Don’t move… a ball! !
The boundary of the sea area of ​​Yawei Island is located in the sea area 30 nautical miles behind the front reconnaissance force.
The dense pursuit of high-speed armed boats spread all over the sea. One after another was a group of ships with angry lion flags and covered with camouflage. From a distance, they looked like tiger sharks, ferocious and bloodthirsty.
A spacious room on an ordinary armed boat in the center of the ship.
The room that was temporarily recruited as the command center of the Intercept Corps was filled with smoke, and the pungent smell of cigarettes was everywhere.
“What do you think of this report?” Shen Yang, who was sitting on a birch wood chair, took a puff of his cigarette and said with two smoke rings from his nostrils.
On the tea table in front of Shen Yang, the paper reports were spread on top of it, and the contents were the enemy ship information that Helena led the reconnaissance fleet.
“It’s not right, it’s really not right.” A young man with brown hair wearing a colonel’s uniform with a body like a bodybuilder shook his head and said with a slightly ugly face.
“Arts? What’s your opinion?” Shen Yang shook the ash, and said a little discouraged.
Hearing the sound, the young man known as Artes frowned and said in a serious tone.
“Regardless of the lack of discipline in the special reconnaissance fleet that Colonel Li Yehan remarked after the intelligence, this report alone has serious problems.”
Hearing Artus’ speech, the seven colonels present all turned their eyes to Artus’ face.
“The report reads: 6 deep-sea aircraft carrier fleets, 2 submarine fleets, 5 battleships, and 80 mixed heavy and light cruisers and 300 mixed destroyers have been detected in the Pooh Island section on the western border of Yawei Island. .
And also made the judgment that this is a tentative fleet group used by Yumi Suhime to test ‘whether there are pursuers’!
I don’t deny that Deep Sea Qiji would make such an arrangement, but this detailed number of fleets, with all due respect, I don’t believe that anyone can detect so accurately! ! ! ”
The resolute words made all the colonels present nodded again and again.
“Arts is right, the numbers are too accurate, but it is an abnormal phenomenon. It is well known that the radar of Lijima Suhime is ahead of our generation. It is too difficult to detect the movement of the other party! Too difficult!” A colonel Said a little dejectedly.
“Besides, nearly 20 hoursThe reconnaissance force at that time failed to obtain any trace of the deep-sea fleet, but the special reconnaissance force dispatched by the commander found such a detailed report within an hour. I have to doubt the moisture in it! A colonel looked at the report suspiciously and said.
“Are you eager for quick success? It’s possible. In this case, the accuracy of this information will be greatly reduced!!!” A female colonel shook her head and said.
At this moment, Ye Jianying suddenly said.
“However, why don’t we assume that this report is true?”
Hearing this, the discussion suddenly stagnated, followed by a series of denials.
“Impossible. With backward equipment, even if the commander’s reconnaissance fleet is fully equipped with advanced radars, it can only be at the same level as the fleet under Li Dao Qiji’s command in terms of enemy detection capabilities!!”
“That’s right. I guess this kind of extremely detailed report can only be done with a radar that is two generations beyond the opponent’s!”
“Two generations? If the Governor of the Outer Sea had that kind of radar, I’m afraid it’s not a cold war now, but a campaign to annihilate Qi Ji?”
Following the speeches of the colonels, the atmosphere in the conference room was not lively, but rather depressed.
More than half of the people believed that the reconnaissance report was watery, and in order to avoid the loss of their own fleet, they chose to sit on the sidelines.
Their damage has been severe enough recently, without enough confidence, these colonels will basically not let the ship girls under their command attack again.
They chose not to mention dereliction of duty, but to be conservative.
After all, whoever sees the fleet that he has carefully accumulated for decades dying in batches and the subordinates he has known for many years sleeping on the seabed will choose to preserve the vitality of the fleet just like them.
Shen Yang, who understood this, sighed softly, and rubbed his temples bitterly.
At this moment, Ye Jianying frowned, scanned the faces of everyone present, and said with a look of surprise.
“Speaking of which, where are the people from Alice (enterprise)?”
“Uh…” Everyone looked at each other, glanced at the colleagues beside them, and finally shrugged.
“…He was still there just now, wait, Mrs. Shen is gone too?”
Hearing the sound, Shen Yang raised his eyebrows, and locked on the only two free chairs.
He stood up, walked to the vacant seat, looked at the names circled in red on the report in front of him, and said softly.
“Flagship of the Special Reconnaissance Fleet…Helena? What is Alice doing with that name?”
“Helena?!” Ye Jianying was stunned for a moment, then said with astonishment.
“That breast god…”
Several contemptuous gazes focused on Ye Jianying’s face.
“Ahem, I’m talking about that intelligence analysis expert!” Ye Jianying coughed twice and said with embarrassment.
After finishing speaking, Ye Jianying’s face froze, and she said in disbelief.
“Wait, Alice marked Helena’s name? I remember…”
Hearing the sound, a colonel opened his eyes wide and murmured in a daze. “I remember that Helena is the strongest reconnaissance ship of the American system, right? The ship girl who is known as the next-generation humanoid radar.”
“Uh, I remember that in the last war, the prototype ship Helena was still working with Atelis, no, with the company for a long time. At that time, she even cried Bei Qi Ji.”
“The reason for the ‘Pangk Island Tragedy’ in which the fleet headquarters was jointly destroyed by the three deep-sea daughters?”
Hearing this, many colonels peeped at each other.
“Isn’t it?!! Could it be the Milk God himself?!” Shen Yang said in a daze.
“It’s very possible. After all, I’ve worked with the company for many years. But, can you stop calling me the God of Breasts? I always feel like I’ll be shot by that prototype ship?!” A female colonel twitched.
Everyone present fell into a dead silence.
After a while, Shen Yang coughed twice, looked at his colleagues with some embarrassment and said.
“So, this information? How do we deal with it?”
“I guess, Alice and Mrs. Shen should have mobilized troops to intercept and kill them?” Ye Jianying said with a twitching corner of his mouth.
Hearing this, a group of middle-aged admirals jumped up.
“Fuck, what are you waiting for? Take the credit!!!!”
“Oh my god, I haven’t put on my shoes yet, and the troops haven’t made targeted deployments yet!!!”
“Bu Maobu, one routine is to do it. If you win, you will adopt a female star, and if you lose, you will go back to your hometown and go to sea. I have long wanted to be a fisherman!!”
“Wait, don’t take away the Milk God’s report, leave me a copy!!!!”
There was a commotion in the meeting room.
A few seconds later, dense telegrams were sent from the conference room to the entire fleet.
In about ten minutes, the intercepting troops quickly changed their formation and headed straight for Pooh Island!

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