before the words were finished, a dissatisfied snort suddenly sounded.
“so slow!!!!!”
Looking at Xuefeng who was staring blankly in front of him, Yu waved his hand calmly and said. “I am back.”
As for Shimakaze’s dissatisfied complaints, he was dragged away by Shimakaze along the way, and his ears had already heard cocoons.
“Oh! Welcome home, Admiral.”
Xuefeng responded blankly, her lavender eyes fixed on the light blonde girl in front of her.
Looking at Yuki who ignored her as if Shimakaze was the only one left in the worldWind, the corners of your mouth twitched violently.
If they hadn’t slept together last night, Yuto would have doubted Yukikaze’s orientation.
Speaking of the newly married and passionate period, what the hell is this ignoring his appearance.
However, the two people on the side ignored Yuu’s existence at the same time.
After taking the lead and coaxing Xuefeng, Shimakaze’s rabbit ears trembled slightly, with a small face and a serious expression, he said solemnly.
“According to the time you just opened the door, I doubt your combat qualities, senior!”
Looking at Xue Kaze whose eyes were extremely dull, Shimakaze’s eyes were full of pride.
Even if it’s the ship girl, it’s not uncommon for the seniors to bully the juniors.
And this phenomenon is very common among r-series ships.
Although it’s just a small trick at most, but no ship girl would like to be tricked, right?
So get ahead. Let seniors think that they are not easy to mess with, this is the secondary purpose of Shimakaze’s previous complaints.
As for the main purpose… Shimakaze really thinks that senior is very slow! ! !
Dumbfounded for a while, Xuefeng pursed his lips and said with a slight trembling in his voice. “…Shimokaze!!”
“Hey!!” Shimakaze, who was just about to pursue the victory, was stunned on the spot.
“You know me?” Looking at the excited Xuekaze in front of him, Shimakaze blinked, raised his eyebrows slightly, and looked at the girl in front of him suspiciously.
The more he looked, the more Shimakaze realized that the girl in front of her was so familiar! It’s like seeing each other every day.
Looking at the two people in front of them with big eyes and small eyes, You twitched the corners of his mouth slightly and said, “What game are you two playing?”
Hearing this, Shimakaze said hesitantly. “That, Admiral, what is the name of the senior?”
“Eh? You don’t recognize me?” Xuefeng’s eyes widened, and she said with a look of astonishment.
“Even the voice is so familiar?” Shimakaze said with a blink of an eye.
Hearing this, Yu suddenly became enlightened.
Looking at Xuekaze with a sad face and Shimakaze with a suspicious face in front of her, Yu twitched slightly recently. “Xuekaze, what kind of riddle are you playing with Shimakaze, just report your name?”
“…Yes!” Xuefeng patted his forehead and said embarrassedly.
“Xuefeng?!!!” Shimakaze was stunned for a moment, pointed to Xuefeng’s hair, and said in a strange tone. “It’s been a while since I saw you. Why did your hair turn purple? Wasn’t it brown before?”
Hearing this, Xuefeng’s face froze suddenly, looking at Shimakaze with embarrassment. She can’t say, seeing you and the other shipgirls dead, she turned white overnight, right? What do you want her to say?
Although she has purple hair, the reason is the same.
Looking at Xuefeng’s embarrassed face, you inserted | mouthed. “Xuefeng has been trendy recently and wanted to be a bad girl, so she dyed her hair.”
“Yes, I just want to be bad…” Xuefeng subconsciously followed Yu’s words and said in general, Xuefeng looked at Yu with tears in his eyes and complained dissatisfiedly.
“Admiral!!! Who wants to be a bad girl!!!”
“Since it’s inappropriate, then don’t block the door, let’s all go in, go in and talk about the old days!!” Yuu pulled Shimakaze again and again and pushed Xuekaze’s shoulders, pulling the two girls into the villa.
“Hey~ I just like to play pranks.” Xuefeng, who was pushed away, complained dissatisfiedly.
While advancing, Xuefeng glanced quietly, and was delighted to see Shimakaze, an old acquaintance, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.
If the new comrade is the fastest Shimakaze, he should be able to escape before being implicated by her, right? In this way, as long as Shimakaze doesn’t have an accident, it shouldn’t be the Admiral (Yu)’s turn to have an accident, right?
Fortunately, Shimakaze doesn’t have the ability to read minds. Otherwise, it is estimated that Yukikaze’s heart would have been beaten to death.
late at night
Chongqing sits at his desk, facing an oval sphere the size of a basketball.
It was only provided to the admiral and the ship’s mother, and the function was similar to a computer-like biological telepathy device.
At this moment, facing this ‘high-tech’ product, Chongqing is flipping through a military network similar to a forum with a serious face.
[The 177th freshmen of the Kukai City Jianniang Academy are suspected to have summoned a prototype ship! ! Appendix: Shimakaze pictures]
【Reply: 22745】
[Drop-! 】
【Reply: 27785】
Looking at the string of information that was constantly being refreshed, a distressed look appeared on Chongqing’s face. “The news of the prototype ship really leaked out.”
At this moment, Jingle’s phone rang.
Chongqing hesitated for a moment, then picked up the phone that was set aside.
“Governor?!! Graduated early? But his basic knowledge?…Okay, I get it.”

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