Following the end of the concert, the audience left the hall reluctantly under the command of the staff one after another.
The lingering warmth of the atmosphere prompted the audience to gather outside the hall to chat, laugh, and communicate. At the same time, they also stopped to spend at the souvenir stalls, which made the vendors who paid a lot of management fees rejoiced.
Behind the stage, in the corridor pulled up by the cordon, everyone who left the concert venue walked along the corridor under the leadership of Victory.
Indistinctly, the advancing girls surrounded Yuu and Wu Shiliu, looking like they were ready to do anything at any time.
At this moment, the black-haired, black-eyed girl with beautiful eyes exhaled, her brows with a hint of charm in her face, and her exposed skin was moist and lustrous, as if she had just gone through a long-distance running. generally.
“Hey, Dad, what massage technique did you use just now?”
Wu Shiliu naturally hugged Yu’s right arm, and the plumpness was slightly deformed due to the pressure. She raised her head slightly, looked at Yu’s profile face, and smiled sweetly.
Wu Shiliu, who was accustomed to being protected by the ship girl, subconsciously ignored Lexington’s defense against her. In her opinion, it was normal for them to protect Yuu as the ship girl, so she naturally didn’t care.
As for the girls who saw Wu Shiliu’s actions, their expressions suddenly changed slightly, and they almost couldn’t hold back their intention of directly attacking.
Fortunately, Yu, who discovered this, made a gesture to everyone, and then quietly calmed down their thoughts.
“What is the effect of the massage techniques recorded in Su Wen: Blood Qi Formation?” Yu naturally felt the soft body of the girl beside him, and there was a hint of teasing in his eyes.
He is very aware of Wu Shiliu’s current state. For ordinary people, the infusion of vitality is a comfortable enjoyment like soaking in a hot spring. If he persists for a long time, it can improve his physique and lifespan.
However, it is not without a price, and the addictiveness like a poppy is one of its many costs.
The reason why the ancient alchemists in the Godkiller world liked to dig into the deep mountains and forests and practice in seclusion is naturally because of this addictive ingredient.
For the sensitive physique of the girl next to Yu, this is no longer a problem of addiction, but a problem of being directly drugged.
Even now, Yu can smell a faint fishy smell like simple and elegant sandalwood in the air.
“The effect is pretty good, I feel like my whole body is refreshed!” Wu Shiliu stretched lazily. She had never felt so comfortable in her body before.
Years of reviewing documents caused the somewhat stiff right hand and spine to return to their youthful softness, as if returning to the youthful years of twenty-eight years ago ten years ago, full of endless vitality.
“That’s good!!!” Yu narrowed his eyes, turned his head, and saw the front.
At this moment, Victory, who had his hands behind his back and walked with graceful steps like a cat’s walk, turned his head curiously.
“Is massage really as comfortable as you said?”
“You can try it yourself. At least I think it’s much better than Mom’s… Japanese massage.”
Wu Shiliu’s expression was slightly stiff, and he changed his mouth somewhat unnaturally. Not long after the words fell, she glanced at the people around her with some caution, and when she realized that no one cared about her slip of the tongue, she immediately breathed a sigh of relief.
Just now, she almost told the massage that Bi Chicheng gave her when she was accidentally injured at the age of 7 or 8, which almost scared her to death.
‘Sure enough, what a mistake to say! ! ’
“Eh? Commander’s massage, how effective is it?” Lexington tilted his head slightly, looking at Yu’s back with some doubts.
“Chinese massage? It looks like I haven’t tried it.” Guanghui raised his plain hand, and lowered his chin slightly with his index finger.
“Never mind, you’ll know when you try it once.” Shengli turned around, hands on his hips, frowned slightly, and looked at Yu seriously.
“Okay, I have no opinion, everyone can do it once.” You narrowed his eyes, raised his hand with a smile, and made a gesture of surrender. How could he have time for such a cheap thing.
“Then it’s settled, don’t go back on it, or Zhang, be careful I bomb the admiral’s room!”
Seeing the weird smile on Yuu’s face, Seungri subconsciously waved his small fist and opened his mouth to threaten. Although Yu felt a little ill-intentioned, the confident goddess of victory would not choose to back down.
“Can Ruihe count as a share?” Xianghe put his hands together and looked at Yuu apologetically.
“Of course you can.” Yu raised her eyebrows, remembering Rui He’s extremely guarded appearance, and the corners of her mouth curled slightly..
“Then I’ll ask the Admiral.” Xiang He bowed slightly with a smile on his face.
“Shokaku likes to take care of Zuihe as always!”
“Don’t you take good care of Saratoga yourself, Lexington?”
“Gaga? She’s just a child.”
“Then Ruihe is the same!”
Amidst the girl’s bickering, the group came to the door with the lounge number, and stopped.
Sheng Sheng, who was walking in front, raised his hand and knocked on the door lightly, making a thumping sound.
“As promised, I’ll bring Commander here!!!”
Seungri raised his voice and shouted into the room, then retreated to Yu’s side.
“It seems to be the voice of victory?”
“Eh! Has it come yet?”
“I’m going to open the door!!”
“Remember to check the password!!”
A girl’s conversation sounded from the door.
Accompanied by the footsteps of bang bang bang, the door was pulled open little by little, and a small head stuck out of it.
A set of sky blue soft long straight broken hair, the ends are slightly curled, with a natural beauty like a big ripple, a small sea blue hat is fixed on the head, with a natural and cute face that makes people look comfortable and natural With a dumbfounded expression.
The girl’s onyx-like pure and flawless eyes blinked blankly, looking at everyone with curious eyes.
“Oh! Sister Eugen said she wanted to correct the password!!”
“Hmm, let’s correct the password.”
The girl who stuck her head out nodded to herself, then stared blankly at Yu, and murmured.
Yu raised her eyebrows and looked at Victory beside her.
Victory’s expression froze, his face flushed slightly, he couldn’t help but took a few steps back, lowered his head, and looked at Yuu with a twisted expression.
“Forgot? Or didn’t remember at all?” Looking at Victory who nodded lightly in front of him, the corner of You’s mouth twitched slightly and turned his head. He thought for a while, looked at the familiar girl in front of him suspiciously, and said tentatively.
“Eugen Eugene?”
“Huh?” The girl blinked blankly, her little head retracted inside the door, and asked towards the back room.
“That, Sister Eugen, is the password Eugen Eugen?”
“Co-author, you don’t know the password?” XN
The group said speechlessly.
At the same time, there was also the sound of Peng Peng falling to the ground from the lounge inside the door. Then, a screeching sound suddenly sounded.
“Idiot Quincy, the password is Quincy Quincy Quincy!!! It’s your name!!!!”

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