Quiet and thoughtful!
(The picture above is the aircraft carrier O-class~)
The rolling waves slapped against the boat of the armed yacht, making a clattering sound.
It’s already late into the night, it’s about two o’clock in the morning.
In the afternoon, the magnificent, gorgeous blue sea, after losing the sunlight, was dark and terrifying, like a sleeping giant beast, closing its eyes and resting, waiting for the arrival of its prey.
In the cockpit, Aki and Kaga were chatting and laughing, passing the loneliness of the night.
At this moment, a white figure floated past the road beside the cockpit.
Lightly, as if it had no weight, it floated by with a thud, without making a single sound of footsteps.
“Kaga…you? Did you see it?” Chicheng pursed his lips, and drops of cold sweat overflowed from the girl’s clean forehead. The originally smiling face looked a little pale at the moment.
“Uh… ah, I see.” Kaga opened his mouth and said with a slightly trembling tone.
The ship’s eyes are very good. Even with night vision, they can catch the insignificant light spot and see the surrounding scene clearly. This is the basis for them to be able to fight at night on the icy sea.
But now, looking at the figure in the bow of the ship in white clothes like snow, Kaga just felt that the eyes were too good, and it might not be a good thing.
“Shouldn’t we see ghosts…?” Just as Chicheng wrapped his arms around Kaga’s neck with a pale face, she was stunned when she saw the back of the figure.
“Admiral~?!!” Two stunned voices suddenly sounded.
“What, Admiral, you didn’t go to rest at night, and you came here on purpose to scare people.” Leaving the task of guarding the cockpit to Kaga, Chicheng walked out of the cockpit, came to the bow, and said angrily to Yu.
“Zhicheng, at 3 o’clock, at 18 nautical miles, use carrier-based aircraft and radar to detect it.”
A serious voice rang in Chicheng’s ears along with the cool sea breeze.
In the face of the admiral’s instructions, no matter whether it is right or wrong, the sincerity of strict self-discipline has already acted according to the order.
Reaching out his hand to stop him, Chicheng summoned a bow-shaped ship suit, bending the bow, shooting arrows, and shooting in one go.
A few seconds after the wooden arrow flew out, sparks appeared all over the body, and in the next second, among the sparks, twelve finished carrier aircraft flew into the distance.
The hum of the engine echoed in the sky.
The scene was silent for three seconds, and the eleven ship girls who heard the sound of the engine silently came to the bow and stood behind Yu.
“Oh? I’m sorry, I woke you up.” Yura lowered the brim of her navy hat with a hint of apology on her face.
Almost forgot, with the alertness of the prototype ships that came out of these gunfire, the sound of the engines of the carrier aircraft alone was enough to surprise them.
Yu didn’t look back, even with his back to everyone, he could see the chilling faces of everyone.
Looking at the usual happy and mischievous fantasy and Shimakaze standing silently behind him, at this moment, Yucai’s expression changed. Behind him was not a group of lovely and beautiful girls, but iron-blooded soldiers on the battlefield.
After hesitating for a while, Yu stopped her thoughts of taking action against the little bug.
Although showing off his overwhelming force, he might be able to get everyone’s admiration and admiration for a while.
But once he is the protected person, show the fact that he does not need to be protected. It seems too cruel for these ship girls who will protect themselves as the meaning of existence.
‘As a Demon King, I am so shyHer thoughts, in a sense, I am full of failures~’
But even with that said, Yuu still has no plans to take action, unless he encounters a crisis that cannot be solved by his own ship’s mother, he can move his muscles and bones.
After all, she was always surrounded by lovely girls and lived a life of wine, pond and meat forest. Although she was not tired of everything, Yu still had the idea of ​​being very quiet and moving.
Just as Yoo was laughing at himself, Chicheng closed his eyes and said calmly in sync with what the carrier aircraft saw.
“At 3 o’clock, under the reef at 18 nautical miles, 5-20-35-55-60! A total of 60 deep-sea perch are lurking.”
Hearing this, the atmosphere on the armed yacht suddenly solidified.
“The rabid dog in the deep sea, there is no such thing as lurking~” Lexington stroked his hair and said solemnly.
Deep-sea habitat ships that roar and shred everything have always been synonymous with recklessness and stupidity. It is almost impossible for them to hide and wait for this kind of thing, so…
“Is it a miscellaneous fish ruled by the intelligent elite in the deep sea?” Veneto, who had a hoarse voice, grinned slightly, his face intertwined with sarcasm and excitement, which seemed complicated and indescribable.
“The deep-sea routine is just like that. Although you have to be careful to guard against sneak attacks, but come to think of it, there won’t be any large-scale perch ships in this sea that has been cleaned up.” Bell McCann flapped his wings and stretched out the majestic eagle. body, as if doing a warm-up exercise.
Twenty-eight pairs of eyes gradually focused on Yu’s back.
Under the gazes of everyone, You turned around indifferently.
“Crush them.”
The next second, the loud hawk cry and the heavy artillery bombard suddenly exploded, and the brilliant fire light suddenly illuminated the dark and gloomy sea level.
Walking slowly down the aisle, Yu carried the command knife and walked towards his room with a calm expression, intending to fall asleep comfortably.
However, just after walking a few steps, You turned around, narrowed her eyes slightly, and looked at the sea level in the distance.
Under the light of the fire, Yu’s shadow stretched infinitely.
On the sea 60 nautical miles away, six columns, a total of thirty-six high-level deep-sea perch vessels, stood quietly on the pitch-dark sea, looking indifferently at the pitch-dark sea in the distance.
Even if they couldn’t see anything, from the spiritual network, in the eyes of the beasts they controlled, they also saw the spark that illuminated the darkness.
And every spark that was so close at hand represented the sinking of a deep-sea perch, and an icy death.
“According to the detection range of the reconnaissance plane, the enemy’s early warning radar is actually 20 nautical miles. It seems that the ship’s mother on the opposite side has a high-quality radar.”
The O-class of the aircraft carrier reported to the wo-chan in the bow of the ship with a sneer.
Even if the Admiral’s ship girl was equipped with cutting-edge equipment, for them facing the radar blind spot 60 nautical miles away, they were simply paper tigers.
“Wo~” Wo Jiang Mengmeng whispered.
Hearing this, the O-class of the aircraft carrier immediately understood and reported to her boss.
“There are about 600 carrier-based aircraft dispatched on the opposite side. According to this number, there are at most 10 aircraft carrier girls under the opponent’s hands. According to the load rate of 8 people on the armed yacht, and the detection situation of the reconnaissance aircraft, the number of enemy ship girls. Should be around 15.”
“Cut~” Hearing this, Hindenburg pouted with a displeased expression.
There are at most 15 ship girls, and there are only 10 aircraft carriers. Such a small-scale garrison is really due to the appearance of her family’s battleship, the water ghost, who looks like a formidable enemy.
Not to mention anything else, under the circumstance of mental calculation and unintentional, in the face of the deep-sea carrier-based aircraft bombing of 36 aircraft carrier elites under Wo Sauce’s hands, even if the opponent has a prototype ship present, the carrier-based aircraft will still be bombarded by three times the air force difference. When the cannon fodder is attracted, it is simply the rhythm of being taken away by a wave.
Hindenburg, who knew that he had no chance to play, was very upset.
However, she had previously responded to Wo Jiang’s request to obey the arrangement, so she was unable to lead the troops to raid and snatch the heads of those admiral ships.
Under multiple circumstances, Hindenburg was naturally in a bad mood, and had the urge to kill a few deep seas to relieve his anger.
Listening to the report of the O-class of the aircraft carrier, Ms. Wo squeezed the scepter in her hand and clenched it silently.
The action was like a signal, and more than 30 air carriers raised their arms and aimed at the distant sea level, with indifference and bloodthirsty in their red eyes.
The next second, with the humming of the carrier aircraft, the snow-white robe fluttered in the wind on the pitch-black sea level.
One knife at a time, standing still on the sea.

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