Her Name is Perseus
He is about 16 years old and 160 in height. He is obviously European and American, but he has the delicate and small Asian style. He has golden hair that shines like the sun, tied with red ribbons into 2 strange twists. Braided, draped behind her waist, she has a concave and convex figure, completely surpassing the blond beauty of the models in fashion magazines.
He was wearing clothes that looked like a Japanese school uniform, with a thin sword pinned to his waist.
However, none of this is important. For Saluvatore Toni, everything is not important.
“It’s really great. I obviously received a report from the bronze black cross to deal with the Hera stone column. Because it was too boring, I planned to go to Garibaldi Square to buy ice cream, but I didn’t expect to feel your breath.” Wearing sunglasses and a fancy cardigan shirt with a black box on his back, Saruvatore Toni showed the warrior’s smile of dark joy.
“Hey, the goddess on the opposite side, are you Hera? It doesn’t look like it, such an unknown goddess, you are a famous swordsman, right, just so, so am I, then… do you want to have a fun game? Fighting? Goddess!”
While Hu Hu smiled, Tony took the black box behind him into his hand.
At any time, this box is always hanging on Tony’s shoulders, something that never leaves his body. He opened the lid, took out the weapon inside, and Tony threw the scabbard to the ground.
The steel blade was exposed.
It is not like the magic sword of ordinary knights, nor is it a sharp blade forged by master craftsmen.
It’s just a mass product, a sword with no features other than a real sword, even so, in Tony’s hands, it is an amazing steel that is comparable to the strongest demon sword on earth.
Tony grabbed his shoulders and held it in his hands. Half of his body was relatively relaxed, and his right hand holding the sword was sloppy and unpretentiously drooping down the sword.
This is a fact unknown to the knights who have not seen Salvatore Redtoni’s martial arts. Surprisingly, this is his fighting stance. There is no posture. Neither attack nor defense was prepared.
Completely natural posture, unobstructed. This pose gives up everything and cuts off all obstacles.
He has graduated from fighting against human beings, with gods, demons, demons and monsters. When fighting these extraordinary enemies, he often cannot predict the opponent’s actions. The realm of ever-changing changes, as it is now.
The blonde goddess clapped her palms, looked at Tony with admiration, and drew out the rapier at her waist. “Oh, I really didn’t expect to see a heroic swordsman in this era, and he’s still a contemporary Demon King. First of all, let me introduce myself. My name is Perseus, and I hold the sword under the Throne of the End.”
“Saluvatore Tony, is a famous swordsman!” The silver radiance spread on Tony’s arm, and after a while the entire right wrist turned into a silver arm.
“I don’t allow anything that I can’t cut to exist. This sword can cut through everything on the earth. It is an invincible blade.”
The battle between the King of Swords and the goddess Perseus erupted on the volcano.
Naples was originally a colonial city of the ancient Greeks.
At that time, people were forced to work in the quarry as hard work. Later, their descendants, the Romans, built relics such as sewers and cisterns. What’s more, in the Middle Ages, they also built relics such as underground warehouses to store food and alcohol.
Those things still exist around the old town and are kept as relics.
Naples Sutrania, known as the place where Naples is underground.
“My concubine felt it some time ago, the breath of being the mother of the earth.”
Athena, who was the guide in front, said softly.
Santa Lucia area.
Facing the Bay of Naples, it covers the area of ​​tourist attractions such as the Port of Santa Lucia and the Egg City.
Yuu and Athena entered an old clothes shop in that area. There was a cleaning service in the shop, but they completely ignored Athena and Yu, as if they didn’t exist.
The two entered the interior of the shop, beside a stone pillar.
Here, is the entrance to the underground ruins.
On the uncovered ground, a four-cornered cave was opened abruptly, and a stone staircase extended to the ground. Although the passage was extremely dark, Athena, the goddess of the night, and Yuu, who was a saint, ignored this.
A slender underground relic passage like an abandoned well.
If it dates back to BC, this is the site of the original quarry, and it is definitely similar to the abandoned well. However, the numerous frescoes carved all over the walls did not indicate that this was a quarry.
The simple and plain line drawing, that is to say that it was carved by humans in the Stone Age, can make people believe.
As Tony said, there are many paintings on the wall like snakes.
These are large snakes with long bodies curled up, hydras with several heads, and snakes with bat-like wings. Various snakes are depicted on the walls.
Others can also see some cows, line drawings of birds, pigs and lions.
If anyone with magic training can tell at a glance, this is all a symbol of the mother goddess. It is estimated that those who portrayed these were people from the era after the Roman Empire’s domination period.
“This place was built by the descendants of the maids who served me in the past. It’s a nostalgic style.” Athena sighed. After contacting Yu, it was precisely after Yu’s filtering of divine power that she had basically gotten rid of the intrusion of madness. , and thus will gradually show human emotions.
Since Christian masculinity has become the basic national policy of European countries, the witches who used to have divine powers are regarded as “witches” and hunted down.
So they escaped from the underground, guarded their wisdom, and built these underground temples for the purpose of conveying information.
These murals are all painted with the goddess of the earth, the witch’s belief, as the object.
Soon, the two reached the depths of the underground temple.
There was a pitch-black stone pillar, and beside it stood two witches – Liliana’s teacher Diana Milito and her maid Karen, looking at the Hera stone pillar tangled.
“Has the gathered leyline energy reached this level?” Karen stared at the Hera Stone Pillar in distress.
It was a column made of black stone like obsidian.
In the riverbed part of the quarry of the underground temple long ago, it grew like a tree.
On the surface were engraved line drawings that resembled a curled serpent. Although it is only a juvenile sculpture, it has the power to attract the attention of viewers inconceivably.
The height is about twenty meters. This is what the Pillars of Hera looked like.
“With this level of earth spirit, it’s a sure thing to summon a god.” Diana looked desperately at the stone pillar passed down by her ancestors.
“Are you there yet? Come here, here is what you need most, your concubine’s child.” The ethereal female voice echoed deep underground.

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