Congratulations on your winning!
On the deep blue ocean, an armed boat with a length of 100 meters swayed with the waves. Dolphins wandered beside the boat, playing with the escorting girls.
On the deck of the armed boat, Wu Shiliu leaned on the silver-white railing, dragged his cheek with one hand, and his dark and deep eyes reflected a dilapidated armed boat.
“The inspection report has come out.” A voice without the slightest emotional ups and downs sounded.
A girl with waist-length straight white hair, a slightly rounded face, and a cute face, but no expression at all, held a stack of freshly released reports and reported them in a calm tone.
“Nanda, what’s the result of the test?” Wu Shiliu didn’t look back, but directly asked about the result of his secretary ship.
“The smoke on the surface of the hull was preliminarily determined to be the rubbing bombardment of the deep-sea expulsion A-class, and the sunken metal on the deck was determined to be a heavy punch of the deep-sea battle cruiser K-class according to the shape and deformation.
There was no sign of strong resistance on the armed boat. It was estimated that they had suffered more than ten times the enemy and were completely wiped out in the armed boat. However, except for the human corpse in the bedroom, no corpse was found. ”
Having said this, Nanda paused for a while, and her eyes flickered.
“According to the judgment of the assembled body and its residual mental fluctuations, the one who died was Colonel Cameron of Yana Island.”
Cameron Astia, a 41-year-old well-known colonel, is also one of the colonels in the Bohai region, that is, the direct jurisdiction of Wu Shiliu.
In other words, the deceased colonel was Wu Shiliu’s direct subordinate, and he was also the most powerful one among them.
That’s why Nanda showed a hint of surprise when she saw the judgment.
Wu Shiliu narrowed his eyes, looking at the faintly visible tulip pattern on the broken armed boat, his face became duller.
“Ah, although I saw that flag a little familiar, but I didn’t expect it to be really my good subordinate!”
Nanda stood silently behind Wu Shiliu, waiting quietly for Wu Shiliu to stabilize his emotions.
“Well, apart from this one armed boat, how many other armed boats have we found?”
“There are three in total.”
“It’s a coincidence, when I walked down this route, I actually encountered 3 ships that were attacked and killed by the deep sea, and also deliberately took away all the armed boats of the ship’s mother? And the islands along the road are all the same?”
Wu Shiliu’s eyes revealed a hint of playfulness. She came from Panama Island, crossed the Caspian Sea directly into the Red Sea region, and rushed to Turkmen Island, the capital of the Caspian Sea. She was also on one of the seven routes in the western part of the Caspian Sea.
Counting all the main routes in the Caspian Sea to Turkmen Island, there are at least 50 of them, and 1/50 of them found three colonels who died in battle.
If you count all the routes, how many colonel-level admirals will be killed in battle? I’m afraid it will reach the total number of colonels in the 7 Governor’s Sea Districts.
“The deep sea attacked the colonel on a large scale, but the islands around the world were peaceful. Even the turmoil after the death of the governor was only a small wave. The problem on the Caspian Sea is huge!”
The corners of Wu Shiliu’s mouth curled slightly, and there was a hint of playfulness in his eyes.
“Do you need to take action?” Nanda said succinctly, her expressionless face looking cold at the moment.
“Don’t worry about it, anyway, I’m just a subordinate who is not very pleasing to the eye, compared to the loss of those guys… hum hum~~”
“But you can’t just let it go. Let me know. The number of ships in the battle for the sea area will be cancelled. Let them bring all the troops, so that they don’t die in this sea.”
“No matter who made the move, as long as the competition for the sea area continues, it will be revealed sooner or later. What we have to do is to investigate on Turkmen Island.”
Wu Shiliu glanced at the broken armed boat below, turned his head, and stretched lazily.
“I’m a little tired, Nanda, quickly take off your clothes and warm me up. I’m going to sleep until I arrive at Turkmenistan.”
“Can I ask you to die immediately, Admiral?”
After dozens of minutes, the fiery red armed boat wasIn the dull whistle sound, they set sail again, leaving only the broken ship with the pattern of tulips floating on the sea.
Next to the Jianniang dormitory on Lexington Island, it is located in a room of one of the new dormitories that has just been opened.
Drop drop! The alarm sounded continuously.
Shortly after the alarm sounded, a long, fair arm protruded from the quilt, grabbed the watermelon-shaped alarm clock, and shrunk into the quilt.
“It’s 10 o’clock? It’s still early, it’s still early, sleep a little longer.”
“Hey! 10 o’clock!!!”
A terrified scream suddenly sounded.
With a whimper, the duvet was suddenly opened, and Lu Xueying’s distressed face was exposed in the air. She straightened up with a carp and sat on the bed.
Then the girl gently jumped out of the bed, not even thinking about putting on her slippers, she walked barefoot to the hanger, grabbed the finely crafted Gothic maid dress, hesitated, and put it on her body.
“It’s over, it’s over, I’m 2 hours late, that bastard in Missouri will definitely kill me!!”
In a hurry, Lu Xueying came to the dressing table and lightly arranged her messy hair with her hands and feet. After she was done, she picked up the bottles and jars of maintenance cosmetics in front of her and smeared them on her face in order.
Even if it was 2 hours late, the importance of skin care in the girl’s heart was still above the terrible punishment.
In fact, to put it bluntly, why so many girls from rich families are born with beauty is not because they know how to take care of themselves since childhood.
So, behind every ‘goddess’, there are a bunch of ‘maintenance secrets’.
After the necessary maintenance measures were completed, Lu Xueying put on special small leather shoes, looked in the mirror, and after confirming it was correct, rushed to the office building of the guard house.
‘Half-year maid internship. ‘ This is the assessment task of Lu Xueying, a new admiral.
The Governor of Konghai, Lionheart King, who signed the document, and the assessor in charge of the assessment was the new chief maid of the Lexington Island garrison.
Although she didn’t understand that a good admiral’s assessment would become a maid, and it was directly approved by the governor, with a prototype ship as the assessment officer, but she wanted to have an inseparable relationship with the great Missouri.
‘I’ve wanted a maid for a long time~! ! ’ – BY: Missouri
In fact, the most ruthless thing is that her so-called secretary ship gave the Governor and the Colonel Zhou of Lexington Island some PY deal.
All in all, now on the east side of Lexington Island, a new island is under development, and the future will be her guardian mansion.
And her direct jurisdiction has also been transferred from the Kukai Governor’s Mansion to the name of the Lexington Guard Mansion, so she is now the fat on the chopping board, playing with that Colonel Zhou at will, and if she is a little careless, she will go back to elementary school to rebuild The ending was extremely embarrassing.
After hurrying up, Lu Xueying stepped into the office building and rushed towards the Admiral’s Office.
According to yesterday’s schedule, her task today should be to clean the admiral’s room. The time is 8:00 to 8:30, and it is finished before Yu 9:00.
‘Speaking of which, after being late today, I guess you want me to warm the bed again? ’
Thinking of the aggrieved future, Lu Xueying felt bleak in her heart, she didn’t understand at all, does Lexington Island, which is always summer like in summer, need a maid to warm the quilt?
Arriving at the admiral’s room, Lu Xueying began to take a deep breath, in case she ran away after being made trouble.
After standing for 3 minutes, she pushed open the door of the admiral’s room.
“Hey, let’s see, who is the last person… ah? Xiao Xueying?”
Looking at Yu with a surprised face in front of her, Lu Xueying said blankly.
“What happened, Dad?”
“The tickets for Yiyuan’s concert in Turkmen Island sent by Victory have just been decided on the last person.”
Yu waved his hand, and threw a biological computer, revealing beautiful blue and white tickets.
“So, congratulations on your winning, my cheap daughter!”

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