Victory’s Complaint
The island of New Guinea located at the junction of the Caspian Sea region and the Red Sea region.
Because this island is located at the junction of regions, it is rich in durian, mangosteen, jackfruit and other tropical fruits. Its economic prosperity once tended to be among the top ten in the Caspian Sea region. Therefore, it has the reputation of “fruit island” among the two major regions.
However, because of its prosperity, after news of the unexpected death of the Governor of the Caspian Sea came out last month, the island was naturally regarded as a must-fight by the colonels from various regions who came to participate in the “Battle for the Sea Area”.
Although the high-level executive of the Joint Governor’s Office who presided over the battle for the sea area has not yet arrived in the Caspian Sea, in fact, privatelyCompetition has already entered a white-hot state.
In the municipal office building of New Guinea Island, a green-haired naval lady pushed open the door of the island chief’s office with an excited expression.
Due to excessive strength, the solid wood door was snapped from the edge amidst creaking sounds, and stood on the ground with a bang.
The excited-looking ship lady didn’t pay attention to the wailing from the door, and hurriedly opened her mouth with a sweaty face.
“Master Wang Island! The outcome of Admiral Nan Island and Admiral Onia has been decided!!!”
In front of the green-haired ship lady, a white-haired old man raised his head, revealing his old but energetic face.
Apparently, this old man is the Island Chief Wang that the green-haired ship’s mother spoke of, and he is also the current highest officer of the New Guinea Island.
Wang Daochang heard the news, pushed his reading glasses, put down the pen in his hand, and said while sorting out the official documents in front of him.
“I mean, why did the artillery fire stop in the morning! It turned out to be a drill to decide the winner!!!”
In order to avoid internal friction, the battle for the sea area is carried out in the form of fleet exercises.
However, even though it was called a drill, the shells on the girls and the brutal battle were real fights.
It’s just that due to the existence of the big breach protection mechanism, there were no casualties.
“So, Miss Kailin, who won the victory?” Island Chief Wang asked flatly, with an indescribable calmness on his face, as if he didn’t care who ruled the island he had served for decades. .
“It’s Admiral Nan Island’s fleet.” Kailin calmed her breathing and reported to Wang Island Changhui.
“That little guy with a gloomy complexion? Well, I know what to do, let me meet our new admiral.”
Island Chief Wang stood up, dragging his somewhat hunchbacked body, and marched towards the port with the support of Kailin.
After a one-and-a-half-hour drive, Island Chief Wang arrived at the military pier in New Guinia, accompanied by some security guards, and met the somewhat gloomy ‘little guy’ he called.
Admiral Nan Dao is an ordinary-looking middle-aged man with a bald head. On the outside, he looks very simple and honest. However, the mature Wang Dao Chief has already judged the other party to be a vicious and ruthless character during his observations these days.
Under the warm reception of the Admiral of Nan Island, the head of Wang Island very tactfully agreed to the request to increase taxes for the islanders, and was even embarrassed to provide a certain amount of resources. After hesitating for a while, he also agreed.
After achieving his goal, or even surpassing it a little, Admiral Nan Island didn’t say much. After tactfully requesting the delivery of resources as soon as possible, he boarded the armed boat and rushed to the next important island.
Now that the ‘referee’ has not yet arrived in the Caspian Sea, if you seize more important routes, your chances of becoming the governor will be a little higher, so the admiral of Nan Island naturally doesn’t want to stay longer.
As for the seized New Guinea Island, after the flag of his tutelary mansion is hung in the city center, it is not allowed to be occupied by another admiral before it is defeated.
Looking at the armed boat going away, Kailin frowned and said with displeasure.
“Island Chief, the admiral this time has too much appetite!!”
“It doesn’t matter if it’s big, anyway, it will be delivered in 3 days.”
Wang Daochang turned his head indifferently, looked at the flag of the Nandao tutelary mansion flying in the port area, and gave instructions to the security team’s wife.
“Go and replace that flag. Kailin took out the flag hidden in the wanderer’s house and hung it up. Later, she will be the colonel of the sea occupying New Guinea again.”
“Wait again for the next admiral from the sea to come, and then deliberately lose? I thought I could have a few days off.” Kailin rubbed her temples a little bored.
“If you’re told to go, just go, stop talking nonsense!!”
On the other side, on the armed boat going away, Admiral Nan Dao stood at the bow with a gloomy face, and murmured in a serious tone.
“The old man promised so readily, he couldn’t even use excuses to drive him out of office! Forget it, after he becomes governor, he will clean up this old man.”
Just as Admiral Nan Dao was muttering, there was a click, a dark and gloomy, ferocious palm with a strong sense of ominousness, pressed on the side of the ship.
The pitch-black clouds roared, covering half of the sky.
About 20 minutes later.
The tattered armed boat, like a torn rag, undulated on the sea surface with the tide.
The migratory birds flew to the crooked railing of the ship, lowered their heads, looked at the puddle of meat paste below, and their eyes showed longing.
Below the surface of the sea, huge humpback whales wandered in the ocean current, swimming quickly towards the distance.
In their mouths, there were comatose shipwives, with burnt-black faces covered in gunpowder smoke, lying flat in the abdomen, frowning as if they were having a nightmare.
The corner of the battleship water ghost’s mouth twitched, and he said displeasedly as he looked at the scene in front of him that looked like a slave ship.
“Goddamn Hindenburg, he can only be caught, not killed? He also said that this was the commander’s idea. Does he know this shit? There’s no one else in the situation like a dog!!!”
After complaining a bit, the warship water ghost impatiently commanded the herd of deep sea beasts to move forward.
She still had to send the booty to a safe place, and had to sneak up on a few colonels and admirals who ‘occupied’ the island along the way, so she didn’t even have much time to complain.
“I don’t think I’ll be free this month!!!”
Caspian Governor’s Mansion.
Shengli, who had taken over the command of the Caspian Army, looked at the report in hand and complained to his sister in distress.”Sister, look at the tricks Hindenburg made. There are more than 50 unmanned armed boats discovered by the patrolling troops, and at least more than 50 colonels have been killed. If we continue, it is estimated that it will really be overwhelmed. Stop the news!!!”
Guanghui put down the signature pen in his hand, pushed the document aside, and gave a wry smile.
“Even if you say that, it’s impossible for me to explain the situation to the Admiral, right? There is no record of this matter in the Admiral!”
“My God, to participate in the competition in the sea area without telling the admiral, are the guys on Lexington Island a fool to be the admiral!!!”
With a bang, the document was thrown onto the desk by Victory.
“Probably they want to learn the so-called ‘huangpao plus body’? After all, the one in our family doesn’t care about other things except for us. They are probably worried that the admiral forbids this practice.”
Guanghui rubbed his temples and shook his head helplessly.
“No, if it goes on like this, it will really cause big trouble.” Shengli rubbed his temples and sat directly on the desk, his face tangled.
At this moment, the sound of dong dong sounded in front.
“Come in.” Guanghui packed up the documents and replied casually.
Hearing the sound, the door of the office was gently pushed open, and Serena, in a white navy uniform, walked into the room slowly.
“Report, a guest who claimed to be an old friend of the Governor visited the gate of the Governor’s Palace.”

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