Incomprehensible Power
“Human Admiral?” The aircraft carrier O-class looked at the figure standing still on the sea level 100 meters away with a look of astonishment.
The snow-white navy uniform and the iconic command knife both prove the identity of the admiral of the other party. However, how could human beings stand on the sea! !
The aircraft carrier’s O-class pupils shrank, and with a vigilant look, she aimed the muzzle at the calm and indifferent figure.
“what are you!!!!”
It is impossible for humans to stand on the sea surface, and even humans, those worms with no power to restrain their chickens, cannot have the courage to stand alone in front of the 6-column deep-sea perch.
That’s why the O-class aircraft carrier uses something to describe that strange figure.
“Hmm…” A magnetic and steady male voice sounded slowly, the voice spanning a distance of 100 meters, and it was accurately conveyed to the ears of the deep seas.
“I thought it was just a group of small bugs, but did you not expect to encounter a big fish?” With an inexplicable emotion, he said lightly.Echo lightly.
“Little bug? Ah la la, it seems to be underestimated~” Hindenburg licked the corner of his mouth and looked at the figure that was close at hand with bloodthirsty expression.
The dark ship’s suit appeared silently behind her, and the muzzle was aimed at the small figure in the creaking.
No matter who the enemy is or what the hell it is, Hindenburg, who worships force, is not afraid at all. All she cares about is that the strange human on the opposite side can resist a few shells of her own.
Sauce Wo narrowed her emerald-green eyes and carefully looked at the young man in the distance. Although she didn’t say it clearly, her burning eyes all proved that the big fish in the other’s mouth was referring to herself.
‘It was taken as prey. ‘Wo Sauce thought indifferently.
Invisible fluctuations permeated, and the three thousand carrier-based aircraft flying to the end of the sea level suddenly split into two groups. The large group continued to bomb the armed yachts, while the small group suddenly turned to return.
Just for a moment, a bee-like humming echoed above Yuu’s head.
Boom boom—! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
The undulating sound of explosions suddenly exploded in the silent sea.
“What’s going on?” Hindenburg on the side changed color suddenly, staring dully at the brilliant sparks that spread across the sky in the distance.
“Wo~?!!” Sauce Wo let out an inexplicable shout.
“What a joke, the two thousand planes that attacked the armed yacht were all wiped out?!!!” The aircraft carrier O-class looked at the fireworks in disbelief.
The sound of the knife being sheathed softly sounded.
In this sea of ​​artillery fire, this strange sound is especially harsh in the ears of the deep sea with clear ears!
Looking at the figure in white with the sword in its sheath, the deep-sea perches fell into a strange silence.
The jet-black carrier-based aircraft was constantly circling in the sky, the abdominal cavity at the bottom had been opened, and tiny high-explosive bombs were aimed at the lonely figure on the sea.
However, even if the opponent was within the range of the bombing, none of the famous deep seas dared to attack.
The 2,000 carrier-based aircraft have been completely destroyed without knowing it, which has already shocked this group of murderers from the deep sea. They were completely unable to figure out the opponent’s means, so they naturally did not dare to act rashly.
Looking at the figure who has always kept a smile, big beads of sweat slowly flowed down from everyone’s temples.
“Oh, I’m a little sorry, because I didn’t want to worry the little girl at home, I accidentally broke your carrier aircraft~”
Yu opened her mouth to Sauce Woo with an apologetic face. That gesture of sincere apology made everyone feel chills in their hearts.
Don’t want to worry the little girl at home? It means that I just didn’t want the ship’s mother under my command to find out the situation here, so all 2,000 carrier-based aircraft were destroyed in an instant.
That’s enough firepower to destroy an international city and blow it to pieces.
“Wo~!!” A guarded whisper sounded.
“Ah, I’m sorry, I don’t understand, can you speak human language?” Looking at the woman who was speaking solemnly towards her, she scratched her cheek dazedly, holding the knife in one hand.
Looking at the silver-haired figure that looked like a simple youth from the village, Wo Jiang fell into a strange silence.
Not long after, the aircraft carrier O-class who received the message from Wo Sauce swallowed and said to Yu with a wary expression. “What exactly did you do?”
Hearing this, You glanced at the aircraft carrier’s O-class, and those eyes without the slightest emotion made this battle-hardened deep sea show fear.
From those eyes, she saw her own death, a complete death.
“Wo~” A voice with inexplicable emotions sounded quietly.
Looking at Wo Sauce standing in front of the aircraft carrier’s O-class, You narrowed her eyes slightly and said with a smile. “You mean, this bug is your microphone?”
Ms. Wo was indifferent, then nodded slowly.
“Is that so…” Yu pondered for a while, then smiled reassuringly. “…Then I’ll repeat it for you to see.”
Hearing this, everyone’s color suddenly changed, and they were on guard as if they were facing a great enemy.
However, before they could make the slightest move, a silver light shone from the command knife of the ornament, the light pierced the night sky, separated the clouds, and at the same time separated the carrier-based aircraft that covered the sky.
Nearly a hundred carrier-based aircraft exploded in that instant.
With the deafening roar, the entire sky seemed to be lit up with gorgeous fireworks, and the dark sky was brightened by the light of that moment.
At the same time, that flat and gentle voice re-entered everyone’s mind.
“If the action slows down a hundred times, it’s probably like this.”
Listening to this explanation, everyone’s heart sank into the valley.
After a while, words with inexplicable fear came from the mouth of an extremely frightened elite-level deep sea.
Hindenburg opened his mouth, and there was a trace of inexplicable fear on his bloodthirsty face that seemed to be devoured by someone.
She was afraid, afraid of this completely incomprehensible power. She obviously thought she was a madman who chased power. She should be happy to see this incomparable power, but at this moment, she only had boundless fear in her heart.
The scepter in his hand was tightly clenched by the palm of the black glove, and there was a deadly indifference in Wo Jiang’s green eyes.
Hearing this, You smiled shyly. “Aah~ Although this description is a bit harsh, this incarnation of the god of disobedience is indeed a monster to you.”
“How is it, mortals, you…”
The smile on Yuu’s face that made people feel like a spring breeze gradually disappeared.Instead, it was replaced by an indifferent look like the twelfth lunar month of winter.
“…Do you have the courage to challenge God?”

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