Is the gap too big?
Yawei Island waters
A dark blue armed yacht floats quietly on the sea, and around the yacht is a dense fleet, fully armed guarding the yacht and escorting the safety of the yacht.
Located on the innermost side of the yacht, in a small room of less than 40 square meters, a meeting full of irritable atmosphere was in full swing.
“I didn’t find it, I didn’t find it, I went to him and didn’t find it!!!”
A black-haired middle-aged man with a slicked back stared at incomparably red eyes, hammered the wood in front of him heavily, and with a loud bang, roared at the two colleagues beside him.
The black-haired middle-aged named Li Bowen, the colonel of the guard house in the waters of Yawei Island.
Among the colonels in the air and sea area, Li Bowen was especially good at the reconnaissance part, so he was entrusted as the leader of the reconnaissance force when specifying the battle plan.
And what he was in charge of was to investigate the direction of the two great deep sea Qiji, and to track the opponent’s legion, always reporting the enemy’s things to the combat troops in the rear, so as to arrange the interception project.
However, what made Li Bowen furious was that 3 hours ago, the deep navy regiment they were tracking had completely disappeared from the radar of the reconnaissance force.
“Go, let the girls investigate ten more times, and report the situation immediately.” Li Bowen, who was angry, grabbed his hair and cursed at the secretary ship beside him.
Waiting for the helpless secretary ship to leave the conference room and sit a section of the conference table, the woman in military uniform with waist-length black hair pouted and said impatiently.
“If the reconnaissance is useful ten times, the traces in the deep sea will not disappear for three hours.”
“Ye Han, talk less.” The blue-haired woman on the other side frowned and said helplessly.
“I see, Carlis.” Li Yehan shrugged, lifted the black tea on the table lazily, and took a sip of the warm tea.
After all, the sea area of ​​Yawei Island is Li Bowen’s dominion, which is almost as important as his lifeblood.
However, in this important place, there were two deep-sea perch, and a deep-navy regiment of nearly 60,000 deep-sea perch ships.
Su Shuang’s feeling is as if the country of Bangzi was invaded by two American emperors. One was beaten and called Dad, let alone two?
It would be strange not to be called grandpa.
Looking at Li Bowen, who clenched his fists and opened crimson rabbit eyes, Karis waved her hand in embarrassment and comforted her softly. “Bowen, calm down, it’s just that the two islands are gone, calm down.”
“I only have 9 directly administered islands, how can you tell me to calm down!!!” Li Bowen frantically covered his big back, messing up the hairstyle that was fixed with hairspray, and said frantically.
At the end, Li Bowen turned his head and stared at Li Yehan, who was drinking tea calmly. “Drink, are you still in the mood to drink? Don’t forget, the waters of Yawei Island are your territory!!!”
Li Yehan’s movement of drinking tea suddenly stagnated, and then he continued to drink the tea ceremony slowly. “No way, the route given by the governor should not pass through my sea area, right?”
However, the next second, the biological computer in Li Yehan’s pocket beeped.
After a few minutes.
“My holiday archipelago!!!!!!”
The mournful cries and sobbings echoed in the conference room continuously, and the reverberations lingered endlessly.
“My summer resort…my golden sand beach…my 5-star hotel and lobster sea!!!!”
Looking at Li Yehan who was crying and crying, Li Bowen, who was finally in a better mood, let out a long sigh.
I am a bit miserable, but the investment in the two islands is still a little less than the resort islands where Li Yehan entered Doujin that day.
Well, this person, seeing someone worse than me makes me feel a lot more comfortable. At least Li Bowen feels a lot better now.
“Speaking of which, we are completely unable to catch the movements of Lijima Suhime and the battleship water ghosts!” Li Bowen rubbed his frown, and said a little discouraged.
“There is no way to do this. After all, the opponent is Lijima Suji, a well-known technical madman in the deep sea, her troops are at least a generation ahead of us in radar!!!!” Caris stroked her blue hair with a little annoyance.
Hearing this, Li Bowen’s face suddenly darkened. He is well aware of the consequences of a generation ahead of ship-mounted radar.
Whether it is in the deep sea or the ship’s mother, once the enemy search range is opened, the party with high enemy search ability can detect the other party, and can also block its own reaction on the other party’s radar, creating the illusion of stealth.
And being ‘stealth’ on the battlefield brings great benefits, whether it’s ambush and sneak attack, or evading large enemy troops, it’s almost easy.
“Oops, it’s impossible to divide the deep-sea troop in this way!!!” Annoyed words came out of Karis’ mouth.
Hearing this, the faces of the three people present turned slightly blue, the interception could not be carried out, and the consequences were almost comprehensive.
Since the Deep Sea Fleet cannot be downsized, the ‘Governor’s Fleet’ ambushing in the waters of Hong Kong Island will soon face the two deep sea regiments of Suhime.
A governor and two deepA 5-year-old child in the sea can tell the difference between Hai Qiji’s strength and weakness.
At this moment, the door of the conference room was suddenly pushed open by a blue-haired ship girl.
“Report, 7 nautical miles to the northwest, a signal of support troops was found!!”
“Support troops?” X3
The three colonels looked at each other.
“Where did it come from?” X3
“Wait, the special reconnaissance unit that the commander mentioned?!!” Carlis opened her eyes wide and said with a look of surprise.
“No way, it’s only the second day, is it so fast for the support from the Waihai Group?” Li Bowen said with a dazed expression.
According to their estimates, it will take at least five or six days for the reconnaissance force mentioned by the commander to arrive. After all, the other party’s governor’s mansion is not in the air and sea area, so how could it come so quickly.
“It is estimated that the troops were dispatched immediately after the South Bohai Sea Battle?” Li Yehan said with a look of speculation. “It doesn’t matter, let’s talk about it first!!”
Hearing the sound, Li Bowen and Karisi nodded in unison, instructing their subordinates to turn the bow of the boat and walk towards the signal launch site.
Twenty minutes later, on the deck of the armed yacht, looking at the six young girls on the deck, the three colonels suddenly looked confused.
After being stunned for a while, Li Yehan looked at the six pretty girls and raised his forehead strangely.
“Is this a special reconnaissance force with a minimum of 300 people and a maximum of 3,000 people? Or is it a special reconnaissance fleet of 6 people!!!!”
“…The gap is too big!!!!”

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