The Impression Score That Was Pulled Down
“The flagship of the special reconnaissance fleet – the Helena, please take care of me.”
On the deck, the beautiful girl with lavender hair gathered up her hair that was ruffled by the sea breeze, with a confident face, she stretched out her right hand towards Li Yehan.
“Colonel of the Air-Sea Combined Fleet Reconnaissance Force – Li Yehan.” Li Yehan was stunned for a moment, then raised his right hand with a smile and held everything with Helena.
The two men who held both hands politely shook their arms a few times, and then quickly released them.
“This is Colonel Li Bowen, who also belongs to the reconnaissance unit.” Li Yehan pointed to the middle-aged black-haired man with a tired face beside him.
“Nice to meet you.” Helena nodded towards Li Bowen.
“Uh… hello hello.” Looking left and right at the sea level, Li Bowen, who was searching for other members of the special reconnaissance force, turned his head and nodded at Helena in a dazed way.
Although it is said that the ship girl in front of him is very beautiful, and is one step higher than those high-ranking replica ships in his family, but Li Bowen, who has been copied from two old nests, is more concerned about the issue of Shenhai Qiji.
‘At present, it seems that the special reconnaissance unit that is supporting it really only has a 6-man fleet present? ‘ Li Bowen’s heart suddenly fell to the bottom.
“This is Colonel Callis.”
Following Li Yehan’s introduction, Caris and Helena greeted each other, and then turned their attention to Chongqing behind each other.
“Chongqing Dean?!!” Caris asked with surprise.
“Huh? The dean is here?” X2
Li Bowen and Li Yehan turned their heads together and looked at Chongqing beside Helena.
Previously, the two of them focused their attention on the leading flagship, Helena, and hadn’t observed the other ships for a while.
Looking at it now, the white-haired girl standing beside Helena is clearly their teacher when they were in school? ! ! !
“I’m sorry, you recognized the wrong person.” Chongqing looked at the three of them with a stunned expression, and said in a somewhat embarrassed tone.
After leaving the Jianniang Academy, he suddenly met his former student. At this moment, Chongqing was very embarrassed.
If she admits her identity, if the other party asks why she left the Governor’s Mansion and joins other admirals, Chongqing would be embarrassed to say that she was taken away by a ‘student’ of Jianniang Academy.
After all, in this world, teacher-student love is also a rather sharp topic.
“Uh…” X3
Listening to Chongqing’s answer, the three colonels felt that their IQs seemed to be insulted.
At this moment, Helena took a step forward, looked directly at Li Yehan’s face, and said in a serious tone. “Okay, please discuss the redundant topics later. Please provide the three of you with the current movements of Suji Hime in the deep sea.”
Although I don’t know why Chongqing denied her name, as a colleague, Helena would naturally help her cover in front of outsiders.
Of course, cover is cover. When it comes to business, Helena still attaches great importance to it.
After all, she just got a bunch of advanced equipment, even the prudent Helena couldn’t wait to show off her skills.
Facing Helena’s fighting-minded gaze, Li Yehan was instantly full of embarrassment. The matter of Shenhai Qiji being lost, how can they say it! !
Seeing this scene, Helena narrowed her eyes slightly, hiding her inquiring eyes, and carefully looked at Li Yehan’s face.
After seeing the embarrassment on the other’s face, Helena nodded and said immediately. “Okay, I understand the concerns of the three.”
After speaking, Helena turned her head and spoke to Chongqing and the others. “Let’s attack, first explore the surrounding 100 nautical miles of waters.”
“Leave it to this uncle~” Zhaohe smiled and jumped from the deck to the sea.
Seeing Hajime speeding away at sea, Helena frowned slightly.
Obviously, Helena was very helpless towards Zhao and this arrogant child.
Even if Yu was appointed as a special reconnaissance fleetThe flagship, but only a few hours of getting along, obviously not enough for Helena to establish the prestige of her flagship.
Seeing Helena’s somewhat dissatisfied face, Ying Rui quickly bowed apologetically. “Sorry~ I will discipline Zhaohe well.”
“Then Yingrui, you and Zhaohe go to investigate together.” Helena turned her head and instructed Yingrui.
“Yes! Captain Helena!!” Ying Rui nodded, then turned over and jumped off the armed yacht, chasing Zhaohe’s direction, and left quickly.
“Zhaohe and Ying Rui are going to the southeast, so the northwest will be handed over to Pinghai and Ninghai.” Helena turned her head and said to the twin sisters with gray hair and orange eyes.
“Understood!” X2
Following the lively response, Ping Hai and Ning Hai looked at each other, unfurled their ship uniforms and jumped into the sea.
Looking at the calm commander of Helena in front of him, Li Yehan said with a strange expression. “That, Captain Helena?”
Hearing this, Helena turned her head, looked at Li Yehan’s strange expression, and turned her head with some doubts. “What’s the matter? Colonel Li Yehan!”
“Uh…that…” Li Yehan looked at Helena in front of him with some embarrassment, hesitated for a while, and finally said. “I want to ask, is the special reconnaissance force sent by the commander the only fleet of yours?”
“…Yes.” Helena was stunned and nodded.
“Okay, we understand.” Hearing this, Li Yehan turned disappointed and politely nodded towards Helena.
Li Bowen and Caris, who were on the side, looked at each other, and then fell silent.
Originally, they thought that Helena was just the vanguard and arrived at the front line ahead of schedule, but now that Helena has acknowledged it, everyone couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed.
After all, judging from the scene just seen, this reconnaissance troop is not only extremely few in number, but even has a rebellious bear child who does not obey the command.
Various signs have unintentionally lowered the three colonels’ impression of this support fleet.
A third-rate fleet, unable to do even the ban, was sent to support them.
The three colonels seemed to feel the contempt from the ‘Governor’.
‘Look, as long as I send a third-rate fleet, it’s worth your 300-strong reconnaissance force! ’
Looking at the three people who were silent, Helena frowned, and then turned her eyes to the sea in the distance.
The lilac-haired girl who sensed part of the thoughts of the three felt sullen, and decisively used her unique skills.
‘The enemy radar is in full operation, intelligence analysis – start! ! ! ’
An hour later, looking at a telegram in front of him, the three of Li Yehan were silent.
“The Intercept Unit is urging the reconnaissance information again!!” Karis frowned.
“Is this telegram sent? With all due respect, I am not optimistic about the reconnaissance intelligence of this fleet.” Li Bowen rubbed his temples and said helplessly.
Li Yehan sighed lightly and said with a distressed face.
“Let’s post it, and submit it together with our opinions. If you don’t accept it, let’s see what the Intercept Corps thinks!”
After being silent for a while, the content of the telegram was sent to the Intercepting Force.

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