Meet in the Netherworld
“…The Stone Pillar of Hera actually spoke!” Tatata, Karen stepped back abruptly, covered her mouth, and looked at the Stone Pillar of Hera in fear, with unconcealed shock in her words.
The Hera Stone Column, which is the divine tool of the ancient goddess, was excavated in Athena’s Gorgon Stone. From the moment when the sun reappeared, it has been accumulating the earth’s spirit, and now it has accumulated It is a high concentration of essence that is equivalent to the level of more than ten disobedient gods.
Summoning the God of Disobedience is already an inevitable outcome, so the Bronze Black Cross will hurriedly invite Tony, the King of Swords, to come here to deal with the Hera Stone Pillar. If it is not a last resort, the Bronze Black Cross does not want to give up this ancestral secret treasure. God tool, old man Kranichal has always been distressed recently, the strongest secret treasure of the association! ! !
“My body is coming, please forgive us for our negligence. We are descendants of the priestess who serve Hecate. We welcome the arrival of the body here.” At the moment when she heard the voice, Diana’s pupils shrank, and she hurriedly knelt down on one knee. He bowed his head and said compliments in the ancient shrine language.
Hecate: An ancient god from Asia Minor, older than Zeus, so it is impossible to determine her divine system, but she is widely spread in Europe, including “goddess of witchcraft”, “lord of magic”, “god of witches” 3 titles.
“Go back, my descendants.” A voice as cold as the moon but with an unusually magical voice sounded from the pillar of Hera.
Diana’s pupils shrank greatly, her body trembled violently, and the association contact device under her palm was almost crushed. ‘Different from the voice just now, two ancient goddesses descended? ’
“What I want to see is only my own children.” Another female voice, her words contained a strong meaning of compassion.
“Child, come here, come here, come here, come here, let the concubine see you.” An extremely noble and lofty voice resounded throughout the underground space, and as the voice sounded, the Hera stone pillar burst out with an extremely rich green glow.
Looking at this scene, Diana was in despair, slumped on the ground, ignoring the questioning from the contactor, her eyes were extremely empty, and she muttered to herself. “Pomegranates, cuckoos, peacocks, and crows are her sacred offerings, she is the protector of women, she is the savior of pregnant women, she is the king of goddesses, her name is Juno, and her name is Hera. ”
The young silver-haired goddess saw the movement of the Hera Stone Pillar, and took a step forward, spanning a distance of dozens of meters. Before she came to the Hera Stone Pillar, she gently pressed her hand on the Hera Stone Pillar. Have a drink. “Stop it, Hera, do you want to be infected by madness?”
hum! The Hera Stone Pillar shook violently and stopped restless. The brilliance slowly converged and wrapped around the surface of the Hera Stone Pillar.
The vision stopped suddenly, and Diana collapsed to the ground, sweating profusely from her body, as if she had just been salvaged from the water.
“Mr. Diana, are you alright?” Carlin hurried to Diana’s side, reached out to help her up, and the two looked at Shizhupan’s young figure in horror.
“Athena who doesn’t follow, even this imperial body has come?” Diana suddenly became horrified. Counting the ancient earth mothers hiding in the stone pillars of Hera, there are more than 2-digit earth mother gods concentrated here. , thinking of this, she knew that she and Karen had no life at all.
Athena’s eyes fluctuated slightly, and she stretched out her index finger to point in the direction of Diana and Kalian. The extremely rich black gas filled the air. It was the gas of death from the underworld, and the gas of death gathered into the shape of a python. Leaning over.
When the pitch-black python was about to wrap around the two of them, it suddenly stopped moving.
Yu stood at DianBehind Na and Karen, they stretched out their hands and held their heads.
“You are, Uncertain King.” As soon as the two finished speaking, they fell to the ground and fainted.
“I dealt with their memories a little bit, that’s all, let them go for a yard.” Yu clapped her hands, walked towards the Hera stone pillar, stood still in front of the stone pillar, turned her head and said softly to Athena.
“Yeah.” Athena nodded slowly with a calm face.
Afterwards, Yu and Athena put their hands on the stone pillar of Hera, and the picture was instantly frozen, and their spirits were pulled into the stone pillar.
When color appeared in Yu’s eyes again, he appeared in a gray space, surrounded by a gray world. The gray space continued to the end of the horizon, and Yoo was standing on a gray lake in the space. “Netherworld? No, it should be a part of the world that was forcibly cut from the world, just like the space in the world that sealed Sun Wukong.”
You took a step forward, and dozens of figures appeared in front of her eyes. They were either charming, beautiful, pure, gentle or proud. .
But at this moment, they were all sitting upright, being reprimanded by a young figure in front of them.
Around the first half of ten years old. With a straight face, a slender body, and a lovely childlike appearance and physique. Her long blond hair was parted left and right, and she was wearing a thin white dress. The manager of the dark Christmas festival, Pandora, appears here.
“So, it’s too stupid. The number of demon kings on the ground has reached 7. In the last days of Rakshasa, the last king Rama forcibly tampered with the myth when he was about to wake up. Are you pig brains? Especially you, Athens. Na, where is your wisdom? Was it all taken away by Zeus?”
“Yu’s birth is counted according to the human calendar. It has only been 20 years. How does he have the experience to face the counterattack of Steel? Now, the accumulation of knowledge and combat experience is too scarce. You want to destroy the only one. child?”
He was clearly in his teens, but he scolded dozens of goddesses with saliva, exuding an unparalleled aura.
Yu rushed behind Pandora, hugged her young body suddenly, and walked around irregularly with both hands. “Long time no see, little Pandora, think I haven’t.”
“I think, I’m thinking about it all the time.” Pandora turned around deftly, wrapped her slender arms around Yu’s neck, and said in a glutinous tone.
“Wait, now is not the time to do this, Yuu quickly let these stinky girls instill their power into you first!” Pandora gently patted off the offending hands and said hastily.
“What’s the matter? What’s so important?” Yu’s arms wrapped tightly around Pandora’s waist, pressing her chin on Pandora’s head, and asked.
Pandora had a serious face, with a hint of seductiveness in the depths of her eyes, and said in a serious voice. “Steel’s counterattack is coming.”

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