After finding Saratoga, we…
The scorching sun spreads the scorching sun on the earth, and the extremely dry air is even hotter.
The humming of the engine and the whistle of the car rang out one after another.
A black sedan whizzes along the road leading to the city center, rolling up a cloud of dust.
In the passenger seat of the car, Mutsu was holding a white hand-held vanity mirror, constantly looking at his cherry lips.
Occasionally, with the green jade fingers, he gently touches his lips|corners, and then it is like an electric shock, and it is instantly divided.
“Hey~” Every time he touched it lightly, Mutsu took a sharp breath, and his unusually rosy face was full of pain.
After a while, Lu Ao frowned slightly, put the vanity mirror into the satchel beside him, and sighed softly, “Sure enough, it was bitten and swollen…”
“You were the first to bite him, right? Isn’t it normal to be retaliated against?” Nagato, who was sitting in the driver’s seat, shook his brows and said with a slightly complicated expression.
The corner of Nagato’s mouth twitched uncontrollably when he remembered the restricted scene in the corridor earlier. She thought that Mutsu was trying to tell the truth, but Mutsu kissed him as soon as they disagreed.
When did Mutsu become… oh no, she seems to have always been so bold.
Thinking of this, Nagato sighed with a complicated expression.
Hearing Nagato’s words, Lu Ao narrowed his eyes slightly, a dangerous look flashed in his blue eyes, and she said angrily, “Who told him to stick his tongue out!!”
As soon as he remembered that he was pressed against a heavy wooden pole and was slaughtered for more than ten minutes, Mutsu felt a pang of anger.
Originally, she just wanted to break up with one touch and tease the other party, but who would have known that Yu would be so shameless, so she came straight to it.
Speaking of which, why is that guy so strong that he can’t even escape?
Just when Mutsu clenched his teeth and gritted his teeth indignantly, Nagato, who heard Mutsu’s indignation, turned the girl’s indignant face with the corners of his eyes and was speechless.
You took the initiative to kiss yourself, and you blamed the other party for messing around. Isn’t it normal to mess around?
However, Nagato was very “smart” and blurted out these words without killing him, avoiding Mutsu’s anger and revenge.
After driving for more than ten minutes, the car entered the parking lot in the city center and stopped.
Nagato turned off the engine, took out the key, looked straight ahead, narrowed his eyes slightly, and turned towards Mutsu who was looking at the mirror while he was doing makeup with a complicated expression.
“Hey… Mutsu, what exactly do you think?”
The movement in his hand suddenly stopped, and the corner of Mutsu’s mouth twitched, and he smiled sweetly. “What do you think?”
Nagato frowned slightly and said with a displeased expression. “You should understand what I mean, why do you suddenly do that.”
“Oh~ you said kiss with the little boss?!!”
“Cough cough cough!!!!”
The willow eyebrows are curved like a crescent moon, and Mutsu’s eyesNagato stared at Nagato, whose face was red and his ears were red because of her words, and he kept coughing.
After teasing his sister, Mutsu turned around and stroked his red, swollen lips.
“Ah, ah, Nagato is really innocent…”
“But then again, why did you do that? … Probably … because you don’t hate it?”
At the end, Mutsu smiled.
“Isn’t an admiral who has the ability to raise us big stomach kings with good looks and character not very good~”
Hearing this, Nagato’s pupils shrank, turned his head suddenly, and said with a look of astonishment.
“Hey, Mutsu, shouldn’t you…”
Seeing Nagato’s astonished expression, Mutsu said with a smile. “Yeah, send it out with the kiss, my first time…”
Hearing the words that were full of misunderstandings, Nagato’s face instantly flushed red, she got up angrily, pinched Mutsu’s face with both hands, and stretched left and right.
“A contract is a contract, what are you talking about for the first time!!!!”
“Uh… ugh~ the first contract~!! Listen to the others and finish talking!!”
“Naga…mon, you’re pinching me and turning my face!!!” Mutsu, whose face was flattened and rounded, glared at Nagato.
“Turn your face, just turn your face, I don’t care about your revenge for pulling me down yesterday!!!”
Peng——! Peng! Peng!
The black car was torn into dozens of pieces of steel during the fight between the two ship girls, and it was scattered all over the parking lot.
Looking at the broken iron sheets scattered in front of him, Nagato and Mutsu, who were pinching each other’s faces, looked at each other.
“Mutsu, the car loan is repaid for 6 months…”
“…Later, I’ll contact the Admiral to see if I can reimburse it??!”
In the middle of the night, the dark sky shrouded the entire sky.
clap la la~ clap la la~
The rolling waves lapped the beach, splashing milky white water, a cool sea breeze swept across the beach, and the fine sand of yellow and orange danced with the wind.
On the gravel road built along the beach, Yuu and Lexington walked side by side.
The lively celebration continued throughout the day, until late at night, when Yu was able to find time alone with Lexington.
Walking on the road paved with soft cobblestones, looking at the girl’s flaxen hair that was ruffled by the gentle sea breeze, Yu’s face suddenly became calm and peaceful.
“Tonight’s sea breeze is really comfortable~” Raising his head slightly, looking at the bright moon in the sky, Lexington folded his hair with ruffled temples, and smiled gently.
“Yeah!” Yu replied in a low voice.
Hearing the heavy nasal voice, Lexington was stunned for a moment, the girl who turned her head, carefully observed Yu’s face, and said with a slightly worried expression.
“What’s wrong? Commander, isn’t your face so nice?”
“Morning call…” Yun spoke slowly, and finally sighed silently. “……Feel sorry!!”
He gave hope to the sisters of the other party to reunite, but he failed to do so. Even if Yu had thick skin, he felt very embarrassed at the moment.
Especially Lexington didn’t blame or tolerate complaints, which made Yuu even more ashamed.
Lexington was stunned for a moment, and when he saw Yu’s ashamed face, he burst into a smile.
After laughing, Lexington stroked his hair and said softly. “It’s okay, I can understand it, after all, it’s a matter of luck like Dajian.”
After a pause, Lexington turned around, looked at the undulating beach, and said with a smile.
“What’s more, isn’t the commander able to summon a prototype ship? So, one day, I will definitely see Gaga back to me, right?”
“Although I say so…”
Hearing this, Yu rubbed his chin and said with a strange expression.
“But, if Saratoga is alive, no matter how many Dajian, he can’t be summoned, right?”
“Eh?!!” Lexington turned around abruptly, looking at Yu with a stunned expression.
Seeing Lexington’s astonished appearance, Yun shrugged and said helplessly.
“It’s understandable that the bloodline is locked and Jiaotai is summoned, but the second summon is Jiaozi, who can only barely get in touch. This is enough to prove that Saratoga is not in the sleeping sea of ​​heroic souls, isn’t it?”
Lexington slowly opened his eyes, and on the sparkling blue eyes, joy and worry were intertwined.
There was an indescribably complicated look on the girl’s face that was always smiling.
“Really, live, it’s good to live, that’s good.” Lexington pursed his lips, with tears in his eyes, he smiled with relief.
As long as her sister is alive, she will be able to find her one day, and even if Saratoga is sleeping in that dark sea, with Yu’s strength, she will be able to wake her up again one day.
It is precisely because of this belief that Lexington was not crushed by two consecutive failures, but firmly believed that that day will come.
After venting his emotions, Lexington took out a silk scarf from his pocket, gently wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and smiled at You.
“Sorry, Commander, I’m a little rude.”
“Since Aunt… ahem, Saratoga is still alive in these seas, then we must carry out some related search work.”
As soon as the words came out, Yu, who noticed his mistake, coughed twice, and changed his mouth with a stern face.
“Commander, what did you just say? Auntie?” Lexington raised his eyebrows slightly and looked suspiciously at Yu’s incomparably stiff face.
From the half-sentence she just said, she always felt that, the commander in front of her, seems to be watching her sister endlessly.
Recalling the fact that every ship girl in the guard house was molested by Yu, Lexington’s face became more and more suspicious.
Embarrassed by those suspicious eyes, Yu hurriedly coughed twice and spoke again.
“Cough, I just said sister-in-law.”
Hearing this, Lexington’s cheeks suddenly became flushed | extremely red. You know, Saratoga is only her sister, if Saratoga is a sister-in-law? who is she.
After realizing this, Lexington was immediately flustered.
Did she get a marriage proposal?
“That matter, we’ll have to wait and find out, no, this…that…it’s getting late, let’s go back.”
Speaking of which, Lexington’s face panicked, and the girl suddenly became at a loss. The panicked girl responded casually, and without waiting for Yu to respond, she turned and walked quickly towards the guard house.
In Yuu’s view, the hurried back figure seemed to be in a hurry.
Looking at Lexington’s passing away, Yu gently wiped off the non-existent beads of sweat on her forehead and breathed a sigh of relief.
“It’s been fooled…!!!”
“However, did you find Saratoga…” Yu had a wicked smile on his face.
If Lexington knew that he has half a sister-in-law who is a brother-in-law…cough. thought of.
At this time, Yuu was a little unsure whether her future self would be embarrassed by a blackened ‘Deep Sea Qiji’ holding a carrier-based aircraft!
Just when You Da breathed a sigh of relief, the biological computer on the desk in the office of the garrison received a letter.

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