The atmosphere seems to have changed?
early morning
Repeatedly, the sun shines through the thin clouds through the floor-to-ceiling windows into the office of the guard’s mansion.
The rising sun hanging from the back of his head made the Yoo sitting on the sofa chair extremely sacred, just like the sun god descending on the mortal world.
With her elbows against the table top of the desk, Yun folded her hands, dragged her chin, and looked at the seven beautiful figures in front of her with a serious expression, like an iron-blooded officer.
He glanced at the young, gentle or serious face, and said in a deep voice.
“Today, I deliberately gathered all of you because the number of ship girls currently in the garrison has reached the minimum standard for forming a fleet. Therefore, the formation of the First Fleet can already be put on the agenda.”
After a pause, Yu glanced at the seven ship girls in front of her, and the corner of her mouth twitched slightly.
“However, since the standard configuration of a fleet is 6 people, what do you think?”
Hearing this, the expressions of the seven ship nanny suddenly changed, and then they looked at each other.
Considering the basic formation and coordination of naval battles, a fleet of 6 people is the most mainstream formation method at present, but there are only 7 ship girls present.
In such a situation that there must be someone who is going to be alone and sit on the bench, everyone suddenly hesitated.
After all, as a soldier, it is almost inevitable that Jianniang yearns for honor.
And being alone means that you can’t go out, you can’t kill the deep sea to get military exploits, and you can’t talk about honor.
It’s really hard for them to be expelled from these battleship carriers to sit on the cold bench at the rear. It’s really hard to be a “death” on these battlefields, and it’s almost the same as a supply ship.
However, in the current situation, one must be elected.
Faced with this situation, all the ships were naturally hesitant.
At this moment, Lexington glanced at the embarrassed people beside him and smiled reservedly.
The girl in the snow-white navy uniform took the initiative to step forward. “If it’s a non-staff, let me come?”
At the same time, Xuefeng raised his hand with embarrassment on his face and said timidly.
“Well, Admiral, let Xuefeng come.”
Seeing Lexington and Xuefeng take the initiative to take the ‘cold bench’, everyone immediately showed admiration.
“Wow, as expected of the pride of the U country – LadyLex, she is much more responsible than my Dumpling Miss!”
Bell McCann fluttered his wings and praised him, until the face of Essex, the three-none girl who was being stepped on by her shoulders, turned slightly black.
To be able to make this pseudo-three airless, to a certain extent, Bell McCann’s ability to kill is not generally strong.
“Do you need me to shoot it for you?” Veneto, who was standing beside Essex, raised his head and said playfully.
Facing this hawk who just satirized his flat chest, Veneto always carried great malice.
Hearing this, Essex nodded expressionlessly and said, “Please feel free.”
Just when Bell McCann was shoved into the Italian cannon and yelled “Dumplings are too much help”, Yu narrowed his eyes slightly, looked at Xuefeng and Lexington in front of him and laughed lightly.
“Only one person is enough, so the two of you, agree on a charter by yourself.”
The voice fell, and Yu cast an encouraging look at Xuefeng.
To put it bluntly, letting Yu directly choose someone to sit on the bench will offend people. Whoever chooses will cause the other party’s slight unhappiness, so it’s better to let them choose by themselves.
‘I refuse to take the blame! ‘ Yu’s idea was that simple.
Xuefeng turned his head, raised his head, looked at the tall flax-haired girl beside him, and said nervously.
“That, Sister Lexington.”
“What’s wrong, Xuefeng?” Looking at the petite girl with thin purple hair in front of him, Lexington bowed slightly and said with a smile.
“The single thing…” Looking at the beautiful face so close at hand, Xue Feng slightlySome said tangled, as if he didn’t know how to persuade Lexington to give up.
Although it is said that as Yu’s initial ship and the former secretary ship, Yukikaze has a special position in the tutelary mansion, and it has been taken care of by everyone.
However, due to the shy and introverted character of Prince Snow, as well as his auspicious physique, he resisted being too close to others because he was afraid that the people he would encounter would encounter bad luck.
Although it was of no use to Yu, even the appearance of refusal and welcome has always made Yu unable to stop, and even shouted the slogan of ‘primary school students’ more than once.
Lexington looked at the girl with a tangled face in front of him, smiling and holding her shoulders, and said softly.
“Xuefeng, due to the working relationship of the secretary ship, the distance from me to attack is very far away. In addition, the consumption problem of the aircraft carrier mother’s attack, so I will choose to be a non-staff member.”
With Lexington’s gentle explanation, the tangle on Xuefeng’s face gradually eased.
Indeed, for the sake of the garrison’s consideration, Lexington, as a non-staff, is indeed the best solution in terms of resource consumption and business handling.
However, only the Snow Prince himself knew what kind of danger her terrifying physique would bring to the attacking fleet.
You must know that not only did Yu encounter a sneak attack by the deep sea swarms, but even two deep sea swarms appeared on the first expedition last time.
For the sake of Yu’s ‘life safety’, Xuefeng pursed her lips and said. “That, Lexington, do you know my special ability – Auspicious Royal Preemption?”
“Oh? Is it the same special ability as my aviation tactician pioneer?” Lexington was slightly startled, and then said with a puzzled face.
The so-called special abilities refer to the unique physical abilities of each prototype ship, and it is another major reason why they are sought after by the admirals.
After all, the combat experience can be honed, and the combat experience of the replica ship after ten thousand battles is not seen, and it is not much worse than the prototype ship.
Therefore, the unique special ability is the trump card for the prototype ship to traverse the sea, and it is also the biggest secret of each prototype ship.
And now, seeing Yukikaze intending to explain his special abilities, Lexington’s expression naturally became serious.
Just when Yukikaze was going to explain to Lexington his ability of ‘auspicious imperial exemption’, in order to make Lexington retreat.
Yu Huan patted his head in realization, and said with an embarrassed expression.
“That… Xuefeng, come here for a while?”
“Eh?!!” Xuefeng turned his head suspiciously.
“Is there something wrong?” Lexington turned her head slightly, and said with a puzzled expression, at the same time she put away her hands on Xuefeng.
Xuefeng stepped forward with a puzzled face, came to Yu’s sofa chair, looked at Yu with a puzzled face and said with a slightly embarrassed face.
“Admiral, is there anything you are looking for me for?”
“Uh, there is one thing.” Yousan nodded with a smile, and put her hand into her jacket pocket.
“At the beginning, when I was at Jianniang Academy, I forgot to give you what I promised. I’m sorry, Xuefeng.”
With an embarrassed expression on his face, Yu put the object he took out of his pocket into Xuefeng’s tender little hand, as if he was very embarrassed by his forgetfulness.
“Huh?!!” Hearing this, Veneto and CV-16 immediately stopped their “rescue” of Private Bell McCann, and looked at Yuu with a little gossip.
Bismarck and Essex looked at each other, and Qi Qi gave them curious eyes.
“Jianniang Academy, is it something that happened when the Admiral just graduated?” Lexington blinked curiously.
“Admiral, what do you want to give Xuefeng?”
Shimakaze, who had already slipped by the two of them, bowed his body, stuck his head out pretty, squeezed between the two, and looked at Xuefeng’s palm.
Xuefeng stared blankly at the item in his palm, his eyes were distracted, and his face was lost.
At this moment, Shimakaze, who looked at Xuefeng’s palm, said with a dazed expression.
With that astonished voice, the Guard House for a while…
…all sounds are silent.

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