Hunger is the enemy!
On the wooden corridor with a faint scent.
Mutsu, with his hands on his back, with a narrow smile on his face, like a little girl, jumped forward, looking at Nagato, who was beside him with an extremely serious expression, from time to time.
Two tall, curvaceous and sexy girls were walking one after the other in the corridor of the Mamiya dessert house, heading towards the door of the exit.
Seeing the serious face beside him, he seemed to be no different from usual, but he was walking fast, trying to escape Nagato here, and Mutsu’s eyes became narrower.
“What’s the matter, Nagato, are you really not going to give it a try?” Mutsu grinned and pulled the corner of Nagato’s dress and said narrowly.
Hearing this, Nagato paused, his footsteps became faster and faster, and the sound of heavy footsteps continued to sound in the wooden corridor.
Seeing this scene, the smile on Mutsu’s face grew brighter.
The girl followed Nagato’s pace briskly, followed behind Nagato like a shadow, hooked her slender arm lightly, and said playfully.
“Don’t run so fast? Although the manager of the Dim Sum Branch is really pretty, isn’t it a long way from our parents? So… do you want to try it?”
Looking at Nagato’s increasingly serious face, Mutsu’s eyes suddenly became crescent-shaped, like a female fox who successfully stole chickens.
She, who deeply understands the character of her ‘sister’, naturally understands that Nagato’s blurted words before were mostly joking.
Although it is said that the temptation of ‘full stomach’ is indeed great for them, the prototype ships of the big stomach king.
But with Nagato’s conservative and serious character, it’s impossible to take the initiative to clean up the door in vain.
But having said that, it didn’t prevent her from grabbing Nagato’s rare “painful foot” and giving it a “mental blow”.
After all, her biggest hobby is to tease Nagato! !
Nagato, who was holding his arm, stopped his fast pace. The heroic and pretty face was under the control of the girl and was extremely tense. She turned her head and said solemnly.
“Mutsu, if you want to go, just go by yourself, you don’t have to keep encouraging me!”
Hearing this, Mutsu’s smile suddenly froze on her face. She opened her cherry lips slightly, but after a while, she reluctantly closed her mouth.
After repeating it a few times, Mutsu shrugged his shoulders tacitly.
“Okay, if it’s whitewashed, forget it, but if it’s a ship girl who becomes a junior officer, I don’t have much opinion.”
Hearing this, Nagato’s expression did not change in the slightest, obviously he was already prepared for Mutsu’s answer.
Although the world has been chasing prototype ships, chasing their incomparably powerful strength and their beautiful appearance.
But to be honest, only they know the pain of the prototype ship.
Not to mention those admirals who are like fanatical groupies, just the ‘eaten’ that is ten times and one hundred times that of a regular ship girl makes them complain.
It should be understood that the monthly supply of the Governor’s Mansion to a Guard Mansion guarding the route is only 4X500 with a total of 2000 units of resources.
However, if you really want to let Mutsu let go of eating, it’s only a 6-minute full meal.
Only those who have tasted hunger understand that enduring hunger is the most terrifying torture.
The cells of the whole body are eager for energy supplement, but it is not so pleasant.
However, even if the stomach is filled with regular food, the lack of energy in the ship’s body is still the same.
After all, it is enough food for ordinary people to consume every day, but it is impossible to maintain the super high consumption of Jian Niang’s body.
However, to be honest, if it weren’t for the fact that regular food could barely fill the stomach, and the sense of honor was at play, some prototype ships with low minimum limits would have gone to sea as ‘pirates’ long ago.
At least a certain BSM lady once thought about it, and even the firepower of the pirate ship has been well thought out.
Although in the end she joined the gendarmerie.
“Ah, ah, ah, I knew I would not go out today. After eating this meal, even if there is a subsidy from the Governor’s Palace, the future will not be easy.”
Mutsu sighed, leaning against the bearing column in the corridor, his little hands constantly fanning the breeze against his cheeks to remove the summer heat.
Although it was rare to have eaten enough, Lu Ao felt a little choked up inexplicably when he thought that he would still have to live a ‘hard life’.
Especially when a group of ‘little girls’ in the garrison on Hong Kong Island can eat to their fill, it will be even more frustrating.
Without comparison, there is no harm~
Hearing Mutsu’s words, he remembered the Lionheart King who unconditionally supported his colleagues, Nagato pursed his lips and said. “Otherwise, like a lion, become the governor.”
Thinking of the ship’s mother who became an admiral in order to fill his stomach and finally became the governor, Nagato felt inexplicably envious.
Although it was very hard in the early stage, and the Lionheart King also worked hard for 30 years to become the Governor, but at least the family is self-reliant.
And she, who is also the prototype of the battleship with the other party, is now living with the support of the other party.
Sure enough, there is no harm without comparison.
The two sisters sighed at the same time.
At this moment, a suspicious voice suddenly sounded.
“Become the Governor?!! Who wants to be the Governor?”
Hearing the ‘familiar’ voice, Nagato and Mutsu’s faces stiffened. The two who were leaning on the right side of the corridor to talk immediately turned their heads and looked at the silver-haired figure walking slowly in front of them.
Yu, who had just paid the bill and was about to return to the private room, looked suspicious.Looking at the two with stiff faces, he said in a suspicious tone.
“You guys… are you here for a walk? But what did Nagato mean by the governor?”
As soon as he saw Yu’s face, Nagato immediately echoed his previous words.
Thinking of the idea of ​​’washing into the other person’s bed’ after a moment of interest, the girl’s face was as bright red as a persimmon, and she couldn’t wait to take a bite.
“No…nothing?!!!” Nagato took a step back and stammered with a blushing face.
“Alas, Nagato is speaking ill of the Governor!!” Mutsu covered his mouth and slandered with a smile.
“I didn’t, don’t talk nonsense!!!” Nagato turned his head flushed and scolded Lu Ao.
“Huh?!!” Yu raised his brows and looked at Nagato with a surprised look on his face. Why did he always feel that the other party’s behavior seemed to be concealed.
However, with the cooperation of Mutsu on the side, Yu suppressed the doubts in his heart and said in a flat tone. “Forget it, um, are you ready for a walk? Do you want to go back together?”
Hearing this, Nagato suddenly remembered the five evil spirits in the box, and the corners of his mouth twitched.
Her temples were sweating slightly, she waved her hand, and said with a smirk. “No need, the affairs on the island still need to be dealt with in the afternoon. After a walk, we will leave.”
“That’s it, be careful on that road.” Hearing this, You waved his hand with a smile, turned sideways, and planned to move on.
Just as Yu passed by Mutsu’s side, a pair of bright wrists grabbed his arm.
“Wait a mininute!”
Looking at Mutsu who was holding his wrist with a smile in front of him, a trace of doubt flashed on Yu’s face, and he looked at Lu Aodao strangely.
“Is there a problem?”
With a light release of his palm, after releasing Yu’s wrist, Mutsu waved towards Yu with a smile like a flower. “Come here, I’ll tell you a secret!”
“Wait, Mutsu!!” Hearing this, Nagato’s face suddenly stiffened, thinking that Mutsu was planning to cheat his own girl again, and immediately stepped forward to stop it.
“Oh?!!” Looking at Nagato’s flustered appearance, You raised his brows with a playful smile on his face. He leaned his head towards Lu Ao with great interest.
With Yu’s few small steps, the distance between the two sides approached 20 centimeters, almost close at hand.
“The closer you get, the worse it will be for Nagato to hear!” Seeing Yu’s approach and Nagato’s panic, Mutsu’s smile became brighter.
Hearing this, Yu took another step closer.
At this moment, Mutsu’s eyes curved into crescent shapes, revealing an incomparably bright smile.
A moist feeling came from the lips.

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